examples of tzictli -- Florentine

campbel at INDIANA.EDU campbel at INDIANA.EDU
Sun May 1 21:51:24 UTC 2005

Here are the examples from the Florentine:

1.  *itzic*.  zan ic nemintlapitzahua, itzic quitlatlatztzatinemi,
    she did nothing but talk in a loud voice; she went about snapping
    her chewing gum. <poss-tzictli> (b.4 f.9 c.28 p.95)
2.  *matzicol*.  in ahyectli conetontli ahcemelle ahonmanamic,
    teopoliuhqui, tencua, xocotonqui, matzicol, ihtlacauhqui,  the bad
    infant [is] unfit, without resistance to sickness, full of
    sickness, hare-lipped, lacking an arm, a leg, blemished.
    <ma:itl-tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-trunc> (b.10 f.1 c.3 p.13)
3.  *matzicolihui*.  inic aca itech quinehuaya, tlahuelilocati,
    tennecuilihui, ixnecuilihui, matzicolihui, icxicopichahui,
    icximimiqui, momacuecuetza, tencualacquiza:  when one was under
    their spell, possessed, one's mouth was twisted, one's face was
    contorted; one lacked use of a hand; one's feet were misshapen --
    one's feet were deadened; one's hand trembled; one foamed at the
    mouth. <ma:itl-tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a> (b.1 f.1 c.10 p.19)
4.  *matzicolihui*.  ihuan in aquin zan quipiqui, zan nempehua in
    matzicolihui, in tennecuilihui, in matzicolihui, icxiquicuecuetza:
    coni,  and one who is sluggish, [who] starts in vain, whose arms
    become paralyzed, whose mouth becomes twisted, whose arms become
    paralyzed, [whose] legs wobble -- he drinks it.
    <ma:itl-tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.175)
5.  *matzicolihui*.  ihuan in aquin zan quipiqui, zan nempehua in
    matzicolihui, in tennecuilihui, in matzicolihui, icxiquicuecuetza:
    coni,  and one who is sluggish, [who] starts in vain, whose arms
    become paralyzed, whose mouth becomes twisted, whose arms become
    paralyzed, [whose] legs wobble -- he drinks it.
    <ma:itl-tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.175)
6.  *matzicolihuiaya*.  inic aca itech quinehuaya, in tlahuelilocatia,
    tennecuilihuia, ixnecuilihuia, matzicolihuiaya, icxicopichahuia:
    icximimiquia, momacuecuetzaya, tencualacquizaya:  when someone was
    under their spell, he was possessed, his mouth was twisted, his
    face contorted, he lacked use of a hand, his feet were misshapen,
    his feet were deadened, his hand trembled, he foamed at the mouth.
    <ma:itl-tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1--ya3> (b.1 f.5 c.Ap p.72)
7.  *matzicolihuiya*.  ihuan in aca matzicolihuiya, ima quicuecuetza,
    icxi quicuecuetza, macopichahui, icxicopichahui, icxicuecuechca,
    ihixatotoco, tempapatlaca, tenhuihuiyoca, itech quinehua: mitoa,
    oquitlahuelique in xoxouhque tepicme.  and if one were lame in one
    hand, [if] his arm quivered, his leg quivered, a hand became
    misshapen, a foot became misshapen, his foot shook, his eyes
    trembled, his lips quivered, his lips trembled, if he were
    possessed, it was said, the green mountain gods had become angered
    by him. <ma:itl-tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a-ya3> (b.1 f.3 c.21
8.  *matzicolihuiz*.  ahzo aca tennecuilihuiz, tempatzihuiz,
    ixnecuilihuiz, ixhuitzalihuiz, iten papatlacaz, iten huihuiyocaz,
    yollotlahuelilotiz, itech quinehuaz, tencualacquizaz,
    matzicolihuiz, macopichahuiz, icxi quihuilanaz. etx.  perhaps one
    of them would have twisted lips, or a shrunken mouth; or be
    cross-eyed or of weak vision; or his lips would quiver or quake;
    or he would be maddened--a devil would possess him and he would
    foam at the mouth; or he would have withered, twisted arms; or be
    lame, etc. <ma:itl-tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a-z> (b.4 f.8 c.22
9.  *matzicoltic*.  amo mahuihuitlatztic, amo matzicoltic, amo
    macuecuetzin, amo mapiltotomactic,  he was not long-handed; he was
    not one-handed; he was not handless; he was not fat-fingered.
