Understanding of a folk etymology
Campbell, R. Joe
campbel at indiana.edu
Fri Apr 24 02:30:52 UTC 2009
This is a "morpheme concordance" of 'ne:m' in the Florentine Codex --
that is all the sentence contexts for the ne:m's that I could identify.
In a separate e-mail I'll send a morpheme index of all words containing
"ne:m" in the Florentine and in Molina's dictionaries.
p.s. ...and when you go out to eat, order the Chicken Florentine!
1. *ahmonenencahua*. niman ahmonenencahua, ahmoxixiccahua, huel
nohuiyampa mixpetzoa, mixpepetztza, tlacentoca, tlacencoltoca .
never suffering from being defrauded, not losing anything through
mismanagement, he sought diligently in all parts for advantageous
dealings and continued to seek them out. . <ah1-p54-dupl-ne:m
ca:hui-caus09> (b.4 f.12 c.38 p.125)
2. *ahne*. ane nicuic tociquemitla, . not in vain I take the yellow
feathered cape; . <ah1-ne:m +del.n> (b.2 f.14 c.38 p.219)
3. *ahnemiuhcan*. quinotza in tlapouhqui, in teyolmelauhqui: in
omoyolmelauh, quilhuia ha ca nican, tihuallatia, timoquetzaco
tiquizaco, in anemiuhcan, in temamauhtican: in oncan iicac in
atoyatl, in tepexitl . the soothsayer, the confessor, addressed
the one who confessed; he said to him: "here thou dost hide, thou
hast come to place thyself, thou hast come to pass the
uninhabitable place, the place of fright, where stand the torrent,
the crag." . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-ca:n> (b.6 f.3 c.7 p.30)
4. *ahnemiuhqui*. a ca camachaloa, ca tentlapani in tlalteuctli: auh
ca hualmomana in cuauhxicalli, in cuappiaztli in tlapotonilli in
anemiuhqui: . for tlaltecutli openeth his mouth, parteth his
lips, and there appear the eagle vessel, the reed tube, the ritual
feathering, the incomparable. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.1
c.3 p.11)
5. *ahnemiuhqui*. o ye tlacauhqui in moyollotzin, in monacayotzin:
ca nican nicana, nican niccui in anemiuhqui in tlazotli in
chalchiuhtic, in teoxiuhtic: in nayotl in tayotl in atemaconi, in
ateilhuiloni in nelpilli: . already thou hast inclined thy heart,
thy body; for here i take, I grasp, the incomparable, the
precious; that which is like a precious green stone, that which is
like a precious turquoise; the [words of] motherhood, of
fatherhood; that which cannot be given, cannot be repeated; that
which is bound. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.5 c.12 p.61)
6. *ahnemiuhqui*. tle ticmomachiltia, a ca nican ticmoquixtilia, in
cententli, in cencamatl in anemiuhqui in a cacauhtihui, in ipan
molpilitihui in amotechiuhcahuan: in ye nachca ommantihui in
nayotl, in tayotl, in tlazotic, in chalchiuhtic in teoxiuhtic, in
maquiztic. . "be welcomed, for here thou hast brought forth a
word or two, the incomparable [words] which your progenitors,
those who have gone on to remain beyond, who went having
treasured, who went having cherished the motherhood, the
fatherhood, the precious, that which was like a precious green
stone, like a precious turquoise, like a bracelet. . <ah1-ne:m
v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.5 c.13 p.63)
7. *ahnemiuhqui*. auh inin, in ticmoquixtilia in anemiuhqui in
tlazotli, in cuihuani, in pialoni, in neyollotiloni in ihiyotl, in
tlatolli: ahzo cana contlazaz, ahzo compoloz, ahzo conilcahuaz: .
and this which thou hast brought forth, the incomparable, the
precious--that which can be taken, guarded, remembered: the
spirit, the word--perhaps he will cast it away, perhaps destroy
it, perhaps forget it. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.5 c.13
8. *ahnemiuhqui*. in mitznotza, in mitztzatzilia, inomatca in
mitzmaca, in mixpan quitlalia, in mixpan quichayahua in
chalchiuhtli, in teoxiuhtli, in anemiuhqui, in atemaconi, in
ateilhuiloni: in ipan molpilitoque in toteucyohuan in teteuctin,
in tlatoque, in apixque, in tepepixque: in yehhuantin inca mani
tlalli, . he speaketh to thee, crieth out to thee, personally
giveth thee, placeth before thee, scattereth before thee the
precious green stones, the precious turquoise, the incomparable,
the unofferable, the unsayable which our lords, the lords, the
rulers, the guardians of the city, those by whom the earth
existeth, took unto themselves. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.7
c.15 p.79)
9. *ahnemiuhqui*. mixpan chayahui in cozcatl, in quetzalli, in
chalchiuhtli, in teoxiuhtli, in anemiuhqui. . before thee are
scattered the precious necklace, the precious feathers, the
precious green stones, the precious turquoises, the incomparable
ones. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.7 c.15 p.80)
10. *ahnemiuhqui*. in nican tictlapoa in toptli, petlacalli in
mixpan chayahui, in ticcecemmana, in ticmomoyahua in cozcatl, in
quetzalli, in tlazotli, in maquiztli, in chalchiuhtli, in
teoxiuhtli, in anemiuhqui in atemaconi in ateilhuiloni, in intop,
in impetlacal in toteucyohuan, in huel innelpil, in impial. .
here we open the coffer, the reed chest; before thee are scattered
what we have spread, what we have strewn about: the precious
necklace, the precious things; the precious bracelet, the precious
green stones, the precious turquoises; the incomparable, the
ungivable, the unsayable, the treasures of our lords, their very
possessions, their very stores. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.7
c.15 p.81)
11. *ahnemiuhqui*. a in mitzmomaquili, in mitic quimaquili in
toteucyo, in tlazotli, in mahuiztic, in anemiuhqui in
moxillantzinco, in motozcatlantzinco in cepoatoc, in
cuelpachiuhtoc. . that which our lord gave thee, which he placed
within thee: the precious, the wonderful, the incomparable, which
lieth inert, lieth folded in thy lap, within thy breast. . <ah1
ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.7 c.16 p.83)
12. *ahnemiuhqui*. auh ca ohuel quicuic, quicac, ca oquimoyolloti,
ca oquimopialti: auh ca oquimonemilizti in tlazotli, in anemiuhqui
in oquiz in cententzin, in cencamatzin, in achitzin in mihiyotzin:
. and well he took, heard, took to heart, guarded unto himself,
and put into practise the precious, the incomparable which came
forth, the word or two, the little of thy spirit. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a
prt1-c2> (b.6 f.7 c.16 p.84)
13. *ahnemiuhqui*. tlazotitlacatle, totecue: ca oquiz, ca hualchiton
ca oquicacque in tlatconi, in tlamamaloni, in tlazotli, in
mahuiztic in anemiuhqui, in quipialia in quitquilitoque in atl, in
tepetl. . "o precious person, o our lord, it hath come forth, it
hath sparked forth; the governed have heard it -- the precious
thing, the marvelous thing, the incomparable thing which the city
guardeth, which [the citizens] take with them." . <ah1-ne:m-v03a
prt1-c2> (b.6 f.7 c.16 p.85)
14. *ahnemiuhqui*. otoconcuic in anemiuhqui, in atemaconi, in
ixillantzinco, in itozcatlantzinco cepoatoc, cuelpachiuhtoc: .
thou hast taken the incomparable, the ungivable, which lieth
inert, which lieth folded on his lap, in his breast. . <ah1-ne:m
v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.8 c.19 p.99)
15. *ahnemiuhqui*. mac itla namechnolcahualtili: a ca ye nican
oninonocuiltono, oninotlamachti: ca onoconan in anemiuhqui in
amonayotzin, in amotayotzin, in cepoatoc, in cuelpachiuhtoc, in
amoxillantzinco, in amotozcatlantzinco mahuiztic in tlazotli: .
