Does anyone know these?...
R. Joe Campbell
campbel at
Fri Nov 26 00:49:35 UTC 1999
I agree with Leonel's implicit enjoyment of Book 11 of the Florentine=
Codex and Professor Dibble's explicit liking of it. The vocabulary supplie=
below benefits from re-consultation with it, harvesting the xochicualli of =
years of labor invested by Professors Dibble and Anderson.
Best regards
same as itzcuincuani (dog-eater) =3D ringtail
kind of coyote
calxoch =20
pocket gopher
ixmatlatototl b
a bird that goes "campa uee"
(the name imples that it looks like it has a net on its face)
tolcomoctli b
American bittern
amanacoche b
yacatexotli b
ruddy duck
tzitzihua b
pintail (duck)
nacaztzone b
eared grebe (same as yacapitzahuac)
tzonyayauhqui b
kind of duck (black head, white breast, "tastes like bacon")
achalalactli b
Stroptoceryle alcyon alcyon (cf. Martin del Campo)
huactli b
black-crowned night heron or laughing falcon
tachitohuia b
small green bird that goes "tachitohuia" =20
tapalcatzotzonqui b
same as chichtli or tlalchicuahtli =3D barn owl
tlathuicicitli b
wren (tlathui =3D [to] dawn; -cicitli?)=20
[sings before dawn -- awakens people]
nochtototl b
common house finch
[eats tuna; has a red head]
coyoltototl b
same as acatzanatl (tzanatl =3D grackle)
[sings like a bell; lives in the reeds] =20
atoncuepotli b
same as ateponaztli or atapalcatl =3D American bittern
[when it sings, it sounds as if someone beat the two-toned drum]
occurrences in the Florentine Codex:
(there are a few bits of chaff included in this list)
1. *achalalactli*:.
achalalactli (b.11 f.4 p.38).=20
2. inic motocayotia *achalalactli*, iuh tlatoa: cha, cha cha,
chuchu, chala chala, chala:.
it is named achalalactli because it sings thus: cha, chacha,
chuchu, chala chala chala. (b.11 f.4 p.38).=20
3. oc cenca amehuan namechnotza, namechtzatzilia in antecpipiltotonti:
auh in *antotlatzitzihuan* in anpipiltin, in antlatocapipiltin:
in anociuhtia, in mixitl, in tlapatl, in teihuinti, in
teixmalacacho in octli, in ayectli, in acualli:.
"i speak, i cry out especially to you, ye who are lords,
and ye who are our uncles, ye who are noblemen, ye who
are the sons of rulers, that ye leave alone the jimson
weed, which maketh one drunk, confoundeth one; the pulque,
which is evil, bad. (b.6 f.6 p.70).=20
4. ihuan itoca *atoncuepotli*, ihuan ateponaztli:.
also its name is atoncuepotli and ateponaztli. (b.11 f.4
5. inic motocayotia *atoncuepotli*: inic tlatoa zan cen, in
hualcaquizti; xittoncueponi, cenca caquizti..
for this reason is it called atoncuepotli: when it sings,
it is clearly heard to explode; it is very loud. (b.11
f.4 p.33).=20
6. *atoncuepotli*: no itoca atapalcatl,.
the atoncuepotli is also called atapalcatl. (b.11 f.6
7. inic motocayotia *atoncuepotli*: inic tlatoa, iuhquin aca
it is named atoncuepotli because, when it sings, it is
as if someone beat the two-toned drum. (b.11 f.6 p.57).=20
8. quinamaca in chilchotl, in milchilli, in tonalchilli, in
*atzitzihua*, in tochmilcayotl, in huaxtepecayotl, in michhuacayotl,
in anahuacayotl, in cuextecayotl, in chichimecayotl,.
he sells green chilis, sharp-pointed red chilis, a late
variety, those from atzitziuacan, tochmilco, muaxtepec,
michoacan, anauac, the muaxteca, the chichimeca. (b.10
f.4 p.67).=20
9. tonalchilli, *atzitzihuacayotl* chilli, chiltecpin, texiochilli,
chilcoztli, cohuixcayotl chilli,.
hot chilis, chili from atzitziuacan, small chilis, chili
powder, yellow chili, chili from the couixca, (b.8 f.4
10. *azcalcoyotl*:.
azcalcoyotl (b.11 f.1 p.8).=20
11. inic motocayotia *azcalcoyotl*: in ihcuac choca: iuhquin
centzontli coyotl, choca, cequi tlatomahua, cequi tlapitzahua,
cequi pipitzca..
for this reason is it called azcalcoyotl: when it howls,
it howls like many coyotes--some in a full voice, some
in a high-pitched one, some in a wail. (b.11 f.1 p.8).=20
12. *azcalxochitl*, iuhquin tolin.
the azcalxochitl is like the tolin. (b.11 f.20 p.209).=20
13. ihuan itoca tepanchichi, ihuan itoca tepanmamal, ihuan itoca
its names are also tepanchichi, and tepanmamal, and calxoch.