    <ma:itl-tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-tic> (b.2 f.2 c.24 p.67)
10.  *mitztzicololtiz*.  in iuhcan in cuauhtla, zacatla, in ahuacan,
    in tepehuacan, aocmo tle ic tontlapolotiaz, aoc tle ic
    tonixmamauhtiaz, tonixmimictiaz, aoc tle mitztzicololtiz, aoc tle
    mitzixtilquetzaz:  "in such places as forests, deserts, and
    cities, there is nothing to bring thee defeat, to frighten, daze,
    impede, or terrify thee.". <p32-tzictli-v03b-caus06--> (b.4 f.7
    c.18 p.64)
11.  *mocuatetzicoa*.  mocuatexoloxima, mocuatezonoa,
    motlatetecilhuia, amo mayochiqui, amo mayoichiqui, amo
    mocuacoconaloa, amo mocuatetzicoa.  their hair was shorn as if
    they were one's pages; their hair was cut; their hair was clipped;
    they were not clipped smooth like a gourd; they were not clipped
    bald like a gourd; their heads were not smooth like pots; they did
    not stick [hair] to the head. <p54-cua:itl--tzictli-v03b-caus06>
    (b.2 f.3 c.24 p.69)
12.  *motepetzichuia*.  in inecuayia, oncan motlahzalhuia
    motepetzichuia.  at its place of drinking raw maquey syrup, there
    it is noosed, it is caught with a wild chicle bait.
    <p54-tepe:tl-tzictli-v05b> (b.11 f.1 c.1 p.8)
13.  *motzictlatlatza*.  tziccuacua, motzictlatlatza,  she chews
    chicle -- she clacks chicle. <p54-tzictli--> (b.10 f.3 c.15 p.56)
14.  *motzictlatlatza*.  auh in cihua tlahueliloque in mitoa
    ahuiyanime, atle innemamachiliz, huel mixmana: inic mantinemi in
    tziccuacua, in otlica in tianquizco motzictlatlatza:  but the bad
    women, those called harlots, [show] no fine feelings; quite
    publicly they go about chewing chicle along the roads, in the
    market place, clacking like castanets.
    <p54-tzictli-dupl-tlatzi:ni-tza> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
15.  *nictzictilia*.  nictzictilia,  I solder it.
    <p11-p33-tzictli-v01a-caus04> (b.11 f.23 c.9 p.235)
16.  *ontzicolo*.  mochi tlacatl iuh connequi, in ma za huel
    onixpatlahua, onteyohua, onitauhcayohua, in maca tle ic
    onmopinauhti, ompinahuizcui, ompinahuiztlamati, ommomamati,
    ontzinquiza, ommixtilquetza, ic tehuicpa ontzicolo,  all persons
    wished that they be given recognition, fame, and distinction; that
    they might not, on the contrary, be shamed, receive blame, be
    embarrassed, confused, belittled, confounded, or excluded from
    others. <o:n-tzictli-v03b-caus06-lo:1> (b.4 f.11 c.37 p.122)
17.  *quitlatzicoltia*.  atle quitlazaloltia, atle quitlatzicoltia,
    nothing could he retain, nothing could he keep.
    <p33-p51-tzictli-v03b-caus06--> (b.4 f.1 c.2 p.8)
18.  *quitzicololtia*.  atle quitzicololtia, amo pipinonemi, ahcan
    tzinquizcatlayecoa,  nothing deterred him; he did not live in
    humiliation; nowhere did he turn tail in battle.
    <p33-tzictli-v03b-caus06--> (b.4 f.1 c.3 p.9)
19.  *tacanaltzictli*.  in tepetzictli tecanaltzictli, anozo
    tacanaltzictli: ca zan no iuhquin tzictli,  the mountain chicle,
    or wild chicle, is just like [ordinary] chicle. <--tzictli> (b.10
    f.5 c.24 p.90)
20.  *tecanaltzictli*.  in tepetzictli tecanaltzictli, anozo
    tacanaltzictli: ca zan no iuhquin tzictli,  the mountain chicle,
    or wild chicle, is just like [ordinary] chicle. <--tzictli> (b.10
    f.5 c.24 p.90)
21.  *tepetzictli*.  in tepetzictli tecanaltzictli, anozo
    tacanaltzictli: ca zan no iuhquin tzictli,  the mountain chicle,
    or wild chicle, is just like [ordinary] chicle. <tepe:tl-tzictli>
    (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.90)
22.  *tepetzictli*.  in tepetzictli: ca xihuitl inelhuayo itech
    quicui.  the mountain chicle is an herb; [the substance] is
    extracted from its root. <tepe:tl-tzictli> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.90)
23.  *tihual[t]lancuatzicolihuiz*.  ma achi tictoca: inin timitzilhuia
    intlacamo iuh ticchihuaz tihualixpopoyotiz,
    tihuallancuatzicolihuiz, tihualcocototzahuiz:  mayest thou in some
    way follow this which we tell thee; if thou dost not do thus, thou
    shalt become blind; thy knees, thy legs will become crippled.