no little thing have I caused you to forget, for already here I
have rejoiced exceedingly, have enjoyed pleasure, for I have taken
your motherhood, your fatherhood, the incomparable in your
breasts, the wonderful, the precious. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2>
(b.6 f.12 c.25 p.146)
16. *ahnemiuhqui*. ah nican amoquechtlan, amotozcatlan, amomac
quimotlalilia in cozcatl, in quetzalli, in anemiuhqui in
mahuiztic, in tlazotli, in anecohuiloni, in acan ca: . here on
your neck, in your bosoms, in your hands he placeth a precious
necklace, a precious feather, the incomparable, the wonderful, the
precious, the priceless, the rare. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6
f.15 c.33 p.181)
17. *ahnemiuhqui*. quitoa: oticmihiyohuilti, oticmociahuilti
nopiltzintzine: ca nican tlacahua in moyollotzin, in monacayotzin:
ticmocahuilia in monanyotzin, in motayotzin: in
amechmocahuililitiaque, in amechmomaquilitiaque in huehuetque, in
ilamatque, in moxillantzinco in motozcatlantzinco in
cuelpachiuhtoc, ih cepoatoc in anemiuhqui: . he said: "thou hast
suffered pain, thou hast endured fatigue, o my son, for here thou
hast inclined thy heart, thy body; thou hast delivered thy
motherliness, thy fatherliness which the old men, the old women
caused to be left to you, caused to be given to you; that which
lieth folded, that which resteth inert in thy bosom, in thy
breast: an incomparable thing. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.15
c.35 p.190)
18. *ahnemiuhqui*. onican tocohcencuique in anemiuhqui, in
mahuiztic, in tlazotli, in monayotzin, in motayotzin: . here we
have taken all the incomparable, the wonderful, the precious
[words] of thy motherliness, thy fatherliness. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a
prt1-c2> (b.6 f.15 c.35 p.191)
19. *ahnemiuhqui*. ohualquiz, ohualchayahuac: otococecemmanque in
anemiuhqui, in mitictzinco caqui, quitlali in toteucyo, in
mitzmoyollotili: . the incomparable hath come forth, hath spread
out; we have scattered it about; that which our lord hath
inserted, that which he hath placed within thee, that with which
he hath inspired thee. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.15 c.35
20. *ahnemiuhqui*. tichualmomapiquilitia in anemiuhqui, in
tlazoquizqui: in acan ca iceyo, ih cenquiztica chalchihuitl,
teoxihuitl, inic motlatlatlauhtitzinoa in toteucyohuan in
teteuctin, in tlatoque: inic ica, in ipampa ih ce cozcatl, ih ce
quetzalli in oquimomacahuili in toteucyo: . thou clutchest in thy
hand the incomparable, the perfectly formed [words, like] the
unshadowed, the perfect precious green stone, the precious
turquoise with which are entreated our lords, the lords, the
rulers, in behalf of, as a result of, a precious necklace, a
precious feather which our lord hath given. . <ah1-ne:m-v03a-prt1
c2> (b.6 f.16 c.35 p.192)
21. *ahnemiuhqui*. ca omitzommomaquilique in anemiuhqui in tlazotic,
in maquiztic, in chalchiuhtic in cuecueyoca: auh in iuhqui in
quetzalli in xopalehuac, in patlahuac, in huel yaque, in
inxillantzinco, in intozcatlantzinco, in cepoatoc, in
cuelpachiuhtoc. . they have given thee the incomparable [words],
like precious things, like bracelets, like precious green stones,
resplendent like precious feathers, deep green, wide, perfect,
which lie inert, lie folded in their bosoms, in their laps. . <ah1
ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.6 f.17 c.40 p.216)
22. *ammonentlamachitia*. in nican hualquiza in amihiyotzin, in
amotlatoltzin inic ica, inic ipampa, ammonentlamachitia, in
amocozqui, in amoquetzal, . here your breath, your words come
forth [telling] how because of, for the sake of your jewel, your
precious feather, you are in torment. . <p22-p54-ne:m-p51-mati
caus03 H3 +t>ch> (b.3 f.4 c.ap7 p.62)
23. *ammonentlamachitia*. auh mazo namantecatl, cuix nehhuatl itlan
naquiz in ichimal, in itehuehuel, in nochpochtzin, in noxocoyouh,
in nican ommehuiltitica: in ica ammonentlamachitia: . and
although I am a skillful practitioner, will I perchance be
diligent in the matter of the shield, the small shield of my
daughter, of my youngest daughter, who is here seated, for whom ye
suffer affliction? . <p22-p54-ne:m-p51-mati-caus03 H3 +t>ch> (b.6
f.13 c.27 p.154)
24. *amonentlamachitia*. oannechmocnelilique, otlacauhqui in
amoyollotzin, in noca ammotequipachihuitia, in noca in
amonentlamachitia: . in my behalf ye have suffered anguish, in my
behalf ye have suffered affliction. . <p22-p54-ne:m-p51-mati
caus03 +t>ch> (b.6 f.11 c.23 p.127)
25. *annentlamati*. ca noconana, ca noconcui in amihiyotzin, in
amotlatoltzin: auh in amochoquiz, in amotlaocol, inic ica anchoca,
antlaocoya, inic ica annentlamati in amocozqui, in amoquetzal in
cihuatzintli, in at amotlacoyehuauh, in at amotiacapan, in at nozo
amoxocoyouh. . verily I grasp, I accept your spirit, your words,
and your weeping, your compassion with which ye weep, ye feel
compassion; with which ye are anguished for the sake of your
precious necklace, your precious feather, the little woman who is
perhaps your second child, perhaps your eldest, or perhaps your
youngest. . <p22-ne:m-p51-mati> (b.6 f.13 c.27 p.153)
26. *hualnenenquizan*. zan hualnenenquizan tlalticpac: . he was
quite purposeless on earth. . <hua:l-dupl-ne:m-qui:za--> (b.4 f.3
c.6 p.21)
27. *hualnenenquizaya*. zan hualnenenquizaya, motquitica
netoliniliztli, in ilhuil, in imahcehual, inemac, . he labored
only in vain; his fate, deserts, and gifts were full of misery. .
<hua:l-dupl-ne:m-qui:za-ya3> (b.4 f.5 c.13 p.48)
28. *inencauhyan*. ca inencauhyan ticmochihuilia tlacatle totecue. .
for thou, o master, o our lord, makest it his place of desolation.
. <poss-ne:m-ca:hui-caus09-prt1-ya:n> (b.6 f.2 c.5 p.23)
29. *inencauhyan*. cuix inencauhyan ticmochihuiliz: . wilt thou
make it his place of desolation? . <poss-ne:m-ca:hui-caus09-prt1
ya:n> (b.6 f.2 c.5 p.23)
30. *inencauhyan*. quen mach nenti, in ye inencauhyan ticmochihuilia
in titloque, tinahuaque, quen mach nenti in ye cactimani, in ye
yohuatimani in matzin, in motepetzin: . what will result when
already thou, lord of the near, of the nigh, makest thy city a
place of desolation? what will result when already it lieth
abandoned, lieth darkened? . <poss-ne:m-ca:hui-caus09-prt1-ya:n>
(b.6 f.4 c.9 p.43)
31. *inencauhyan*. a mach oc quihualmati in imauh in intepeuh, in ye
cactimani, in ye yohuatimani in ye inencauhyan quimochihuilia
toteucyo: . "do they still know of their city, which already
lieth abandoned, which already lieth darkened, which our lord hath
already made his place of desolation?" . <poss-ne:m-ca:hui-caus09
prt1-ya:n> (b.6 f.4 c.10 p.47)
32. *inencauhyan*. quemmach nenti in ye yohuatimani, quen nenti in
ye inencauhian. . how will it be when it lieth already darkened,
already his place of desolation? . <poss-ne:m-ca:hui-caus09-prt1
ya:n> (b.6 f.4 c.10 p.50)
33. *inencauhyan*. cuix inencauhyan momantiquizaz: . will it
perhaps result as a place of desolation? . <poss-ne:m-ca:hui
caus09-prt1-ya:n> (b.6 f.7 c.15 p.81)
34. *inencauhyan*. cuix inencauhyan momantiquizaz in atl, in tepetl:
. will the city perhaps result as a place of desolation? . <poss
ne:m-ca:hui-caus09-prt1-ya:n> (b.6 f.7 c.15 p.82)
35. *inencauhyan*. ahzo iuh quimonequiltiz: at cauhtimaniz, at
yohuatimaniz in atl, in tepetl: at inencauhyan quimochihuiliz in
toteucyo. . perhaps he will so determine that the city will
remain desolate, will remain in darkness; perhaps our lord will
cause it to become his place of abandonment. . <poss-ne:m-ca:hui
caus09-prt1-ya:n> (b.6 f.15 c.34 p.184)
36. *inentlamachiliz*. tlacatle, toteucyoe, tloquehe nahuaquehe,
manozo xicmocuili, ma xicmocaquiti, in inentlamachiliz in
macehualli. . master, our lord of the near, the nigh, receive,
hear the torment of this lowly one. . <poss-ne:m-p51-mati-liz
+t>ch> (b.1 f.1 c.12 p.25)
37. *inentlamachiliz*. in tlatoani oc cenca quimocuitlahuiaya in
tetlatzontequililiztli, quicaquia in ixquich in ineteilhuil: ihuan
in ichoquiz, in inentlamachiliz in inetoliniliz in cuitlapilli,
atlapalli in icnotlacatl, in motolinia in macehualli: . the ruler
watched especially over the trials; he heard all the accusations
and the complaints, the afflictions, and the misery of the common
folk, the orphans, the poor, and the vassals. . <poss-ne:m-p51
mati-liz +t>ch> (b.8 f.3 c.17 p.54)
38. *m[o]ixnempehualtia*. zan mixnempehualtia, moyolcapehualtia in
mocuicui, za mixhuia, moyolhuia, inic ipan quizaz, in zazo tlein
mochihuaz, in ahzo cuextecatl, ahzo tohueyo, yacahuicole,
yacacoyonqui, ixtlan mihua, motlaquicuilo itzcohuatica: . [if] a
good likeness, an animal, was started, [the core] was carved to
correspond to the likeness, the form in nature [that] it imitated,
so that from it would issue [in metal] whatsoever it was desired
to make -- perhaps a huaxtec, perhaps a stranger, one with a
pierced, perforated nose, an arrow across the face, painted
[tattooed] upon the body with obsidian serpents. . <p54-i:xtli
ne:m-pe:hua-caus01 +prob> (b.9 f.6 c.16 p.73)
39. *monencahua*. hatle quiyolitlacoa, tlatepotzcahua, tlaxiccahua,
tlaquelmati, monencahua tlaquelyecoa . he is unfeeling,
neglectful of duty, untrustworthy; a shirker, a loafer, a sullen
worker. . <p54-ne:m-ca:hui-caus09> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.1)
40. *monenencoa*. zan nenia motlatlamota, monenencoa, mocuauhtlaza .
to no purpose did he struggle; in vain did he travail. . <p54-dupl
ne:m-coa> (b.4 f.1 c.2 p.8)
41. *monenencoa*. zan monenencoa. . he only frustrated himself. .
