"internal silence"
Campbell, R Joe
campbel at indiana.edu
Thu Mar 1 19:04:03 UTC 2007
Quoting "John Sullivan, Ph.D." <idiez at mac.com>:
> Joetzin,
> I don't have my dictionary with me, but might there be a popoz-tli
> (or maybe a misspelled popoxtli, popotz-tli, popoch-tli) that upon
> the addition of -yoh or -yo would go to popozzo(h) / popoço(h)?
> John
(My keyboard's 'devoiced n' is really hard to see...) I liked your
idea of chasing the identity of the "-popozo" further, so I got out my
yellow marker and looked through the three Molinas and the Florentine.
I don't think any of the things that I found will help solve the
problem, but here they are.
I stripped prefixes off and postposed them with a comma; bracketed
letters indicate vowels that belong morphologically, but are deleted
Numbers refer to which Molina or which book of the Florentine.
espuma de esta¤o {71m1-11}
escoria de esta¤o {71m2-1}
espuma de esta¤o {55m-9}
;apopozoquillotia , m[o].
it foams << 1 1>>
espuma de agua {71m1-11}
espuma de agua {71m2-2}
espuma de agua {55m-9}
foam << 2 4>>
foam <<11 22>>
carrilludo {71m1-4}
ombre carrilludo o de grandes mexillas {71m1-16}
carrilludo {71m2-2}
ombre carrilludo o de grandes mexillas {55m-15}
carrilludo {71m1-4}
ombre carrilludo o de grandes mexillas {71m1-16}
carrilludo {71m2-2}
carrilludo {55m-3}
ombre carrilludo o de grandes mexillas {55m-15}
carrilludo {55m-3}
;castillan tlapalpopozo.
rosa flor y mata conocida {55m-17}
rosa flor y mata conocida {71m1-19}
;cemixtlilpopotz , mo.
his face was covered with soot << 1 2>>
;chapopoxahuaya , mo.
they painted their faces with bitumen << 8 3>>
espuma o escoria de oro {71m1-11}
espuma de oro {55m-9}
;elpopozahua , nin.
estomagarse enojarse {71m1-11}
estomagarse de enojo {71m2-5}
estomagarse enojarse {55m-9}
recently matured maidens << 2 4>>
unmarried girls << 4 11>>
young girls << 2 2>>
maidens << 2 3>>
virgins << 6 17>>
little girls <<10 5>>
young girls <<10 11>>
maidens << 6 9>>
;icxipopoxoa , nitla.
cauar la tierra o escaruarla con el pie, estando hablando con otro {71m1-5}
;[i]cxipopoxoa , nitla.
escaruar la tierra con los pies, estando hablando con otro {71m1-10}
;icxipopoxoa , nitla.
escaruar la tierra conel pie {71m2-6}
;[i]cxipopoxoani , tla.
cauador tal {71m1-5}
escaruador tal {71m1-10}
;[i]cxipopoxoliztli , tla.
cauadura desta manera {71m1-5}
escaruadura assi {71m1-10}
;[i]cxipopoxolli , tla.
cauada tierra assi {71m1-5}
escaruada tierra desta manera {71m1-10}
;[i]cxipopoxoqui , tla.
escaruador tal {71m1-10}
having swollen eyelids << 2 2>>
his eyelids are swollen << 7 1>>
___ << 2 2>>
his eyes are inflamed, swollen << 4 2>>
his eyes are swollen << 7 1>>
;ixtlilpopotz , m[o].
his face was covered with soot << 1 1>>
;ixtlilpopotza , qu.
they blacken their faces << 3 4>>
;ixtlilpopotzalli , tla.
having his face covered with soot << 1 1>>
;ixtlilpopotzque , m[o].
they applied black paint to their [refl.] faces << 2 3>>
;ixtlilpopotztinenca , m[o].
he went about with his face smoke-black << 2 3>>
espuma de plata {71m1-11}
escoria de plata {71m2-9}
espuma de plata {55m-9}
;nexpopoxoa , qui.
he stirs it in ashes <<10 4>>
;popochehuaticac texcalli.
despe¤adero {71m1-8}
;popochhhuia , ontla.
they spread fragrance << 8 4>>
;popochhui , tla.
sahumador el que sahuma {71m1-19}
el que inciensa o zahuma algo. s. el turificador o inciensador {71m2-23}
sahumador el que sahuma {55m-18}
;popochhuia , mo.
she perfumes herself <<10 3>>
he is incensed incense is applied to him <<11 14>>
he is affected by incense <<11 19>>
;popochhuia , nino.
perfumarse, o zahumarse {71m2-14}
;popochhuia , nite.
zahumar, o incensar a otro {71m2-14}
;popochhuia , nitla.
encensar {71m1-9}
perfumar {71m1-17}
sahumar {71m1-19}
incensar o perfumar {71m2-14}
encenssar {55m-7}
sahumar {55m-18}
;popochhuia , qui.
