LL-L "Education" 2012.09.13 (01) [EN]
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Thu Sep 13 17:41:17 UTC 2012
L O W L A N D S - L - 13 September 2012 - Volume 01
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From: Edwin Alexander edsells at cogeco.ca <isaacmacdonalddavis at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Education" 2012.09.12 (03) [EN]
On 12/09/2012 4:28 PM, Isaac M. Davis wrote:
I don't know about Québec families sending kids to school in the US (and in
fact, I highly doubt that would happen outside of an extremely small group
of very affluent Anglophones, living in Upper Westmount), but in western
Québec, which is very rural, very bilingual, and so strongly opposed to
separatism that French-speakers don't even identify themselves as
'Francophone' (which has become something of a buzzword), but rather as
'French', it is quite common to pretend that kids, particularly of high
school age, live with relatives on the Ontario side of the border, so they
can go to school in the nearest Ontario community, in this case usually
Pembroke, Ontario. I think for convenience's sake, they'll live with said
relative during the week, during the school year, and the rest of the time,
they're back home in Pontiac County. This has been going on for years,
though, and has to do with the general neglect the area receives at the
hands of the province, rather than any recent nationalist developments.
Very interesting. We sent our daughter to French immersion here in
Hamilton, but do you think we could get her to speak it around here?
Ed Alexander
From: "Anja Meyfarth" <aurinel at spray.se>
Subject: LL-L "Education" 2012.09.12 (02) [EN]
As a matter of fact there is a new discussion going on. When you send your
child/ren to a danish school it means that you see yourself as a part of
the danish minority. So parents are expected to learn danish as well (that
is what keeps some parents away from danish schools). The danish school
association has a policy that, if you take one child out of the danish
school, siblings have to leave, too. It is now in the discussion that this
policy has to be stopped.
As the SSW (the party of the Danish Minority) is part of the cabinet in
Schleswig-Holstein, it will be interesting to see how that will influence
the education system here.
Greetings from Kiel,
Anja Meyfarth
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Education
A while back there was talk about many Germans sending their children to
Danish schools because of the supposed excellence of the Danish education
Is that still going on?
Seattle, USA
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