<p54-dupl-ne:m-coa> (b.4 f.2 c.6 p.17)
42. *monentlamatia*. quitoznequi: ac ahzo can tle huel ommochihuaz,
ac ahzo can tle ommaquitiz in motiamic, in mocnopillo, in
monentlamatia, . that is to say, perchance it will not prosper;
perhaps thy stock of goods, thy just deserts, thy dealings, will
not result well. . <--ne:m-p51-mati--> (b.4 f.7 c.17 p.63)
43. *motenemmaca*. amo zan motenemmaca, amo zan teixpanhuetzi, in
necuiltonolli, in netlamachtilli, in netlacamatiliztli, in
netlacamachiliztli. . to no purpose did he give or publicly
display wealth and prosperity, and the joys and comforts of
wealth. . <p54-p52-ne:m-maca> (b.4 f.6 c.16 p.57)
44. *motlanemiuhyantililia*. ca motlanemiuhyantililia in toteucyo:
ca motlapilquixtilia. . for our lord reduceth [one], maketh [one]
as a child. . <p54-p51-ne:m-v03a-prt1-ya:n-v01a-caus04-ben H1>
(b.6 f.16 c.35 p.191)
45. *nemihquitqui*. quiquiti, in itichicoyo in yollo, in
totolitipetlayo, in cacamoliuhqui, in ilacatziuhqui, in neniuhqui,
in nemiquitqui, in ichpetztli, in ichtilmatli, in ce ichtli, in
ayatl, in nopalayatl, in zanitli: . they wove the diagonal
central motive, the turkey with mat-designed interior, the violet
colored, the cape of twisted weave, the good-for-nothing, the
useless weave, the glossy maguey weave; the maguey fiber cape, the
one of single maguey threads, the netlike cape, the netlike nopal
cape, the netlike shift. . <ne:m-ihquiti-prt1-c2> (b.10 f.11 c.29
46. *nemiuhqui*. yehhuan huel quihuelnextiaya, quiyectlaliaya in
tlazoihhuitl, inic tlatoltecatia, in ixquich in mahuizzochimalli
in tlatoque intenemac catca: atle nemiuhqui mochi tlazoihhuitica
tlapepecholli, tlatzacualli (toztica, tzinitzcantica
tlatzacualli,) xiuhtototica huitzitziltica, tlauhquecholtica
teocuitlatica icuilihhuic, icuiliuhqui, tlatlacuilolli,
toztenoloyo, tentlapilollo, tlapiloltica tenchayahuac,
cuammoloctica, quetzalpoztectica, zacuantica tlauhquecholtica
yacachapollo in tlapilolli: . they displayed well, they made
attractive, the precious feathers, thereby preparing artistically
all the splendid shields which were the gifts of the rulers;
nothing common; all covered, pasted over, with precious feathers;
[pasted with yellow parrot feathers, with trogonorus feathers];
painted, decorated, designed with those of the blue cotinga, the
hummingbird, the red spoonbill; with gold; tufted with parrot
feathers on the border; rimmed with hanging ornaments; with
pendants radiating from the [lower] rim; with eagle down, with
quetzal feathers, with those of the troupial, with those of the
red spoonbill; with grasshopper figures on the ends of the
pendants. . <ne:m-v03a-prt1-c2> (b.9 f.7 c.19 p.89)
47. *nemiuhyan*. za cahcactoc, za nemiuhyan: . all was bare and
laid waste. . <ne:m-v03a-prt1-ya:n> (b.4 f.10 c.32 p.105)
48. *nemiuhyan*. in nemiuhyan, zan tlallan caquia in itzontecon,
iuhquin tlatetecuitztica tlallan, . in desolate places it only
puts its head into the ground; there is as it were a kicking din
underground. . <ne:m-v03a-prt1-ya:n> (b.11 f.10 c.5 p.92)
49. *nemiuhyan*. nemiuhyan. . it is a desolate place. . <ne:m-v03a
prt1-ya:n> (b.11 f.11 c.6 p.112)
50. *nemmanian*. auh in ihcuac nemmanian, in amo ilhuitl, zan no
yehhuatl in iczotilmaxixipetztli in quimolpiliaya, zan
quinamictihuia in innetlalpilil: ipampa in cenca mimatia pipilti,
cenca tlanemiliani catca. . but in between, when it was not a
feast day, they tied on only the finely woven yucca fiber capes,
but they went on using the same method of tying, because the
noblemen were very circumspect and punctilious. . <ne:m-mani-prt1
ya:n +del.n> (b.9 f.1 c.2 p.7)
51. *nemmaya*. auh in zan nemmaya, in amo ilhuitl: in quimolpiliaya
tilmatli, in pochtecatlatoque in tealtiani: auh in nahualoztomeca,
in tecoanime, zan yehhuatl in iczotilmaxixipetztli, . but when it
was only in between, when it was not a feast day, the principal
merchants, those who bathed slaves, and the disguised vanguard
merchants, the slave dealers, put on only the finely woven yucca
fiber cape. . <ne:m-mani-prt1-ya:n +del.n> (b.9 f.1 c.2 p.7)
52. *nemmayan*. auh in icuac amo ilhuiuh, in zan nemmayan: oc no ce
quixiptlayotiaya, quichichihuaya: . and when it was not his feast
day, in the intervening time, still another represented him; they
arrayed him. . <ne:m-mani-prt1-ya:n +del.n> (b.1 f.2 c.20 p.45)
53. *nemon*. auh intla oquichtli quitocayotiaya nemon, nentlacatl,
nenquizqui, . and if it were a man, they named him nemon,
nentlacatl, nenquizqui. . <ne:m-o:n--> (b.2 f.11 c.38 p.171)
54. *nemontemi*. auh in onquiz i, cempoalli izcalli, niman ye ic
hualmotlalia in macuililhuitl in nemotemi, anozo nenontemi, . and
when the twenty [days] of izcalli had passed, thereupon were
established the five days of nemontemi or nenontemi. . <ne:m-o:n
temi> (b.2 f.10 c.37 p.162)
55. *nemontemi*. auh in nemontemi, huel imacaxoya, mauhcaittoya, .
and the nemontemi were indeed feared; they were held in awe. .
<ne:m-o:n-temi> (b.2 f.10 c.37 p.162)
56. *nemontemi*. niman hualmotlalia, hualmotema in nemontemi:
macuililhuitl in aoctle itoca tonalli, in aocmo ompohui, in aocmo
ompouhqui . then were established, were set in the nemontemi,
five days for which there were no day-names, which no longer
belonged, which were no longer counted. . <ne:m-o:n-temi> (b.2
f.11 c.38 p.171)
57. *nemontemi*. ca temauhti in ipan opeuh ilhuitl nemontemi: . for
the time when the days of nemontemi began terrified one. . <ne:m
o:n-temi> (b.2 f.11 c.38 p.172)
58. *nemontemi*. niman ihcuac hualmotlalia macuililhuitl motenehua
nemontemi: . then at that time were set in five days called
nemontemi. . <ne:m-o:n-temi> (b.12 f.5 c.27 p.80)
59. *nemontemi*. nican in mochihua in nemontemi, macuililhuitl. .
here happened the nemontemi: five days. . <ne:m-o:n-temi> (b.12
f.5 c.28 p.81)
60. *nempanca*. tel zan nempanca in ommotlalica, in oncan oc nen
quitlalmomoztica: . quite in vain was what had been set up; in
vain had they made the earthen platform there. . <ne:m-pan-->
(b.12 f.2 c.13 p.33)
61. *nempehua*. ihuan in aquin zan quipiqui, zan nempehua in
matzicolihui, in tennecuilihui, in matzicolihui, icxiquicuecuetza:
coni, . and one who is sluggish, [who] starts in vain, whose arms
become paralyzed, whose mouth becomes twisted, whose arms become
paralyzed, [whose] legs wobble -- he drinks it. . <ne:m-pe:hua>
(b.11 f.17 c.7 p.175)
62. *nempolihui*. atle nenquiza, atle nempolihui, . nothing failed;
nothing perished in vain. . <ne:m-polihui> (b.4 f.3 c.6 p.21)
63. *nempolihui*. auh in cihuatl, in mitoa oitlacauh icihuayo: in
omocuep, momalacachiuh, in oncan motlalia in xinachtli, in zan
nempolihui xinachtli. . and [it is required by] the woman who, it
is said, has damaged her vagina; when it is turned, twisted, there
where the semen is placed; where the semen is just wasted. . <ne:m
polihui> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.185)
64. *nempolihui*. nenquiza, nempolihui, . it is worked in vain; it
fails. . <ne:m-polihui> (b.11 f.24 c.12 p.254)
65. *nempoliuhqui*. in tlahueliloc iyolloco cihuatl, tlacaxolopitli,
totompotla, nenquizqui, nempoliuhqui, nenempotla, . the bad
middle-aged woman [is] foolish, stupid, useless, worthless, dumb.
. <ne:m-polihui-prt1-c2> (b.10 f.1 c.3 p.12)
66. *nempoliuhtimani*. nenquiztimani, nempoliuhtimani, . it lies
worthless, wasting. . <ne:m-polihui-prt1-ti1-mani aux04> (b.11
f.25 c.12 p.263)
67. *nempolollani*. tetetemachia, amo nempolollani, . he defrauds
one; he claims not to spoil things. . <ne:m-polihui-caus06-l1-->
(b.10 f.2 c.10 p.35)
68. *nempotla*. in amo cualli tlahquilqui xoxolotl, nempotla, . the
bad mason [is] feeble, stupid. . <ne:m-potla> (b.10 f.2 c.8 p.28)
69. *nen*. za aca, ahzo ce, ahzo ome, in oc nen tematitlampa quiza,
yehuatl quihualnonotzaya in moteuczoma: ic oncan quimaca,
caquilia, iapozonaltenteuh, . [but if] anyone -- perhaps one,
perhaps two -- escaped from enemy hands, he went to inform
moctezuma, wherefore he then gave him, he let him insert his amber
lip plug. . <ne:m> (b.1 f.2 c.19 p.42)
70. *nen*. amo zan nen ca oquimmotelchihuili in dios icel teotl: .
not without cause doth god, the only god, abominate them. . <ne:m>
(b.1 f.3 c.Ap p.60)
71. *nen*. miec tlamantli inic quimahuiztiliaya, in zan nen, in zan
innetlapololtilizpan. . with many such acts they honored her; it
was in vain, it was only their confusion. . <ne:m> (b.1 f.5 c.Ap
72. *nen*. amo zan nen hualquizaya, amo zan nen cahualoya, . not
for nothing did he come out; not for nothing was he let free. .
<ne:m> (b.2 f.1 c.21 p.50)
73. *nen*. amo zan nen hualquizaya, amo zan nen cahualoya, . not
for nothing did he come out; not for nothing was he let free. .
<ne:m> (b.2 f.1 c.21 p.50)
74. *nen*. tle nen totlaihiyohuiliz . to what avail is our misery?