(b.11 f.2 p.17).=20
14. inic motocayotia *calxoch*: ipanpa in zan mochipa calitic
it is called calxoch because it always lives in the house.
(b.11 f.2 p.17).=20
15. inic motocayotia *camaxihxiqui*: in manel ce hanega etl,
mochi quitquiz, mochi quizacaz..
as for its being named camaxixiqui, even if it is a bushel
of beans, it takes all of it, it carries off all of it.
(b.11 f.2 p.18).=20
16. *camaxiquipile*, anozo camaxixiqui:.
it is the cheek-bagged one; or the cheek-bags. (b.11 f.2
17. *camaxitecuilli*.
vocal cords (b.10 f.6 p.108b).=20
18. camaxiquipile, anozo *camaxixiqui*:.
it is the cheek-bagged one; or the cheek-bags. (b.11 f.2
19. *coyoltototl*:.
coyoltototl (b.11 f.6 p.50).=20
20. ic motocayotia *coyoltototl*:.
hence is it named coyoltototl. (b.11 f.6 p.50).=20
21. *cuitlamiztli*:.
cuitlamiztli (b.11 f.1 p.6).=20
22. inic motocayotia, *cuitlamiztli*, in ocacic centetl mazatl,
as for its being named cuitlamiztli: when it reaches a
deer, it attacks it. (b.11 f.1 p.6).=20
23. ic mitoa *cuitlamiztli*: ipampa xixicuin ihuan ipampa in
amo motlatia.
hence it is called cuitlamiztli; because it is a glutton,
and because it does not hide itself away. (b.11 f.1 p.6).=20
24. ca zan ye no yeh in *cuitlamiztli*:.
it is the same as the cuitlamiztli. (b.11 f.1 p.6).=20
25. inic motocayotia *cuitlamiztli*: in yohualtica huallauh
in cahcalla:.
as for its being named [itzcuinquani], at night it goes
forth to the settlements. (b.11 f.1 p.6).=20
29. ic ome capitulo, oncan mitoa: in tetzahuitl catca, in zan
necoc tlachiaya: in iuhqui catca, in ihcuac quicaquia,
in tzatzia *huactli*: ihuan in tlein quichihuaya, pochteca
in ihcuac cana iuhqui otlica, in impan mochihuaya in anozo
impan tzatzia..
second chapter, in which is related the evil omen which
they regarded in two ways: so it was when they heard that
the white hooded hawk cried out; and what the merchants
did when somewhere on the road such befell them; perhaps
it cried out at them. (b.5 f.1 p.153).=20
30. no ihuan, quitetzammatia: in ihcuac aca ipan huehuetzca,
likewise they considered it an omen of evil when the white
hooded hawk screeched at someone. (b.5 f.1 p.153).=20
31. auh intla pochteca, oztomeca, nenemini: iuhqui impan omochiuh,
in impan ohuehuetzcac *huactli*: quitoaya. ahzo, ye itla,
commonamictizque: ahzo ye ontlaatoctizque:.
and if it were merchants, vanguard merchants, wayfarers,
whom it befell that at them the white hooded hawk laughed,
they said that perhaps now they should come upon something,
or their goods would be carried away by the water, (b.5
f.1 p.153).=20
32. auh aocac ontlamati, aocac itlamatia, intla iuhqui impan
mochihua, in iuhqui in oquintetzahui *huactli*..
but no one worried or speculated whether it might befall
them as the white hooded hawk had foreboded to them. (b.5
f.1 p.155).=20
33. *huactli*:.
black-crowned night heron (b.11 f.4 p.39).=20
34. inic motocayotia *huactli*: iuhqui in huactli itlatol, quichihua:
huac, huac:.
it is named uactli because its song is like uactli: it
makes [the sound] uac, uac. (b.11 f.4 p.39).=20
35. inic motocayotia huactli: iuhqui in *huactli* itlatol, quichihua:
huac, huac:.
it is named uactli because its song is like uactli: it
makes [the sound] uac, uac. (b.11 f.4 p.39).=20
36. inin *huactli*: in omoteneuh cihuatl..
what is told of this black-crowned night heron [applies
to] the hen. (b.11 f.4 p.39).=20
37. auh in oquichtli *huactli*: amo cenca huei, zan cualton
ihuan zan mochi ixnextic in ihhuiyo..
but the male blackcrowned night heron is not very large
--only of average size, and all of its feathers are ashen.
