ineua & how-to-cite

rick dosan rich_photos at YAHOO.COM
Sat Jul 3 16:42:29 UTC 2004

I was wondering if there is any difference between ineua and inehua (with h).  And if it's in Karttunen's Dictionary, where is it? because I didn´t find it.  Is its root eua? And what is the sense that connects its two meanings "dar un mal golpe" (miss a blow) and "estar poseído por el demonio" (Be possessed by the devil).

I have a different kind of question, too.
Some of the questions I ask are related to my masters thesis.  And I wanted to know what is the normal practice for citing (quoting-  " ") here on the list.  Can we freely cite what is said?  Should we ask permission each time we want to cite something?  If we want to ask permission, should we ask it publicly, or directly to the person who we want to cite?

Thank you.

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