. <ne:m> (b.2 f.5 c.27 p.98)
75. *nen*. auh ayac zan nen mocalhuiaya, can yehhuantin in imel, in
tlaceliani, in tlamocuitlahuiani, in cochizani, in amo
tlatlacanequini in imel. . and no one just idly ate the maize
toasted on the embers; only those who were diligent, acceptable,
careful, wakeful, who trusted not [too much] their [own]
diligence. . <ne:m> (b.2 f.7 c.31 p.127)
76. *nen*. in nen quintlamaca; . these in vain offered them food. .
<ne:m> (b.2 f.8 c.34 p.143)
77. *nen*. oc nen quihualoiuhtihuia oc nen quihualoyohuiaya,
hualmochimalhuitectihuia, . yet in vain they went crying out at
him, yet in vain they cried out against him, yet in vain they went
striking their shields. . <ne:m> (b.3 f.1 c.1 p.4)
78. *nen*. oc nen quihualoiuhtihuia oc nen quihualoyohuiaya,
hualmochimalhuitectihuia, . yet in vain they went crying out at
him, yet in vain they cried out against him, yet in vain they went
striking their shields. . <ne:m> (b.3 f.1 c.1 p.4)
79. *nen*. intla za nen quemman necia ahzo octli qui, ahzo
cihuanotza, in anozo itla huei quichihua, niman quitzauctihuia, .
if at times it appeared that one perhaps drank pulque, perhaps was
given to women or committed a great [fault], then they went to
apprehend him. . <ne:m> (b.3 f.4 c.ap8 p.66)
80. *nen*. zan nen huetzi in itlapalihuiz. . unfortunate were his
efforts. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.1 c.2 p.8)
81. *nen*. nelli mach in ixquich cahana, in imolicpi, itetepon,
itlancua ic moquequetza, zan atleti, zan nen huetzi in iciahuiz,
in itlapalihuiz . indeed, in all the things which he undertook,
though he went on elbow, shank, and knee, vain and fruitless were
his efforts and fatigue. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.2 c.6 p.17)
82. *nen*. zan no yeh coninailia, conicuanilia, tel amo zan nen
ihcuac in ye atlamati, in ye cuecuenoti in aoc tle ipan tlatta,
commixcahualtia, in imahcehual, ocatca, . yet it was not without
reason; when [the man] became vain and haughty, he disregarded and
neglected what was his birthright. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.4 c.9 p.33)
83. *nen*. auh in oc nen, ic mopatiznequi, ic mopayahualochtiznequi,
inic amo miquiz, oc motlayecoltia, motonalanaznequi,
motonallaliliznequi, oc nen itla quimocuicuicachihua,
quimotlatlanehuia, ahzo atl, ahzo tletl, ahzo caxitl, in
commotlanehuia ichan in oquipoloto, in ompa ocacique: . and if in
vain he tried to remedy, or, indirectly, to palliate [the
situation], so that he might not die, still seeking to follow his
work and control and establish his fate, in vain he contrived to
take or borrow something -- perchance water or fire, or a bowl,
which he borrowed from the house of the one he had gone forth to
destroy, who had there seized him. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.5 c.11 p.43)
84. *nen*. auh in oc nen, ic mopatiznequi, ic mopayahualochtiznequi,
inic amo miquiz, oc motlayecoltia, motonalanaznequi,
motonallaliliznequi, oc nen itla quimocuicuicachihua,
quimotlatlanehuia, ahzo atl, ahzo tletl, ahzo caxitl, in
commotlanehuia ichan in oquipoloto, in ompa ocacique: . and if in
vain he tried to remedy, or, indirectly, to palliate [the
situation], so that he might not die, still seeking to follow his
work and control and establish his fate, in vain he contrived to
take or borrow something -- perchance water or fire, or a bowl,
which he borrowed from the house of the one he had gone forth to
destroy, who had there seized him. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.5 c.11 p.43)
85. *nen*. ca ompa oc nen titlatemachia, . for at this time, it was
still vain to do it. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.5 c.13 p.50)
86. *nen*. intla nemiz, ahzo za nen itla imahcehualtitiuh, ca itla
macehualiztica quimocuepililitiuh in itonal: . if he were to
live, it was not hopeless; something would become his lot; with
his penance he would reverse his day sign. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.5 c.13
87. *nen*. auh in nen ic quicualtiaya, quicualtiliaya tonalpouhque,
in iuhqui itonal ipan otlacat, . and the readers of the day signs
bettered and remedied the nature of the day sign on which the
useless one was born. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.6 c.13 p.51)
88. *nen*. auh in oc nen ic quicualtiliaya tonalpouhque: . but for
him who yet lived, the readers of the day signs made it good. .
<ne:m> (b.4 f.6 c.15 p.57)
89. *nen*. zan nen quipiqui, zan nempanca in motlanitoa, . in vain
he practised deceit; to no purpose he wagered. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.9
c.27 p.94)
90. *nen*. auh inic amo za nen totlatlatozque: titlatolzacamozque, .
and so we shall not repeat uselessly nor reopen the discussion. .
<ne:m> (b.4 f.9 c.28 p.96)
91. *nen*. in amo zan tlatolxacualli, tlatolnechicolli, tlatolnenel,
ilihuiztlatolli, zan nen tlatolli toconnemitizque,
ticcueptinemizque . not just mixed, twisted, disordered,
unconsidered, and profitless discussion shall we make use of or
continue to work over. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.9 c.28 p.96)
92. *nen*. que zan nel oc nen, . verily, how could it be? . <ne:m>
(b.4 f.10 c.32 p.105)
93. *nen*. tle za nel nen, . truly, of what profit was it? . <ne:m>
(b.4 f.10 c.32 p.105)
94. *nen*. tle za nen, . of what profit was their work? . <ne:m>
(b.4 f.10 c.32 p.105)
95. *nen*. tle oc nen, . what was left? . <ne:m> (b.4 f.10 c.32
96. *nen*. auh intla za oc nen tlalilo, nempancatlalilo,
huecauhtica, yehuatica, zan oncan ilcahualo: . and if one had
been sitting to no purpose and in vain, [he was] only forgotten
there for a long time, for a considerable time. . <ne:m> (b.4 f.12
c.37 p.124)
97. *nen*. can nen ommanaz, can ommayahuiz, can ommazohuaz, . where
could he save himself, find repose, or extend his arm? . <ne:m>
(b.4 f.12 c.38 p.125)
98. *nen*. ipampa in za nica toconcemitotiquiza, inic amo za nen
tictequipachozque tetlacaquiliz, titenacaztititzazque, za ilihuiz
tlatoltica titetzontetilizque, titotzontetilizque,
titzontetiezque, . wherefore here we quickly come to agreement so
that we shall not afflict one's ears without need, or trouble them
with useless talk; nor be repulsive, opinionated, and headstrong.
. <ne:m> (b.4 f.12 c.39 p.129)
99. *nen*. ca izca, za oc nen ic nimitzpantia, nimitzteteuhtia, ic
nimitzpatia, ic nimitzpayahualochtia: . for take care [lest] in
vain I deck thee with flags and paper streamers, cure thee, and
surround thee with medicines. . <ne:m> (b.5 f.1 c.1 p.152)
100. *nen*. ayocmo ihuiyan, in oc nen achi quitoca tlalli: . no
longer with calm, but vainly, did they a little way follow the
land; . <ne:m> (b.5 f.1 c.2 p.155)
101. *nen*. campa zan ye nel nen onhuiloaz, . where indeed is there
to go, in vain? . <ne:m> (b.6 f.1 c.1 p.4)
102. *nen*. auh yequene manozo xicmonequilti, ma teixco nen in
tlalticpac: . and, furthermore, ordain that he belittle no one on
earth. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.2 c.4 p.19)
103. *nen*. auh in axcan tlacatle, totecue, tloquee, nahuaquee:
manozo omitzmoteopohuili, manozo omixtzinco, mocpactzinco nen in
macehualli: cuix ilotiz, cuix cuepiz in motlahueltzin, in
mocualantzin: . "and now, o master, o our lord, o lord of the
near, of the nigh, as the commoner hath troubled thee, as he hath
offended thee, will perhaps thy fury, thy anger, be placated, be
turned?" . <ne:m> (b.6 f.3 c.7 p.30)
104. *nen*. ha ca choca, ca tlaocoya, ca iyollo concua in commati,
inic omitzmoyolitlacalhui, inic omixtzinco, mocpactzinco nen, .
he weepeth, he sorroweth, he eateth out his heart when he
acknowledgeth how he hath offended thee, how he hath wronged thee.
. <ne:m> (b.6 f.3 c.7 p.30)
105. *nen*. oc nen xommimattinemi. . be ever cautious. . <ne:m>
(b.6 f.3 c.7 p.33)
106. *nen*. auh in yolqui in ixochcohcoyohuan tloque nahuaque, za
tlayayauh, za netotopanehualo, za nen in tlaixpapalolo tlalli: auh
ye tla acuecuenocihui, atica . and the animals, the four-footed
ones of the lord of the near, of the nigh, just go here and there;
they can scarcely rise; to no purpose is the ground licked; and
they go crazed for water. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.3 c.8 p.36)
107. *nen*. quen nen: . in what manner [would it be] to no purpose?
. <ne:m> (b.6 f.3 c.8 p.37)
108. *nen*. quen nen, quen nicnochihuiliz, . to what purpose, in
what manner shall I deal with the governed? . <ne:m> (b.6 f.4 c.9
109. *nen*. mach nen nozo tlahuanqui aoc quimati, in quitoa, in
quitenehua: . "they say also that to no purpose is the drunkard;
no longer doth he know what he sayeth, what he divulgeth." .