    <p12-hua:l-tlani2-cua:itl-tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a-z> (b.9 f.5
    c.12 p.57)
24.  *titzicolo*.  ximotlapalo, ma timopinoquetz, ma titzicolo.  "be
    daring; be not timid because of shame; be not backward.".
    <p12-tzictli-v03b-caus06-lo:1> (b.1 f.1 c.12 p.25)
25.  *tlatzicoa*.  atle huel ic tlazaloya, atle huel ic tlaana, atle
    huel ic tlatzicoa,  so nothing would be retained; he could hold
    nothing; nothing would be kept;. <p51-tzictli-v03b-caus06> (b.4
    f.1 c.2 p.7)
26.  *tziccuacua*.  tziccuacua, motzictlatlatza,  she chews chicle --
    she clacks chicle. <tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.3 c.15 p.56)
27.  *tziccuacua*.  no yehuantin intech monequi in ye huel cihua in ye
    huel ichpopochti: ihuan mochin in cihua, in ichpopochti mixmana in
    tziccuacua.  also the mature women, the unmarried women use it;
    and all the women who [are] unmarried chew chicle in public.
    <tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
28.  *tziccuacua*.  in tecihuahuan no tziccuacua no tziccuacua yece
    amo mixmana:  one's wife also chews chicle, but not in public.
    <tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
29.  *tziccuacua*.  in tecihuahuan no tziccuacua no tziccuacua yece
    amo mixmana:  one's wife also chews chicle, but not in public.
    <tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
30.  *tziccuacua*.  no yehuanti in cacahualti, ihuan ilamatque
    tziccuacua, amo mixmana.  also the widowed and the old women do
    not, in public. <tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
31.  *tziccuacua*.  auh in cihua tlahueliloque in mitoa ahuiyanime,
    atle innemamachiliz, huel mixmana: inic mantinemi in tziccuacua,
    in otlica in tianquizco motzictlatlatza:  but the bad women, those
    called harlots, [show] no fine feelings; quite publicly they go
    about chewing chicle along the roads, in the market place,
    clacking like castanets. <tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
32.  *tziccuacua*.  inic tziccuacua cihua ipampa ic quiquixtia in
    imiztlac, ihuan ic mocamaahuialia, mocamahuelilia,  for this
    reason the women chew chicle: because thereby they cause their
    saliva to flow and thereby the mouths are scented; the mouth is
    given a pleasing taste. <tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
33.  *tziccuacua*.  ipampa in tziccuacua inic amo ihiyalozque.  thus
    they chew chicle in order not to be detested. <tzictli-dupl-cua:>
    (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
34.  *tziccuacua*.  in oquichtin no tziccuacua: inic quiquixtia
    imiztlac ihuan ic motlampaca: auh inin cenca ichtaca, zan niman
    amo mixmana.  the men also chew chicle to cause their saliva to
    flow and to clean the teeth, but this very secretly --never in
    public. <tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
35.  *tziccuacua*.  auh in aquin teixpan tziccuacua in toquichti
    cuitoyotl cahci, chimouhcayotl quinehuihuilia.  and the men who
    publicly chew chicle achieve the status of sodomites; they equal
    the effeminates. <tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.90)
36.  *tziccuacualiztli*.  auh in impaniti tziccuacualiztli in innemac,
    yehuantin in ichpopochtotonti, in ichpochtepitoton, in
    cihuapipiltotonti:  and the chewing of chicle [is] the preference,
    the privilege of the little girls, the small girls, the young
    women. <tzictli-dupl-cua:-liz> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
37.  *tziccuacualiztli*.  in cocoxque in intoca chimouhque: huel
    innemac, in tziccuacualiztli,  the chewing of chicle [is] the real
    privilege of the addicts termed "effeminates.
    <tzictli-dupl-cua:-liz> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
38.  *tziccuacuaz*.  quitoa, amo tziccuacuaz in otztli, ca in ihcuac
    tlacatiz piltontli: zan mach motentzotzopotzaz, zan mach
    tlacuacuaz: ic mitoa motentzoponiz, totomahuaz in itenxipal,  she
    said the pregnant woman should not chew chicle, for when the baby
    was born, its lips would be no more than perforated; its lips
    would thicken. <tzictli-dupl-cua:-z> (b.6 f.13 c.27 p.156)
39.  *tzicoliuhqui*.  anozo ixnextentlapallo, anoce ihhuitica
    tetecomayo, anozo itzmixicalcoliuhqui, ihuan tlazomaxtlatl, anoce
    tzicoliuhqui maxtlatl, ayacaichcayo, izazo quexquich
    tlazomaxtlatl,  or the ashen gray one with red eyes on the border;
    or with earthen jars designed in feathers; or with the obsidian
    arrow step design; and costly breech clouts -- perhaps the breech
    clout with twisted ends, [or] with cotton at the ends -- various
    kinds of costly breech clouts;.
