
Henry Kammler h.kammler at EM.UNI-FRANKFURT.DE
Fri May 27 00:07:22 UTC 2005

OK, diachronically, it makes total sense if *-tla is the underlying form of 
/-tl(i)/ and then occurs in "fossilized" forms in compositions with 
monosyllabic roots like /o'tlatoka/ and /âtlakwi/. But then, what about 
reduplicated /âtlatlakwi/?

Mâ nikochi
Henry K.

Rikke Marie wrote:
I belive my teacher Una Canger told me that the -tla in òtla actually is the
pure form of the absolutive suffix. The -a- is normally not strong enough to
hold and usually transforms to an -i-. But in this particular incorporation
of òtli into ò-tla-toca, the -a- can hold its position.

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