they incense him, they apply incense to him << 2 3>>
they offer him incense << 6 9>>
they perfume it << 8 4>>
;popochhuia , tla.
they offer incense << 2 12>>
he perfumes something << 8 4>>
;popochhuiani , tla.
encensador o turificador {71m1-9}
sahumador el que sahuma {71m1-19}
el que inciensa o zahuma algo. s. el turificador o inciensador {71m2-23}
encenssador o turificador {55m-7}
sahumador el que sahuma {55m-18}
;popochhuiliztli , ne.
act of applying incense <<10 8>>
;popochhuiliztli , tla.
act of offering incense << 6 9>>
sahumerio {71m1-19}
el acto de incensar o zahumar y perfumar algo {71m2-23}
sahumerio {55m-18}
;popochhuilli , tla.
encensado {71m1-9}
cosa incensada assi {71m2-23}
encenssado {55m-7}
;popochhuilo , ne.
there is incensing <<11 16>>
;popochhuiloni , tla.
incense burner << 9 6>>
encensario {71m1-9}
sahumador en que sahuman {71m1-19}
incensario {71m2-23}
encenssario {55m-7}
sahumador en que sahuman {55m-18}
;popochhuique , otla.
they spread fragrance << 8 4>>
;popochhuiqui , tla.
turificador, o incensador {71m2-23}
;popochilitiez , tonmotla.
___ << 6 11>>
;popochina , qui.
they shred it fine << 2 9>>
;popochinalli , tla.
hilazas para herida {71m1-13}
hilazas para herida {55m-11}
;popochintli , tla.
hilazas para herida {71m1-13}
hilazas para herida {55m-11}
having openings <<11 26>>
___ <<11 19>>
he becomes a merchant << 4 1>>
perfumes {71m1-17}
perfumes {71m2-14}
perfumes {55m-15}
;popochuia , nitla.
perfumar {55m-15}
incense is offered << 2 3>>
___ <<11 19>>
;popotzani , tla.
humoso lo que haze humo {71m1-13}
cosa que echa desi mucho humo {71m2-23}
humoso lo que haze humo {55m-11}
;popotzaquiaya , qui.
they stuffed it in, they crammed it in << 4 5>>
___ << 4 4>>
;popotzoa , nino.
hinchar los carrillos {71m1-13}
hinchar los carrillos apretarse la gente o espessarse las yeruas {71m2-14}
;popotzoani , mo.
hinchador tal {71m1-13}
;popotzoliztli , ne.
hinchadura assi {71m1-13}
;popotzolo , ne.
there is crowding << 4 11>>
there is crowding together << 2 11>>
;popotzoqui , mo.
hinchador tal {71m1-13}
___ <<10 5>>
;popoxacuahuia , te.
___ << 4 10>>
;popoxacuahuique , te.
___ << 4 10>>
;popoxalhuia , nitetla.
mollir la tierra a otro {71m1-15}
mullirle la tierra a otro {71m1-16}
baruechar o mollir a otro la tierra {71m2-14}
;popoxalhuiani , tetla.
mollidor tal {71m1-15}
;popoxalhuiliztli , tetla.
mollidura assi {71m1-15}
;popoxani , mo.
one who is energetic <<10 1>>
it becomes mouldy << 4 11>>
;popoxcanenequi , xonmo.
___ << 6 16>>
;popoxiuhtehua , xi.
___ << 6 8>>
___ << 4 1>>
___ <<10 3>>
;popoxoa , mo.
quando se torna a^cauar la tierra que esta ya labrada {71m2-10}
;popoxoa , nitla.
amollentar la tierra {71m1-2}
baruechar {71m1-3}
hornaguear la tierra {71m1-13}
mullir la tierra {71m1-16}
baruechar o mollir la tierra {71m2-14}
amollentar tierra {55m-00}
baruechar la eredad {55m-2}
hornaguear la tierra {55m-11}
;popoxoa , tla.
he hoes << 4 12>>
he hoes <<10 3>>
;popoxoani , tla.
amollentador assi {71m1-2}
baruechador {71m2-23}
;popoxolizpan , tla.
tiempo de baruechar, o de amollentar la tierra, quando la desieruan y
labran la postrera vez, antes que este el mayz del todo sazonado
;popoxoliztli , tla.
amollentadura de tierra {71m1-2}
baruecho {71m1-3}
el acto de baruechar &c {71m2-23}
baruecho {55m-2}
;popoxolli , tla.
amollentada tierra {71m1-2}
baruechado {71m1-3}
tierra baruechada assi {71m2-23}
amollentada tierra {55m-00}
baruechado {55m-2}
___ << 7 2>>
;popoxolo , tla.
tiempo que todos baruechan {71m2-23}
;popoxoqui , tla.
amollentador assi {71m1-2}
;popoxotiuh , mo.