<ne:m> (b.6 f.6 c.14 p.69)
110. *nen*. ahzo nen nohuic tihuallachiaz, . "perhaps in vain thou
wilt look, to me." . <ne:m> (b.6 f.6 c.14 p.72)
111. *nen*. quen zan nel oc nen? . what can be done? is it yet in
vain? . <ne:m> (b.6 f.7 c.16 p.84)
112. *nen*. ca nen tepaltzinco oammotlacatilique, . to what purpose
were ye born by one's grace? . <ne:m> (b.6 f.7 c.17 p.90)
113. *nen*. ma nen chico ticquetz in mocxi: . let thy feet go not
astray. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.8 c.17 p.91)
114. *nen*. auh ic titlazotiz, intla za nen ahneyocol, cana
mitzmopohuili toteucyo: . and thus thou wilt be loved, even if it
is doubtful, undetermined where our lord assigneth thee. . <ne:m>
(b.6 f.8 c.18 p.96)
115. *nen*. iz a za nen o, ahneyol, ayoc tlacatencopa, . perhaps
there will happen that which is not conceivable, that which is not
expressible. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.8 c.18 p.97)
116. *nen*. amo cenca nen tepaltzinco timotitimalotiez,
timixpatlauhtiez, tahatlamattiez: . to a purpose thou wilt
glorify thyself by one's grace, thou wilt esteem thyself, thou
wilt be proud. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.8 c.18 p.97)
117. *nen*. intla timonemitiz, intla achi tictocaz tlalticpac: ma
nen cana ic ticniuhti in monacayotzin noxocoyouh conetzin,
cocotzin, tepitzin, . if thou art to live, if thou art to
continue a little on earth, do not anywhere be friendly by means
of thy body, my youngest one, child, dove, little one. . <ne:m>
(b.6 f.9 c.19 p.102)
118. *nen*. auh nizca huel xiccaqui, huel xicpia, huel
motepitznahuatil. intla ye cana tepaltzinco timoetztica: ma nen
itla mitic tiquito, ma nen itla mitic ticyocox: . and heed it
well, guard it well as thy stern commandment: if somewhere thou
art dependent upon one, see to it that thou do not presume in
something, see to it that thou be not haughty. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.9
c.19 p.102)
119. *nen*. auh nizca huel xiccaqui, huel xicpia, huel
motepitznahuatil. intla ye cana tepaltzinco timoetztica: ma nen
itla mitic tiquito, ma nen itla mitic ticyocox: . and heed it
well, guard it well as thy stern commandment: if somewhere thou
art dependent upon one, see to it that thou do not presume in
something, see to it that thou be not haughty. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.9
c.19 p.102)
120. *nen*. ma oc ticahahuillacanec in moyollo, ma oc nen canapa
itzcaliuh: . let thyself not have allowed thy heart the evil of
directing itself elsewhere. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.9 c.19 p.102)
121. *nen*. ma nen ica, ma nen queman ipan tia, in iuh mitoa
tlatolli: ma tictlaxin. . never at any time, never ever betray
him; as the saying is said, do not commit adultery. . <ne:m> (b.6
f.9 c.19 p.102)
122. *nen*. ma nen ica, ma nen queman ipan tia, in iuh mitoa
tlatolli: ma tictlaxin. . never at any time, never ever betray
him; as the saying is said, do not commit adultery. . <ne:m> (b.6
f.9 c.19 p.102)
123. *nen*. at za nen o, itla huel timahailiz: . perhaps it is to
no purpose that thou wilt be able to do something? . <ne:m> (b.6
f.9 c.20 p.110)
124. *nen*. amo zan nen o, nopiltze in cuezcomatl iixpan toco
coconetzitzinti, in pipiltzitzinti: ca yehhuatl quinezcayotia in
cualcan in yeccan hui: in ipampa in oc chalchiuhti, in oc
maquizti, in oc huel motquiticate teoxiuhti. . "it is not in
vain, o my son, that children, babies are buried in front of the
maize bin, for this signifieth that they go to a good place, a
fine place, because they are still as precious green stones, still
as precious bracelets; still pure, they become as precious
turquoises." . <ne:m> (b.6 f.10 c.21 p.116)
125. *nen*. ach anozo nen mochihua tipaqui timomati, in
ticmotequimaca in paquiztli: ca ye timomictia, ca timohuitilia: .
perhaps otherwise to no avail it cometh to pass that thou thinkest
to find pleasure when thou givest thyself excessively to pleasure,
for already thou killest thyself, thou endangerest thyself. .
<ne:m> (b.6 f.10 c.21 p.117)
126. *nen*. cenca tle ticmati, cenca moyolic: ma nen tommixcueyoni.
. take good heed, take care; see to it that thine eyes are open.
. <ne:m> (b.6 f.10 c.22 p.123)
127. *nen*. a ca nelle axcan aiuhtlancayotl, popoloni, tzatzacui:
aitlaliloyan nen tiuhque cententli, cencamatl toconquixtia in
amixpantzinco: amonacazpantzinco toconehua. . now, verily,
unfinished stuttering, stammering, unsettled, useless are the word
or two which we deliver in your presence, which we intone to your
ears. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.11 c.24 p.136)
128. *nen*. aquin oc nen tlamahuizoani: . who will be the one who
marveleth? . <ne:m> (b.6 f.11 c.24 p.137)
129. *nen*. auh in axcan: za nen tiuhque, za nen tehhuan
aiuhtlancayotl, aiuhquizqui popolonqui, tzatzacqui, aitlaliloya,
aitenquixtiloyan: ic toconcuepa, toconilochia, in amihiyotzin, in
amotlatoltzin. . but now, thus are we useless; useless are we;
unfinished, incomplete, stuttering, stammering, unsettled,
unpronounced is that with which we return, with which we respond
to your discourse. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.11 c.24 p.138)
130. *nen*. auh in axcan: za nen tiuhque, za nen tehhuan
aiuhtlancayotl, aiuhquizqui popolonqui, tzatzacqui, aitlaliloya,
aitenquixtiloyan: ic toconcuepa, toconilochia, in amihiyotzin, in
amotlatoltzin. . but now, thus are we useless; useless are we;
unfinished, incomplete, stuttering, stammering, unsettled,
unpronounced is that with which we return, with which we respond
to your discourse. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.11 c.24 p.138)
131. *nen*. intla za nen itla tomacehual, intla tlalticpac quizaqui,
in itlachihualtzin toteucyo: auh huallaelneliuhtiaz: . if perhaps
something is our merit, if the creation of our lord is born, it
will be covered with filth. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.12 c.25 p.143)
132. *nen*. ma oc nen amotentzin, ic xommoyetztiecan. . "may you be
here that your words [not] be in vain." . <ne:m> (b.6 f.12 c.25
133. *nen*. mace iuhque in, mach ye ommozcalia, aoc nen quipiqui in
nemi tlalticpac: . though like these, perhaps they already think
themselves discreet; they do not yet imagine that to no avail they
live on earth. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.12 c.25 p.145)
134. *nen*. oc ceppa ompa oc nen mochihua . once again they worked
there in vain. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.13 c.28 p.160)
135. *nen*. a mach nen nozo timomiquili, . is it possible that thou
diest without purpose? . <ne:m> (b.6 f.14 c.29 p.164)
136. *nen*. quen nen tiquitoani, . in what manner might we speak? .
<ne:m> (b.6 f.14 c.33 p.180)
137. *nen*. nen nehhuatl niccuepa, niquilochia in monayotzin, in
motayotzin: . useless am I as I return, as I respond to thy
motherliness, to thy fatherliness. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.16 c.35 p.191)
138. *nen*. ma nen itla tichualnacacitta in mochan, in mocalitic: .
see to it that thou lookest not longingly to thy home, to
something within thy house. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.17 c.40 p.214)
139. *nen*. ximocotona, ximozquipilo: ma nen teuhtli, tlazolli
tiquilnamic, ma tiquelehui: . punish thyself, humble thyself
thoroughly; do not think of vice and filth, do not covet [vice and
filth]. . <ne:m> (b.6 f.17 c.40 p.215)
140. *nen*. cuix no nen nipatzactzintli. . am I also perchance a
useless, withered ear of maize? . <ne:m> (b.6 f.18 c.41 p.226)
141. *nen*. ihcuac mitoa: in amo cualli inemiliz intla no teachcauh
tecoanotza, anozo itla quitemaca: auh no iuh nicchihuaznequi
nitecoanotzaz, anozo itla nictemacaz: ic mitoa. cuix no
nipatzactzintli, anozo. cuix no nen nipatzactzintli. . it is said
at this time: if one not of means, also if a captain invites one
to a banquet, or gives him something, and likewise I wish to do
the same, to invite him to a banquet or to give him something,
then it is said: "am I also perchance a withered ear of maize?"
or, "am I also a useless, withered ear of maize?" . <ne:m> (b.6
f.18 c.41 p.227)
142. *nen*. ma mitzhuicacan in toyaohuan intla nen oc ceppa tepal
xitlama . let them take thee if, without profit, once more thou
takest a captive with the aid of others. . <ne:m> (b.8 f.5 c.21
143. *nen*. ma nen ye no cuel tepal titlama za inca . take care
lest thou again take a captive with others' help. . <ne:m> (b.8
f.5 c.21 p.75)
144. *nen*. amo zan nen hualhuia: . not purposelessly did they
come. . <ne:m> (b.9 f.3 c.6 p.31)
145. *nen*. auh intla icuitlapan icac in xochitl, icuitlapampa
ommotlatlaza in tletlemaitl: auh intla za nen opanhuetz coxonqui
ommopachoa. . and if the hemorrhoids are in the rectum, [an
infusion of] tletlemaitl is cast in the rectum; but if they appear
only on the surface, they are covered with the pulverized [herb].
. <ne:m> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.156)
146. *nen*. auh in aquin aocmo quimati, inin patli, inezca ca ye
ixquich, ca zan nen monoltitoc, in cocoxqui. . and to him whom
this medicine no longer cures, it is an indication that this is
the end, that the patient is confined to bed to no avail. . <ne:m>
(b.10 f.9 c.28 p.159)
147. *nen*. ic macuilli in quic, ic huel ihuintic, huel xocomic,
aocmo quima in quenin nen: . thus he drank five, with which he
became well besotted, quite drunk; he no longer knew how he acted.