(b.11 f.4 p.39).=20
38. *huactli*:.
laughing falcon (b.11 f.5 p.42).=20
39. iyetlachihua, ca tlamatiloa, huel quinamictia, xochyo huei
nacazio, chapopohyo, *huahcalxochyo*, tlilxochyo, mecaxochyo,
nanacayo, poyomayo, itziyeyo..
[the seller] prepares tobacco, rubs it in his hands, mixes
it well with flowers, with uei nacaztli, with bitumen,
with uacalxochitl, with tlilxochitl, with mecaxochitl,
with mushrooms, with poyomatli, with "obsidian tobacco."
(b.10 f.5 p.88).=20
40. in *icamaxitecuil*: ontlamantli xixiquipilteuhca:.
its pouches are like two bags. (b.11 f.2 p.18).=20
41. *ixmatlatototl*:.
ixmatlatototl (b.11 f.3 p.26).=20
42. inic motocayotia *ixmatlatototl*: achi huel iuhqui in totlatol
it is called ixmatlatototl because [its song] is almost
like our own speech. (b.11 f.3 p.26).=20
43. huel xonmixtzayana, quenin toltecati, quenin amantecati,
quenin tlatlamachicuiloa, quenin tlatlapalpoa, quenin tlatlapalaquia,
in *mopitzitzihuan*, in motecuiyotzitzihuan, in toteucyohuan,
in cihuapipilti:.
open thine eyes well as to how to be an artisan, how to
be a feather worker; how to judge colors; how to apply
colors [to please] thy sisters, thy ladies, our honored
ones, the noblewomen. (b.6 f.8 p.96).=20
44. huel xonmixtzayana, quenin toltecati, quenin amantecati,
quenin tlatlamachicuiloa, quenin tlatlapalpoa, quenin tlatlapalaquia,
in mopitzitzihuan, in *motecuiyotzitzihuan*, in toteucyohuan,
in cihuapipilti:.
open thine eyes well as to how to be an artisan, how to
be a feather worker; how to judge colors; how to apply
colors [to please] thy sisters, thy ladies, our honored
ones, the noblewomen. (b.6 f.8 p.96).=20
45. yoyin in otechmozcaltilitiaque, in *motecuiyotzitzihuan*,
in toteucyohuan in cihuapipilti, in ilamatlaca in tzoniztaque,
in cuaiztaque:.
thy lords, our lords, the noble women, the old women,
the white-haired ones, the white-headed ones reared us
in such a manner as this. (b.6 f.9 p.101).=20
46. auh in quihuapahua, in quimizcaltia in *motlachihualtzitzihuan*:
tlacuitlaticehua, tlacuecuechca:.
"and those whom they rear, whom they nourish, thy creations,
are all blanched, all trembling in fear." (b.6 f.1 p.8).=20
47. ca izcatqui in intzontecon in imelchiquiuh ipatiuh omochiuh,
in *motlatzitzihuan*, pochteca, hiyaque in nahualoztomeca,
in teyahualoani in yaopan, in aintlaaxcahuil, in intonehuiliz,
in inchichinaquiliz omochiuh, in aintlaacuiuh,.
behold what became the reward of the heads [and] breasts
of thy beloved uncles, the outpost merchants, the disguised
merchants, the spying merchants in warlike places: this
which was not theirs [but] became [the reward] of their
starvation, their fatigue. (b.9 f.1 p.5).=20
48. ca oquichiuhque in intequiuh in *motlatzitzihuan*, in mexica,
in pochteca, in oztomeca:.
for thy uncles, the mexicans, the merchants, the vanguard
merchants, have fulfilled their charge. (b.9 f.1 p.6).=20
49. ca cequintin ipan omictiloque, oquitzauctiaque in *motlatzitzihuan*,
some were slain because of it; they ambushed thy beloved
uncles, the disguised merchants. (b.9 f.2 p.23).=20
50. ihuan *nacaztzone*,.
also [it is called] nacaztzone. (b.11 f.4 p.37).=20
51. auh inic motocayotia *nacaztzone*: achi huiac in ihhuiyo,
in inacaztlan manni, icuexcochtlampa itztimani: cuappachtic,.
and it is named nacaztzone because its feathers which
are over its ears, inclined toward the back of its neck,
are somewhat long, tawny. (b.11 f.4 p.37).=20
52. *nicxelhuazhuia*.
