
Ian Mursell Ian.Mursell at BTINTERNET.COM
Tue May 10 17:00:28 UTC 2005

Thank you very much for this, Joe - much appreciated.

Mexicolore, London

> Ian,
>  *Just* from the point of view of the elements contained in 'tlaaxnelolli',
> it would seem not to refer literally to "bitumen" or "chicle".
>  'nelihui' -- "swirl"
>  'neloa' (causative) -- "stir, mix"
>  'tlanelolli' (patientive noun) -- "something which is mixed"
>  'a:xin' "insect which yields a secretion"
>  'tlaaxnelolli' -- "something which is mixed 'axinly'" (with axin)
> Molina's secretions of 'axin' are down below (along with those of the
> Florentine).
> Joe
> Quoting Ian Mursell <Ian.Mursell at BTINTERNET.COM>:
>> Could I just ask if you could throw any light on the word 'tlaaxnelolli'
>> which appears in translation as 'bitumen-mixed-chicle'?
> *a:xin***
> axcuahuitl.  . <a:xin-cuahuitl .ahd>. b.10 f.5
> axhuia , c-.  they put axin in it. <p33-a:xin-v05b>. b.10 f.5
> axhuia , m[o]-.  axin is provided, axin is applied. <p54-a:xin-v05b>.
>   b.10 f.5
> axhuia =nitla.  barnizar con este barniz. <p11-p51-a:xin-v05b>. 71m1-
>   3
> axhuia =nitla=onitlaaxhui.  vntar o embixar algo con cierto vnguento
>   que se llama axin. <a:xin-verb>. 71m2-2
> axhuiani =tla.  barnizador desta manera. <p51-a:xin-v05b-ni1>. 71m1-3
> axhuiliztli =tla.  barnizamiento tal. <p51-a:xin-v05b-liz>. 71m1-3
> axhuilli , tla-.  rubbed with axin. <p51-a:xin-v05b-l1>. b.10 f.5
> axhuilli =tla.  barnizada cosa, assi. <p51-a:xin-v05b-l1>. 71m1-3
> axi.  ; axin. <a:xin>. b.10 f.4
> axin.  . <a:xin>. b.10 f.5
> axin.  barniz de otra manera; cierto vnguento desta tierra. <a:xin>.
>   71m1-3
> axin.  axin. <a:xin>. b.3 f.1
> axio.  . <a:xin-yo:tl1>. b.10 f.8
> axixipetzcoa , m[o]-.  she repeatedly anoints herself with axin. <p54-
>   a:xin-dupl-xi?-petzcahui-caus06>. b.10 f.3
> axnelolli , tla-.  something which has axin mixed in. <p51-a:xin-
>   nelihui-caus06-l1>. b.10 f.4
> axneloltica , tla-.  with axin mixed in, by means of an axin mixture.
>   <p51-a:xin-nelihui-caus06--tica>. b.10 f.8
> axpetzcoa , m[o]-.  she anoints herself with axin. <p54-a:xin-
>   petzcahui-caus06>. b.10 f.3
> axtica.  with axin, using axin. <a:xin-ti1-ca2>. b.10 f.9
> copalaxtica.  using an unguent of burned copal incense. <copalli-a:xin-
>   ti1-ca2>. b.8 f.3
> tenaxhuilo , ne-.  there is applying of axin to the lips. <p53-te:ntli-
>   a:xin-v05b-lo:1>. b.10 f.5
> teoaxi.  . <teo:tl-a:xin>. b.10 f.9
> teohuaxi.  . <teo:tl-a:xin>. b.10 f.9
> tlilaxi.  . <tli:lli-a:xin>. b.10 f.8
> tlilaxio.  . <tli:lli-a:xin-yo:tl1>. b.10 f.8

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