. <ne:m> (b.10 f.12 c.29 p.193)
148. *nen*. auh in oc nen ipahyo in ipalehuiloca motlanoquilitinemi
. and since his medicating, his remedying, is yet in vain, he
continually purges himself. . <ne:m> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.216)
149. *nen*. auh in oiuh quittaque in, in oiuh quicacque itlatol, oc
nen itlan aqui, in quimocnotlatlauhtilia, . and when they had
thus seen this, when they had thus heard his words, yet to no
purpose did they pay him attention when they humbly prayed to him.
. <ne:m> (b.12 f.2 c.13 p.33)
150. *nen*. tel zan nempanca in ommotlalica, in oncan oc nen
quitlalmomoztica: . quite in vain was what had been set up; in
vain had they made the earthen platform there. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.2
c.13 p.33)
151. *nen*. tle zan nen in nican amicatihuitze . why in vain have
you come walking here? . <ne:m> (b.12 f.2 c.13 p.34)
152. *nen*. quenzannel nen, . what is to be done, in vain? . <ne:m>
(b.12 f.3 c.13 p.35)
153. *nen*. auh in moteuczoma, oc nen tlanahuatica in
quitzatzacuazque in otli, in ochpantli, . and moctezuma yet in
vain had commanded that the road, the highway, be closed off. .
<ne:m> (b.12 f.3 c.14 p.35)
154. *nen*. auh in aca oc nen motlaloa in icuitlaxcol za quihuilana,
iuhquin xoxoquiohua in momaquixtiznequi, . and when in vain one
would run, he would only drag his intestines like something raw as
he tried to escape. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.4 c.20 p.54)
155. *nen*. auh in aquique oc nen xonexcaya, tlamatzoaya,
motlamacehuiaya, in ichtacatzin commacaya in tlacualtzintli: intla
oittoque, intla oittaloque, niman oncan quimmictia, oncan
quintlatlatia, . and if any in vain should inform, should warn
[them], should gain [their] favor who secretly might give them a
little food, if they were seen, if they were espied, right there
they slew them; there they did away with them. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.4
c.21 p.58)
156. *nen*. auh in oc nen momaquixtiznequi, in quintlatlauhtia .
and he who in vain tried to escape besought them; . <ne:m> (b.12
f.4 c.21 p.59)
157. *nen*. auh atle zan nen quiza in mitl, . and not to no purpose
did the bolt fly. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.4 c.22 p.62)
158. *nen*. auh in tiacahuan oc nen hualmomamanaya in quihuallaza
cuahuitl, in tomahuac ahuacuahuitl in impan espa¤oles: . but to
no purpose did the brave warriors mass themselves to cast the
wood, the thick oak logs, upon the spaniards. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.4
c.22 p.62)
159. *nen*. auh in ye iuhqui in huehuei tiacahuan, oc nen
quimototoctiticaca in tetlaquetzalli: . and when this was done,
the great brave warriors hid themselves in vain behind the stone
columns. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.6 c.31 p.88)
160. *nen*. auh in icpac huitzilobochtli, oc nen tlapiaya, . and at
the summit of [the pyramid temple of] uitzilopochtli [the priests]
watched in vain. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.6 c.31 p.88)
161. *nen*. in oc nen motlaloznequi za cuauhcamac actihuetzi, .
those who would in vain have fled only fell into spaces [among]
the beams. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.8 c.38 p.115)
162. *nen*. auh in tiyacahuan, oc nen hualmomantihui . and the
brave warriors still in vain went holding themselves [against the
spaniards]. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.8 c.38 p.116)
163. *nen*. auh in tiyacauh tlacateccatl in temilotzin, oc nen
quimmopachihuiaya, . and the brave warrior, the tlacateccatl
temilotzin, was watching them in vain. . <ne:m> (b.12 f.8 c.38
164. *nen^mehua*. cententica, ac cencamatica nimitznotza,
nimitztzatzilia: in ica in ipampa, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli:
in nentlacatl in aquimatinemi, in nennemi, in nencochi, in
nemmehua: in quinenquixtia in motlacatzin, in moyohualtzin: . in
one word, or two, I call to thee, I cry out to thee for -- on
behalf of -- the vassals, the useless; the ignorant; the
vagabonds; those who sleep, who arise to no purpose; those who
waste thy day, thy night. . <ne:m p54-e:hua> (b.6 f.1 c.2 p.7)
165. *nencihuatl*. auh intla cihuatl: nencihuatl. . and if it were
a woman, she was a profitless woman. . <ne:m-cihua:tl> (b.2 f.11
c.38 p.171)
166. *nencochi*. cententica, ac cencamatica nimitznotza,
nimitztzatzilia: in ica in ipampa, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli:
in nentlacatl in aquimatinemi, in nennemi, in nencochi, in
nemmehua: in quinenquixtia in motlacatzin, in moyohualtzin: . in
one word, or two, I call to thee, I cry out to thee for -- on
behalf of -- the vassals, the useless; the ignorant; the
vagabonds; those who sleep, who arise to no purpose; those who
waste thy day, thy night. . <ne:m-cochi> (b.6 f.1 c.2 p.7)
167. *nenempotla*. in tlahueliloc iyolloco cihuatl, tlacaxolopitli,
totompotla, nenquizqui, nempoliuhqui, nenempotla, . the bad
middle-aged woman [is] foolish, stupid, useless, worthless, dumb.
. <dupl-ne:m-potla> (b.10 f.1 c.3 p.12)
168. *nenencolo*. yehica ca zan nenquizqui, oncan nenenquixtilo,
atle onquixoa, nenencolo, nenenencolo: . for they were only
unfortunate; there was no purpose there; nothing came forth; there
was misfortune. . <p53-ne:m-coa-lo:2> (b.2 f.11 c.38 p.171)
169. *nenenencolo*. yehica ca zan nenquizqui, oncan nenenquixtilo,
atle onquixoa, nenencolo, nenenencolo: . for they were only
unfortunate; there was no purpose there; nothing came forth; there
was misfortune. . <p53-dupl-ne:m-coa-lo:2> (b.2 f.11 c.38 p.171)
170. *nenenquixtilo*. yehica ca zan nenquizqui, oncan nenenquixtilo,
atle onquixoa, nenencolo, nenenencolo: . for they were only
unfortunate; there was no purpose there; nothing came forth; there
was misfortune. . <dupl-ne:m-qui:za-caus02-lo:2 +z>x> (b.2 f.11
c.38 p.171)
171. *nenhuetzi*. amo nenhuetzi, amo ahuetzi, in itlapalihuiz, .
not vain nor futile was his work. . <ne:m-huetzi> (b.4 f.12 c.38
172. *nenhuetzi*. ye oncan inin quitta, in amo nenhuetzi, in
iciahuiz, in inecohcol, . after this, he witnessed the successful
results of his fatigue and pains. . <ne:m-huetzi> (b.4 f.12 c.38
173. *nenhuetzi*. mitoa: amo nenquiza, amo nenhuetzi, in
itlaminaliz: . it was said that the passing of a shooting star
rose and fell neither without purpose nor in vain. . <ne:m-huetzi>
(b.7 f.1 c.4 p.13)
174. *nenhuetziz*. ihuan mochi neltiz, mochi onyehuatiz, in tlein
maailia, atle nenquizaz, in iciahuiz, in itlapalihuiz, atle
nenhuetziz, . and all would be realized and come to pass that was
undertaken; nothing would fail; of her fatigue and effort, nothing
would be in vain. . <ne:m-huetzi-z> (b.4 f.1 c.1 p.2)
175. *nenia*. zan nenia motlatlamotla, zan nenia mocuauhtlaza, . in
vain did he cast and hurl himself against obstacles. . <ne:m-->
(b.4 f.2 c.6 p.17)
176. *nenia*. zan nenia motlatlamotla, zan nenia mocuauhtlaza, . in
vain did he cast and hurl himself against obstacles. . <ne:m-->
(b.4 f.2 c.6 p.17)
177. *nennemi*. cententica, ac cencamatica nimitznotza,
nimitztzatzilia: in ica in ipampa, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli:
in nentlacatl in aquimatinemi, in nennemi, in nencochi, in
nemmehua: in quinenquixtia in motlacatzin, in moyohualtzin: . in
one word, or two, I call to thee, I cry out to thee for -- on
behalf of -- the vassals, the useless; the ignorant; the
vagabonds; those who sleep, who arise to no purpose; those who
waste thy day, thy night. . <ne:m-nemi> (b.6 f.1 c.2 p.7)
178. *nennemi*. auh za nel cenca izca ca aocmo tlateomatini, ca
aocmo chocani, ca aocmo tlaocoyani, ca aocmo elcicihuini: ca nel
nozo oihuintic, oxocomic ca za nennemi, ca ohuellapolo, ca aocmo
za niman quimati. . and it is certainly noteworthy that he is no
longer devout, no longer a weeper, no longer a sorrower, no longer
a sigher, because he hath become drunk, hath become besotted, is a
vagabond, is completely crazed; he no longer understandeth at all.