I part it (b.10 f.6 p.100b).=20
53. *nochtototl*:.
nochtototl (b.11 f.5 p.48).=20
54. ic motocayotia *nochtototl*, in cuachichiltic; ihuan itzintenpan
chichiltic. oc cenca ipampa; in huel itlacual nochtli..
it is named nochtototl because the head is chili-red and
its rump is bordered with chili-red; especially because
its real food is tuna. (b.11 f.5 p.48).=20
55. quimilhui. *notlatzitzihuane*, pochtecae, oztomecae: oanquimihiyohuilti=
he said to them: [o my beloved uncles, o merchants, o
vanguard merchants, you have suffered fatigue. (b.9 f.1
56. auh niman quimilhui. *notlatzitzihuane*: oanquihiyohuique,
and then he said to them: "o my beloved uncles, you have
suffered fatigue; you are spent." (b.9 f.1 p.5).=20
57. *tachitohuia*:.
tachitohuia (b.11 f.5 p.46).=20
58. inic motocayotia *tachitohuia*: ca itlatol ca quitoa inin
tlatolli: tachitohuia..
it is named tachitohuia because of its song, because its
song says tachitohuia. (b.11 f.5 p.46).=20
59. inic motocayotia tachitohuia: ca itlatol ca quitoa inin
tlatolli: *tachitohuia*..
it is named tachitohuia because of its song, because its
song says tachitohuia. (b.11 f.5 p.46).=20
60. in aquin quitta itloc yatiuh, tlatotiuh: quichiuhtiuh *tachitohuia*..
whomever it sees, it comes along with him, singing as
it goes; it goes along making [the sound] tachitohuia.
(b.11 f.5 p.46).=20
61. *tapalcatzotzonqui*:.
tapalcatzotzonqui (b.11 f.5 p.47).=20
62. ic motocayotia *tapalcatzotzonqui*: in itlatol, ca iuhquinma
aca tapalcatl, quitzotzona: in manoce quicacalatza,.
it is named tapalcatzotzonqui because its call is as if
one struck potsherds, or rattled them. (b.11 f.5 p.47).=20
63. *teccizhuacalxochitl*:.
teccizuacalxochitl (b.11 f.20 p.209).=20
64. tlacaciuhqui, techannemini, *tehuicalxoch*, tehuihuicani,
it is domesticated, a house-dweller, a favorite companion,
a constant companion, which follows running. (b.11 f.2
65. ihuan itoca *tepanchichi*, ihuan itoca tepanmamal, ihuan
itoca calxoch..
its names are also tepanchichi, and tepanmamal, and calxoch.
(b.11 f.2 p.17).=20
66. inic motocayotia *tepanchichi*: ipampa in tepamitl iitic,
in itech nemi..
it is called tepanchichi because it lives in the walls
[and] by the walls. (b.11 f.2 p.17).=20
67. ihuan itoca tepanchichi, ihuan itoca *tepanmamal*, ihuan
itoca calxoch..
its names are also tepanchichi, and tepanmamal, and calxoch.
(b.11 f.2 p.17).=20
68. inic motocayotia *tepanmamal*: ipanpa in quicohcoyonia,
in quiquihquizoa tepamitl, in caltechtli..
it is called tepanmamal because it bores holes in, it
penetrates walls--the house walls. (b.11 f.2 p.17).=20
69. *tepilcamaxitecuilli*.
labia (b.10 f.7 p.124a).=20
70. *tlapalhuacalxochitl*;.
tlapaluacalxochitl (b.11 f.21 p.209).=20
71. *tlathuicicitli*:.
wren (b.11 f.5 p.47).=20
72. inic motocayotia *tlathuicicitli*: itlatol..
it is named tlathuicicitli because of its song. (b.11
f.5 p.47).=20
73. inic caquizti itlatol: iuhquinma quitoa. *tlathuicicitli*:.
as it sounds its song, it is as if it says tlathuicicitli.