___ << 2 14>>
energetic <<10 3>>
energetic <<10 2>>
___ <<10 3>>
hinchado a tolondrones {71m1-13}
hinchada cosa o llena de tolondrones {71m2-14}
hinchado a tolondrones {55m-11}
;popozahua , ni.
hincharse en esta manera {71m1-13}
henchirse de hinchazones o de tolondrones {71m2-14}
hincharse en esta manera {55m-11}
;popozahua , nino.
alentar poco el que esta al cabo {71m1-2}
alentar poco el que esta al cabo {55m-00}
she becomes swollen << 3 2>>
he swells up <<11 8>>
it swells up <<11 14>>
hinchazon desta manera {71m1-13}
hinchazon desta manera {71m2-14}
hinchazon desta manera {55m-11}
swelling << 3 3>>
___ <<10 1>>
;popozauhtoc , mo.
___ << 7 2>>
;popozauhtoc , za quem mo.
estar alguno medio muerto, agonizando y para espirar {71m2-3}
;popozoca , ni.
heruir {71m1-13}
heruir {55m-11}
;popozoca , tla.
it bubbles up << 2 11>>
heruir la olla, ocosa asi {71m2-14}
it boils up << 2 5>>
espumosa cosa {71m1-11}
espumosa cosa {55m-9}
heruiente cosa {71m1-13}
heruiente cosa {55m-11}
estar heruiendola olla {71m2-14}
estar heruiendola olla {71m2-14}
it lies bursting, it is bursting forth << 4 4>>
irritable <<10 3>>
;popozonallalia , tla.
___ <<10 5>>
;popozonallo , i.
its bubbles, its foam <<11 22>>
;popozoni , ni.
estomagarse enojarse {71m1-11}
enojarse mucho {71m2-14}
estomagarse enojarse {55m-9}
estomagado {71m1-11}
heruir mucho la olla {71m2-14}
estomagado {55m-9}
it fluffs up <<11 19>>
it is bushy, it is fluffy <<11 20>>
heruor assi {71m1-13}
heruor de olla o enojo grande {71m2-14}
heruor assi {55m-11}
it is accustomed to boiling up <<10 12>>
it is bushy <<11 20>>
___ <<11 11>>
it lies fluffed up <<11 19>>
;popozoquillo , cenca huel.
espumosa cosa llena de espuma {71m1-11}
espumosa cosa llena de espuma {55m-9}
espumosa cosa {71m1-11}
cosa que tiene espuma {71m2-14}
espumosa cosa {55m-9}
having foam <<11 24>>
;popozoquillotlaza , nitla.
espumar, quitar la espuma {71m1-11}
espumar la olla o cosa semejante {71m2-14}
quitar la espuma {55m-9}
;popoztecca , to.
our breakings <<10 8>>
;popoztecque , ti.
we broke <<10 8>>
coxo del pie, o dela espinilla, por la tener quebrada, opalo quebrado en
muchas partes. &c {71m2-14}
coxo de espinilla quebrada o pie quebrado {55m-4}
broken <<10 4>>
it suddenly breaks to pieces << 2 6>>
it falls broken to pieces <<11 11>>
;popoztequi , nitla.
quebrar muchas vezes palos, o cosas semejantes {71m2-14}
it breaks up << 5 3>>
each one breaks <<10 7>>
it breaks repeatedly <<11 11>>
moldy tamale << 4 11>>
small boys << 2 6>>
boys << 2 10>>
youths << 4 11>>
young seasoned warriors <<12 4>>
youths << 2 10>>
;telpopochtin , an.
you [pl.] are youths << 6 11>>
youths << 2 10>>
youths << 2 7>>
boys << 2 6>>
youths << 6 9>>
small boys << 9 2>>
young boys <<12 6>>
espuma de plomo {71m1-11}
escoria o espuma de plomo {71m2-16}
espuma de plomo {55m-9}
<lo mesmo es que tepozoctli> {71m2-17}
;tepopozoquillo , in.
their foam <<12 3>>
having foam at their mouths << 4 2>>
;tlalpopoxoa , qui.
___ <<10 4>>
___ <<10 7>>
;xippopoxoani , tla.
escardador tal {71m2-25}
;xippopoxoliztli , tla.
el acto de escardar ortaliza assi, o escardadura {71m2-25}
;xippopoxolli , tla.
ortaliza escardada {71m2-25}
;xiuhpopoxoa , nitla.
escardar {71m1-10}
deseruar {71m2-27}
escardar {55m-8}
;xiuhpopoxoani , tla.
escardador el que escarda {71m1-10}
el que escarda o desierua algo {71m2-25}
escardador el que escarda {55m-8}
;xiuhpopoxoliztli , tla.
escardadura {71m1-10}
el acto de escardar assi {71m2-25}
escardadura {55m-8}
;xiuhpopoxolli , tla.
escardado {71m1-10}
cosa escardada o deseruada {71m2-25}
escardado {55m-8}
mocoso,lleno de mocos {71m1-15}
mocoso {71m2-5}
mocoso lleno de mocos {55m-14}
estomagado {55m-9}
estomagado {71m1-11}
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