. <ne:m-nemi> (b.6 f.2 c.6 p.26)
179. *nenontemi*. auh in onquiz i, cempoalli izcalli, niman ye ic
hualmotlalia in macuililhuitl in nemotemi, anozo nenontemi, . and
when the twenty [days] of izcalli had passed, thereupon were
established the five days of nemontemi or nenontemi. . <ne:m-o:n
temi> (b.2 f.10 c.37 p.162)
180. *nenoquich*. nenoquich. . he was a profitless man. . <ne:m
oquichtli-trunc> (b.2 f.11 c.38 p.171)
181. *nenquiza*. atle nenquiza, atle nempolihui, . nothing failed;
nothing perished in vain. . <ne:m-qui:za> (b.4 f.3 c.6 p.21)
182. *nenquiza*. amo nenquiza in iatlamachiliz, imatlamatiliz: .
not without result were his pride and presumption. . <ne:m-qui:za>
(b.4 f.3 c.7 p.24)
183. *nenquiza*. auh in nel cenca iuh ommitoa, in iuh ommachizti,
amo nentecahua, amo nenquiza, teca mahuiltitehua in iuh cochihua,
necochitilo macehualpan pilcoatoc, oipantoatoc, teiicuania,
tepapatla, . and in very truth, so it is said and so it is known,
they did not leave them having done nothing; nor, with no result,
did they take their pleasure with them taking advantage of their
sleep, of the sleep into which the common folk had been thrown, to
hang on to [the women], line them up, rolling them aside and
enjoying another's place. . <ne:m-qui:za> (b.4 f.10 c.31 p.103)
184. *nenquiza*. cuix ye in nenquiza tlapalihuiztli: cuix
ixquichtzin, atzintli, commopolhuiz in toteucyo . perhaps already
in vain was the nubility; our lord will destroy the babe, small as
it is. . <ne:m-qui:za> (b.6 f.15 c.33 p.181)
185. *nenquiza*. mitoa: amo nenquiza, amo nenhuetzi, in itlaminaliz:
. it was said that the passing of a shooting star rose and fell
neither without purpose nor in vain. . <ne:m-qui:za> (b.7 f.1 c.4
186. *nenquiza*. nenquiza, tlanenquixtia . she works to no avail;
she squanders. . <ne:m-qui:za> (b.10 f.1 c.3 p.12)
187. *nenquiza*. nenquiza, nempolihui, . it is worked in vain; it
fails. . <ne:m-qui:za> (b.11 f.24 c.12 p.254)
188. *nenquizaliztli*. yehica ca atle oncan ca ilhuilli,
mahcehualli, can oncan icnoyotl, netoliniliztli, nenquizcayotl,
nenquizaliztli, ahonehuatinemiliztli. . for indeed there was no
desert there, no merit; there was only misery there, poverty,
purposelessness, misfortune, a life of woe. . <ne:m-qui:za-liz>
(b.2 f.11 c.38 p.171)
189. *nenquizaz*. ihuan mochi neltiz, mochi onyehuatiz, in tlein
maailia, atle nenquizaz, in iciahuiz, in itlapalihuiz, atle
nenhuetziz, . and all would be realized and come to pass that was
undertaken; nothing would fail; of her fatigue and effort, nothing
would be in vain. . <ne:m-qui:za-z> (b.4 f.1 c.1 p.2)
190. *nenquizaz*. in tlein maailiz, amo nenquizaz, . what he might
do would not fail. . <ne:m-qui:za-z> (b.4 f.6 c.15 p.56)
191. *nenquizaz*. ic quinextia, quinezcayotia, ca tlamatiuh in yaoc,
amo nenquizaz: . thus these showed and made evident that he went
skillfully to war, not going forth in vain. . <ne:m-qui:za-z> (b.5
f.1 c.3 p.158)
192. *nenquizcayotl*. yehica ca atle oncan ca ilhuilli, mahcehualli,
can oncan icnoyotl, netoliniliztli, nenquizcayotl, nenquizaliztli,
ahonehuatinemiliztli. . for indeed there was no desert there, no
merit; there was only misery there, poverty, purposelessness,
misfortune, a life of woe. . <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-ca:5-yo:tl1> (b.2
f.11 c.38 p.171)
193. *nenquizqueh*. ca zan nentlaca, nenquizque: . they are only
vain, worthless. . <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-plur14> (b.1 f.3 c.Ap p.55)
194. *nenquizqui*. yehica ca zan nenquizqui, oncan nenenquixtilo,
atle onquixoa, nenencolo, nenenencolo: . for they were only
unfortunate; there was no purpose there; nothing came forth; there
was misfortune. . <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-c2> (b.2 f.11 c.38 p.171)
195. *nenquizqui*. auh intla oquichtli quitocayotiaya nemon,
nentlacatl, nenquizqui, . and if it were a man, they named him
nemon, nentlacatl, nenquizqui. . <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-c2> (b.2 f.11
c.38 p.171)
196. *nenquizqui*. in tlahueliloc iyolloco cihuatl, tlacaxolopitli,
totompotla, nenquizqui, nempoliuhqui, nenempotla, . the bad
middle-aged woman [is] foolish, stupid, useless, worthless, dumb.
. <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-c2> (b.10 f.1 c.3 p.12)
197. *nenquizqui*. ahuayo, nentlacatl, nenquizqui, . it is thorny,
worthless, useless. . <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-c2> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.213)
198. *nenquizqui*. in atle imochiuhya, nenquizqui, atle inecoca. .
it is the growing place of nothing -- useless, productive of
nothing. . <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-c2> (b.11 f.24 c.12 p.254)
199. *nenquiztimani*. atle ipan itto, nenquiztimani. . it is
abandoned; it lies useless. . <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>
(b.11 f.24 c.12 p.254)
200. *nenquiztimani*. nenquiztimani, nempoliuhtimani, . it lies
worthless, wasting. . <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-ti1-mani aux04> (b.11 f.25
c.12 p.263)
201. *nenquiztinemi*. izca in quichihua: ahantinemi, tochantinemi,
tochtzopinitinemi, tlatochmatlahuitinemi, tlatochacahuitinemi,
tlatochtapayolhuitinemi, zoltzonhuitinemi, tlatzonhuitinemi,
tlatlapachihuazoitinemi, tlatlazalhuitinemi, mazamintinemi,
mazamatlahuitinemi, tlatlahpehualhuitinemi, tlatlachictinemi,
tlahuantinemi, tlatlapehuitinemi, oncan nenquiztinemi: . behold
what they did: they went catching [game], they went catching
rabbits, spearing rabbits, snaring rabbits in nets, shooting
rabbits with reed arrows, hunting rabbits with balls; they went
catching quail with snares; they went catching game with snares,
catching game with a throw-net, catching game with a lasso; they
went shooting deer with arrows, catching deer in nets; they went
setting traps; they went setting dead-falls; they went boring the
maguey plant, becoming drunk; there they went whiling away their
time. . <ne:m-qui:za-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01> (b.10 f.11 c.29 p.179)
202. *nenti*. zan onahuilpehua, zan oc pipiltotonti in
quipehualtiaya in mochichicuayaotlaya, zan iuh nenti hueiya: .
those who were yet small boys only began in fun when they began
the mock-fighting with bags; only gradually it quickened. . <ne:m
v01a> (b.2 f.10 c.36 p.157)
203. *nenti*. zan yeh in quimati, ic motequipachoa, quimmattinemi,
in quemmach nenti onquizaz, contlalcahuiz inetequipachol, . this
same one, when he learned of it, became troubled and continued in
fear that possibly his efforts would fail, pass away, or miscarry.
. <ne:m-v01a> (b.4 f.11 c.37 p.122)
204. *nenti*. quen mach nenti, in ye inencauhyan ticmochihuilia in
titloque, tinahuaque, quen mach nenti in ye cactimani, in ye
yohuatimani in matzin, in motepetzin: . what will result when
already thou, lord of the near, of the nigh, makest thy city a
place of desolation? what will result when already it lieth
abandoned, lieth darkened? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.4 c.9 p.43)
205. *nenti*. quen mach nenti, in ye inencauhyan ticmochihuilia in
titloque, tinahuaque, quen mach nenti in ye cactimani, in ye
yohuatimani in matzin, in motepetzin: . what will result when
already thou, lord of the near, of the nigh, makest thy city a
place of desolation? what will result when already it lieth
abandoned, lieth darkened? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.4 c.9 p.43)
206. *nenti*. auh quen mach nenti in onopan ohualla in teuhtli, in
tlazolli, . and what will result when filth, when vice have come
upon me? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.4 c.9 p.43)
207. *nenti*. quen mach nenti in onictlazolmicti in atl, in tepetl:
. what will result when I have ruined the city? . <ne:m-v01a>
(b.6 f.4 c.9 p.43)
208. *nenti*. quen mach nenti in oniccochcauh, in onicpaccacauh in
tlatquitl, in tlamamalli: . what will result when I depart
leaving the governed asleep, when I gladly leave them? . <ne:m
v01a> (b.6 f.4 c.9 p.43)
209. *nenti*. quen mach nenti in onicatoyahui, in onictepexihui in
macehualli. . what will result when I cast the common folk into
the torrent; cast them from the crag? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.4 c.9
210. *nenti*. quen nenti in omopan xitin tlatquitl, tlamamalli: .
