Tula vs. Teotihuacan

Campbell, R Joe campbel at indiana.edu
Sat Dec 2 03:10:06 UTC 2006


    This is the only place in the Florentine Codex that "teotihua-" occurs.
Due to my not total eptness with Windows (thanks a lot, Bill), I am 
including below the fragment of text and I will send comments in a 
separate message.



     1151.  in izazanillo hi.
       this is its story.

     1152.  quil in iquin teotihuac in *teotihua*ya in yohuayan.
          quil nahuilhuitl in nezahualoc.
       it is said that when the god was made, when the god was
          formed, in the time of darkness, it is said, there
          was fasting for four days.

     1153.  quilmach yehuatl tonatiuh yezquia in metztli.
       It is said that the moon would be the sun.

     1154.  auh in oacic nahuilhuitl quil yohualtica in *teotihua*c.
       and when four days were completed, it is said, the god
          was made during the night.

     1155.  auh quilmach ihcuac tonatiuhtizquia in metztli. quil
          cenca huei in tletl motlali in mitoa teotlecuilco in
       and it is said that when the moon would be the sun, it
          is said, a very great fire was laid in the place called
          the gods' hearth, the turquoise enclosure.

     1156.  auh in ye imma in *teotihua*z. omotlali in cenca huei
          tletl in oncan oncholoz in oncan onhuetziz in metztli
          in onca quicuiz tleyotl mahuizyotl inic tonatiuhtiz.
       and when it was already time for the god to be made, there
          was laid the very great fire into which was to leap,
          was to fall the moon -- where he was to gain renown,
          glory; by which he would become the sun.

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