    <tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.8 f.5 c.20 p.74)
40.  *tzicoliuhqui*.  quinamaca in nepapan ihhuitl, in tlazoihhuitl,
    quinamaca in quetzalli in chilchotic, in tzicoliuhqui in
    pilihhuitl.  he sells various feathers -- precious feathers; he
    sells fine green feathers, chili-green feathers, those curved at
    the tip, the feathers of young birds.
    <tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.10 f.4 c.16 p.61)
41.  *tzicoliuhqui*.  in iatlapaltitech onoc: inic centlamantli, in
    huel iiacol yacac ixhua: itoca tzicoliuhqui:  on its wing, one
    kind which grows at the very point of the wing-bend is called
    tzicoliuhqui. <tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.11 f.2 c.2
42.  *tzicoliuhqui*.  in quihualtoquilia itoca, tzicoliuhqui:  those
    which follow are called tzicoliuhqui [middle coverts].
    <tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-v03a-prt1-c2 +need:feather> (b.11 f.6 c.2
43.  *tzicoltic*.  zan cualton, tzintliltic, xoxohuic, achi tzicoltic.
    they are of average size, black at the base, flesh-colored,
    somewhat curved. <tzictli-v03b-caus06-l1-tic> (b.11 f.2 c.2 p.20)
44.  *tzictia*.  in ipan quitlaza iztac teocuitlatl ic caltia, ic
    tzictia.  they add it to silver [solder] to give it binding power,
    to make it adhere. <tzictli-v01a-v01b> (b.9 f.6 c.16 p.76)
45.  *tzictia*.  moneloa in tenextli, ic tzauctia, ic tzictia, ic
    tepitzahui.  It is mixed with lime; thus it becomes sticky, thus
    it becomes adhesive; thus it hardens. <tzictli-v01-v01b> (b.11
    f.24 c.12 p.255)
46.  *tzictic*.  itech quiztica in itoca tetl, ihuan zoquitl: ipampa
    ca tlacuahuac, tzictic, tepitztic, cuichehuac, tlilehuac,
    chapopotic,  its name comes from tetl [rock] and ‡oquitl [mud],
    because it is firm, gummy, hard; dark, blackish, bitumen-like.
    <tzictli-tic> (b.11 f.24 c.12 p.252)
47.  *tzictli*.  quinamaca tlapalhuatzalli, tlacuahuac tlapalli,
    tlapalnextli, nocheztli, zacatlaxcalli texotli, tetizatl, tlilli,
    tlacehuilli, tlalxocotl, axi, tzictli, tlaaxnelolli, tlahuitl,
    tlilxochitl, mecaxochitl huei nacaztli, teonacaztli, tlacuatl,
    tlacuacuitlapilli, xiuhtotonti tlanelhuatotonti, chapopohtli,
    tecopalli, copalli, nacazcolotl, quimichpatli, matlalin, tlaliyac,
    apetztli.  he sells dried pigment, bars of cochineal pigment,
    cochineal mixed with chalk or flour, [pure] cochineal; light
    yellow, sky blue pigment; chalk, lampblack, dark blue pigment;
    alum, axin, chicle, bitumen-mixed chicle, red ochre; tlilsochitl,
    mecaxochitl, uei nacaztli, teonacaztli; opossum, opossum tail;
    small herbs, small roots; bitumen, resin, copal; nacazcolotl,
    quimichpatli; a blue coloring made from blossoms; sulfate of
    copper, iron pyrites. <tzictli> (b.10 f.4 c.21 p.77)
48.  *tzictli*.  auh inin quicuacua itoca tzictli,  and what they chew
    [is] named chicle. <tzictli> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)
49.  *tzictli*.  in tepetzictli tecanaltzictli, anozo tacanaltzictli:
    ca zan no iuhquin tzictli,  the mountain chicle, or wild chicle,
    is just like [ordinary] chicle. <tzictli> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.90)
50.  *tzictli*.  auh in tzictli inic mocuacua: ca tetzontecon
    cuacuauhtilia, quicocoa in tetzontecon.  but the [other] chicle,
    when it is chewed, tires one's head; it gives one a headache.
    <tzictli> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.90)
51.  *tzitziccuacua*.  in oc cequintin cihuah in teixpan tzitziccuacua
    cihuatlahuelilocayotl cahci.  other women who constantly chew
    chicle in public achieve the attributes of evil women.
    <dupl-tzictli-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.89)

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