speaking of -tl

david sanchez davius_sanctex at terra.es
Thu Jan 4 20:10:23 UTC 2001

> Does anyone know how the Kwakiutl pronounce their -tl?

Maddieson (Patterns of sound, 1984) gives the following list
of languages with lateral affricates:

Voiceless lateral:    Haida, Tlingit, Chipewyan, Nootka, Squamish, Navaho,
Wintu, Quileute.
Voiceless aspirated lateral:    Chipewyan, Kwakw'ala (Kwakiutl)
Palatalized voiceless lateral:    Kabardian!!!!
voiced lateral:    Haida, Tlingit

This seems to indicate that /tl/ in Kwakiutl is a pulmonic egressive
aspirated lateral affricate.

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