'double' entries

Leonel Hermida leonelhermida at netc.pt
Fri Nov 26 15:22:16 UTC 1999

Many thanks to Joe for his marvellous help on the animal names.

As I have been collecting Nahuatl animal names during the last 2 months
(312 entries up to now - no borrowings from Spanish ), I found some
'double' entries I report here. If someone knows better about any of those,
please consider to share that information with me. Thank you.

Best wishes,

Here are the 'double' entries as of now (1999.11.26):

atapalcatl = atoncuepotli (1) = ruddy duck
ateponaztli = atoncuepotli (2) = American bittern

atotolin (1) = American bittern
atotolin (2) = American white pelican

txanatl (1) = thrush
txanatl (2) = grackle, slender-billed grackle

tlalcoyotl (1) = jackal which hides underground and digs
tlalcoyotl (2) = badger

pezohtli (1) = badger
pezotli (no -h-)(2) = coati

aztatl (1) = stork
aztatl (2) = heron

metzcanauhtli(1) = '(crescent) moon-duck' (maybe the same as following?)
metzcanauhtli (2) = blue-winged teal

axoquen (1) = a white bird
axoquen (2) = little blue heron

tapayaxin(1) = a lizard (perhaps said loosely of a salamander?)
tapayaxin(2) = salamander


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