
Asencion Garcia n8upb at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 7 14:08:17 UTC 2000

--- "Roman A. Surma" <roman_surma at mail.ru> wrote:
> Dear all!
> I am intresting in Nahuatl poetry for some years. Of
> course, I've found some
> excerpts in the books about Aztec culture, some in
> the Net. The problem is
> that I can not obtain sufficiently large corpus of
> texts to read.
> Is there a kind of public domain archive of such
> texts in the Internet? (I
> have tried 'Project Gutenberg' et al., but in vain.
> Also I can not order the
> book from bookstore site like 'Amazon.com', because
> having a credit card in
> Russia is too expensive pleasure).
> Can anybody help me in my searching?
>     Roman Surma, <roman_surma at mail.ru>
Dobi Roman !

Well my friend in Russia, try this site:


If that does not work just try:

www. aztecs.com

it should open a variety of  pages, thne look for the
nahuat'l language,,

Good luck


Cuitlahuac A. Garcia


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