(b.11 f.5 p.47).=20
74. *tocamaxitecuil*.
our vocal cords (b.10 f.6 p.108b).=20
75. *tochnacazhuacalxochitl*,.
tochnacazuacalxochitl (b.11 f.21 p.209).=20
76. *tolcomoctli*:.
american bittern (b.11 f.4 p.33).=20
77. auh inic motocayotia *tolcomoctli*; inic tlatoa, iuhquin
and for this reason is it called tolcomoctli: as it sings,
it resounds. (b.11 f.4 p.33).=20
78. in yehuatl *tolcomoctli*: zan mochipa nican nemi tolla,
nican mopilhuatia:.
this american bittern always lives here in the reeds;
here it raises its young. (b.11 f.4 p.33).=20
79. in yehuatl in *tolcomoctli*: in yehuantin atlaca, mochipa
inneixcuitil mochihua: in ihcuac cenca tlatoa, in mochipa
cenyohual: ic quimati, ca ye huitz in quiyahuitl, cenca
quiyahuiz: ihuan cenca onyezque in mimichtin, in ye mochintin
atlan nemi..
for these water folk this american bittern is always a
portent; when it sings a great deal, always all night,
they know thereby that rains will come, it will rain much,
and there will be many fish --all manner of water life.
(b.11 f.4 p.33).=20
80. auh in ompa onoque, in yaomicque necuametl, *tzihuactli*,
and where the war dead were, there were the magueys, the
tziuactli plants, the mesquite groves. (b.3 f.3 p.49).=20
81. izcatqui in intlacual chichimeca: nopalli, nochtli, cimatl,
tlanelhuatl, *tzihuactli*, necuametl, iczoxochitl, iczoneneuctli,
meneuctli, xiconeuctli, pipioli, cuauhneuctli: ihuan in
tlein quiximati tlanelhuatl, in tlallan onoc, ihuan in
ye ixquich nacatl, tochin, coatl, mazatl, tecuani: ihuan
ixquich in patlantinemi..
the following is the food of the chichimeca: nopal, tuna,
roots of the cimatl herb, tziuactli cactus, honey, maguey,
yucca flowers, yucca sap, maguey sap, bee honey, wild bees,
wild honey; and the roots of which they had knowledge,
which were in the ground; and all the meats --rabbit, snake,
deer, wild animals; and all [things] which flew. (b.10
f.10 p.174).=20
82. *tzihuactli*.
tziuactli (b.11 f.21 p.218).=20
83. itoca, *tzihuactli*.
its name is tziuactli. (b.11 f.21 p.218).=20
84. *tzitzihua*:.
pintail (b.11 f.4 p.36).=20
85. inic motocayotia *tzitzihua*: in itzintenpan ixhuatimani,
in ihhuiyo: in inepantla in icuitlapil, cenca iztac, ome
mani, zan monepanotimani,.
it is named tzitziua because of the feathers growing from
its rump; among its tail feathers are two very white ones,
located one above the other. (b.11 f.4 p.36).=20
86. *tzonyayauhqui*: cuatliltic, pepepetzca, pepetlani in icua
the head [feathers] are dark green. the head is black.
its head feathers are resplendent, shimmering. (b.11 f.3
87. in *tzonyayauhqui*: in xomotl, in tezoloctli: huei, atlan
the mallard, the xomotl, the te^=C7oloctli are sea-dwellers.
(b.11 f.3 p.27).=20
88. *tzonyayauhqui*:.
tzonyayauhqui (b.11 f.4 p.37).=20
89. inic motocayotia *tzonyayauhqui*, in itzontecon cenca tliltic,
huel iuhquin tecolli, iquechtlan ontlantica:.
it is named tzonyayauhqui because its head is very black,
much like charcoal, reaching to its neck. (b.11 f.4 p.37).=20
90. canauhtli: zan incentoca, in eliztac, in *tzonyayauhqui*,
in tezoloctli:.
duck is the collective name for the white-breast, the
mallard, the te^=C7oloctli. (b.11 f.6 p.57).=20
91. *xelhuaznanacatl*,.
xehuaznanacatl (b.11 f.13 p.131).=20
92. telpochtotolin, ichpochtotolin: maci, macontia, *xelhuazquiza*..
the young turkey cocks, the young turkey hens mature,
form air-sacs, develop wattles. (b.11 f.6 p.54).=20
93. yehuatl in motocayotia, *xelhuaztli*..
this one is called [the cloven one.] (b.11 f.2 p.10).=20
94. xexeltic, mimiltic, tzitziquiltic, iuhquin *xelhuaztli*
ic ca..
it is divided, cylindrical, scarified, like something
split. (b.11 f.13 p.131).=20
95. ihuan *yacatexotli*,.
also [it is called] yacatexotli. (b.11 f.4 p.36).=20
96. auh inic motocayotia *yacatexotli*: in iten texotic, patlactontli:.
it is named yacatexotli because its bill is light blue,
small, wide. (b.11 f.4 p.36).=20
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