
Campbell, R Joe campbel at
Sat Mar 3 02:06:30 UTC 2007

Galen, Henry, Jonathan, and Marcelo [and Mary |8-) ]....

   Thanks a million for the all the time and thought you put into 
today's suggestions!!  I will send an update on what I'm able to 
integrate -- along with
further thoughts.

   In the meantime, Jonathan's idea on "ixteouh, to" pushed me to take 
a look at items that I had like that and identify two more of them (-yo 
+ -uh).
Here is the list at present:

icacmecayouh. his sandal thong.  FC.

icnopillouh. his gains.   FC.

incacmecayouh. their sandal thongs.  FC.

inchichihualayouh. their milk.   FC.

intlamecayouh. .   FC.

intonacayouh. their maize, their corn.  FC.

iteixayopapachocauh. its suppressor of tears.   FC.

itlaquechpanyouh. .   FC.

itonacayouh. his food.   FC.

itonacayouh. his sustenance, his product of the soil.   FC.

itzcuimpatiyouh. his price of dogs.  FC.

motlalticpacayouh. .   FC.

motonacayouh. your sustenance, your food.   FC.

toyaoyouh. our battle.   FC.

tzoyouh =to. seso el saluonor.   55m-18.
   (seso is a misprint for sieso, alphabetized under "sie..."

tzoyouh =to. sieso el saluonor.   71m1-19.

yacayouh =notla. primogenito.   71m1-17.

Again, thank you.



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