LL-L "Resources" 2014.01.20 (01) [EN-FR]
lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 20 18:13:42 UTC 2014
L O W L A N D S - L - 20 January 2014 - Volume 01
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From: Roger Thijs rogerthijs at yahoo.com
Subject: LL-L Resources
In the bookshops this month: a special issue of "Dossiers pour la Science"
(Nr. 82, Jan-March 2014) about the Evolution of languages.
It is in French, titled: "L'évolution des langues" and has 120 pp.
The first 16 introductory pages can be browsed at:
The contents are on page 2-3.
The paper copy is in the shops for EUR 8:20 in Belgium, EUR 6.95 in France
and CAD 11.50 in Canada.
It can also be ordered for EUR 5:80 as pdf at:
I attach their tree of the Indo-European languages as home-scanned pdf to
this message.
They put the split within germanic languages as of 1750 years ago
and the first split within indo-european languages 8700 years ago.
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