how will it be when in thy time the governed will scatter? . <ne:m
v01a> (b.6 f.4 c.10 p.50)
211. *nenti*. quen nenti in oinencauhyan mochiuhtiquiz in atl in
tepetl: . how will it be when the city will become, will be made
his place of desolation? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.4 c.10 p.50)
212. *nenti*. quemmach nenti in ye yohuatimani, quen nenti in ye
inencauhian. . how will it be when it lieth already darkened,
already his place of desolation? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.4 c.10
213. *nenti*. quemmach nenti in ye yohuatimani, quen nenti in ye
inencauhian. . how will it be when it lieth already darkened,
already his place of desolation? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.4 c.10
214. *nenti*. in nelli mach imolicpitzin, itetepontzin ic
tlaczatinemi, in moca in mopampa, in quen nenti in macuil, in
matlac in mitzotlatoctiz: auh quen cexiuh, quen oxiuh quen tamio,
. truly he goeth on elbow, on knee for thee, on thy behalf, [to
know] how it will be in the brief time he will lead thee along the
road, and what thy condition [will be] in one year, in two years;
. <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.7 c.15 p.81)
215. *nenti*. intlacatle hueli, quen nenti? . if [thou art] unable
in anything, how will it be? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.8 c.18 p.97)
216. *nenti*. quen nenti otitlahuetzquiti, in otlacualoyan . how
hath it come about that thou hadst caused laughter at the place of
eating? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.10 c.22 p.124)
217. *nenti*. oc cenca oc mocenyollocopa in xonelcicihui, quemmach
nenti in macuil, in matlac: . especially sigh with all thy might;
[say]: how will it be in a few days? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.12 c.25
218. *nenti*. ahuiz in ceyohual, in cemilhuitl, in otocommattinenca:
in quemmach nenti in tlacotiz, in tequitiz in cihuacoatl, in
quilaztli: quemmach nenti, ah oic onicatia in iititzin in
tochpochtzin, in toconetzin: quemmach nenti, oquimohuicalti in
iititzin, . and behold, for a night, a day we have been
preoccupied if possibly ciuacoatl, quilaztli would work, would
labor; if possibly that which was within our daughter, our girl,
had gone ahead [died]; if possibly she was to accompany that
within her [to death]. . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.14 c.33 p.180)
219. *nenti*. ahuiz in ceyohual, in cemilhuitl, in otocommattinenca:
in quemmach nenti in tlacotiz, in tequitiz in cihuacoatl, in
quilaztli: quemmach nenti, ah oic onicatia in iititzin in
tochpochtzin, in toconetzin: quemmach nenti, oquimohuicalti in
iititzin, . and behold, for a night, a day we have been
preoccupied if possibly ciuacoatl, quilaztli would work, would
labor; if possibly that which was within our daughter, our girl,
had gone ahead [died]; if possibly she was to accompany that
within her [to death]. . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.14 c.33 p.180)
220. *nenti*. ahuiz in ceyohual, in cemilhuitl, in otocommattinenca:
in quemmach nenti in tlacotiz, in tequitiz in cihuacoatl, in
quilaztli: quemmach nenti, ah oic onicatia in iititzin in
tochpochtzin, in toconetzin: quemmach nenti, oquimohuicalti in
iititzin, . and behold, for a night, a day we have been
preoccupied if possibly ciuacoatl, quilaztli would work, would
labor; if possibly that which was within our daughter, our girl,
had gone ahead [died]; if possibly she was to accompany that
within her [to death]. . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.14 c.33 p.180)
221. *nenti*. ah in anquimococochmachititoque, in quemmach nenti in
tlacotiz, in tequitiz in tonan in cihuapilli in cihuacoatl, in
quilaztli, . without sleep ye have remained awaiting if possibly
our mother the noble woman ciuacoatl, quilaztli would work, would
labor; . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.15 c.33 p.180)
222. *nenti*. quemmach nenti in cacocuiz, in itlan aquiz in
chimalli, in tehuehuelli, in amochpochtzin, in toconetzin, . if
possibly your daughter, our child, would take up, would use the
shield, the small shield; . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.15 c.33 p.180)
223. *nenti*. quemmach nenti in quimoquixtiliz, in quimotlaxiliz in
ieticauh in tecococauh: ca miquiztequitiz, . if possibly she
would give off, would cast out, her heaviness, her pain; for it
exacteth a tribute of death. . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.15 c.33 p.180)
224. *nenti*. quemmach nenti teotl cualo, tlatlatzini otopan
quihualmonequilti: ozan techommanililico in tlacatl toteucyo, .
how will it be if the master, our lord, hath willed that upon us
there be an eclipse, that there be thunder, that he hath only come
to deprive us? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.15 c.34 p.186)
225. *nenti*. quemmach nenti ochoquiztli, tlaocolli quimotemohuili
in ipalnemoa. . how will it be if he by whom we live bringeth
down weeping, sorrow? . <ne:m-v01a> (b.6 f.15 c.34 p.186)
226. *nenti*. in quicuiznequi zan micuanitiuh, ompa quitocatiuh, zan
iuh nenti, in ahuecatlan caxitia: . when he wishes to take it, it
only goes drifting away; he goes to follow it there; little by
little it makes him reach for it in the depths of the water. .
<ne:m-v01a> (b.11 f.9 c.5 p.86)
227. *nenti*. zan iuh nenti in achichiacpan mochihua, pinahua,
canahua, iloti. . gradually this becomes a spring; it is ashamed;
it lessens; it abates. . <ne:m-v01a> (b.11 f.24 c.12 p.249)
228. *nentlacah*. ca zan nentlaca, nenquizque: . they are only
vain, worthless. . <ne:m-tla:catl-plur06> (b.1 f.3 c.Ap p.55)
229. *nentlacatl*. auh intla oquichtli quitocayotiaya nemon,
nentlacatl, nenquizqui, . and if it were a man, they named him
nemon, nentlacatl, nenquizqui. . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.2 f.11 c.38
230. *nentlacatl*. zan nentlacatl, acan petzitl, . he was a
worthless person, who nowhere made an impression. . <ne:m
tla:catl> (b.4 f.8 c.24 p.85)
231. *nentlacatl*. tlacatle totecue, ma oc yehhuatl xicmottili, in
cuahuic onoc, in tlalli ixco ca, in aya quimomachitia: motolinia
in icnotlacatl, in nentlacatl, in aahuia, in ahuellamati: auh in
aic totonia, in aic yamania: auh in aic huellamati, in iiomio, in
inacayo: in zan cen tohtonehuatinemi, in za cen
chichichinacatinemi in iyollo: . "o master, o our lord, consider
yet those who lie on the board, those who are on the ground, those
who know nothing, the poor, the miserable, the useless, those who
rejoice not, the discontented, those who never have the
necessities of life, those never comfortable of bone, of flesh --
those who all together live suffering great pain, great affliction
of heart." . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.6 f.1 c.1 p.4)
232. *nentlacatl*. cententica, ac cencamatica nimitznotza,
nimitztzatzilia: in ica in ipampa, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli:
in nentlacatl in aquimatinemi, in nennemi, in nencochi, in
nemmehua: in quinenquixtia in motlacatzin, in moyohualtzin: . in
one word, or two, I call to thee, I cry out to thee for -- on
behalf of -- the vassals, the useless; the ignorant; the
vagabonds; those who sleep, who arise to no purpose; those who
waste thy day, thy night. . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.6 f.1 c.2 p.7)
233. *nentlacatl*. in icnotlacatl, in nentlacatl, in aahuia in
ahuellamati, in cococ in teopohqui quimati: . [they are] the
poor, the useless, the unhappy, the discontented, the anguished. .
<ne:m-tla:catl> (b.6 f.1 c.2 p.9)
234. *nentlacatl*. cuix ica timotlatemolia in macehualli, in amo
tlacamati, in aompa ehehua: auh in aihihuia, in nentlacatl, in zan
quipictinemi tlalticpac. . wilt thou perhaps seek one wherewith
[to replace] the commoner, the disobedient one who understandeth
things backwards and who is impulsive, who is useless, who liveth
in vain on earth? . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.6 f.2 c.4 p.18)
235. *nentlacatl*. macamo no quen quimochihuilican in xoxohuixtoc in
cuahuitl, in metl, in nopalli in ixquich ixhuatoc: ca itlaanca ca
iyolca in macehualli, ca inenca in icnotlacatl, in nentlacatl in
ayahuia in ahuellamati in tlacnocahualli, in ahualnecini in
icochca in ineuhca in icoayoyotzin itech motetecatinemi in itech
icoyocatinemi. . may they also in no manner harm that which lieth
green -- the trees, the maguey, the nopal, all which lieth
germinating -- for they are the source, the life of the common
folk, the support of the poor, the unhappy, the discontented, the
forsaken, the useless, those whose sustenance appeareth not, whose
intestines go stuck to their sides, go rumbling. . <ne:m-tla:catl>
(b.6 f.4 c.8 p.40)
236. *nentlacatl*. in ahayahuia, in ahuellamati quitimaloa, in
quimacehualtia, in quilhuiltia toteucyo: inic quitlamacehualtia,
in icnotlacatl, in nentlacatl in hayahuia, in ahuellamati, in
tonehua, in chichinaca, . the unhappy, the discontented, our lord
honoreth with this, giveth as merit, giveth as one's lot, so that
he causeth them to be the miserable, the useless, the unhappy, the
discontented ones, to suffer tribulation, pain. . <ne:m-tla:catl>
(b.6 f.10 c.22 p.123)
237. *nentlacatl*. in amo cualli moncolli, motolinia icnotlacatl,
nentlacatl, . the bad father of the parents-in-law [is] poor,
miserable, useless. . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.10 f.1 c.2 p.7)
238. *nentlacatl*. motolinia, icnotlacatl nentlacatl, ahommonamiqui
. [he is] poor, miserable, useless, destitute. . <ne:m-tla:catl>
(b.10 f.2 c.9 p.31)
239. *nentlacatl*. in ichtecqui motolinia icnotlacatl, nentlacatl,
cococ, teopouhqui, cohcotoc, mohmotz, apiztli, icnoyotl,
apizteotl, yollo itlacauhqui iztlaccomoc: . the thief [is] poor,
miserable, useless, full of affliction, undone, niggardly, hungry,
miserable, gluttonous, corrupt, prying. . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.10
f.2 c.11 p.39)
240. *nentlacatl*. in tlahueliloc teezyo, millacatic, itzcuintic,
tequimillacatl, tequimacehualli, xixicuin, atlini tlacuani,
tlacualxixicuin, xiuhnel, xihuixcol, atle hueli, nentlacatl,
nenqui, tetl popoxiuhteuh. . the bad noblewoman [is] like a field
worker -- brutish, a great field worker, a great commoner; a
glutton, a drinker, an eater -- a glutton, incapable, useless,
time-wasting. . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.10 f.3 c.13 p.49)
241. *nentlacatl*. chichiltic, huel iuhqui in cacaloxochitl: zan
nentlacatl, acan huelic, acan ahuiac, . it is chili-red, just
like the cacaloxochitl, but useless, without fragrance, without
perfume. . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.199)
242. *nentlacatl*. amo ahuiac, nentlacatl, atle inecoca, atle
inequizzo. . they are not fragrant; they are useless, of no use,
not required. . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.204)
243. *nentlacatl*. aiyac, ahuelic, nentlacatl: . it has no aroma,
no fragrance; it is useless. . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.11 f.20 c.7
244. *nentlacatl*. ahuayo, nentlacatl, zazan ye xochitl, amo ihyac.
. it is prickly, useless -- an ordinary flower, with no aroma. .
<ne:m-tla:catl> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
245. *nentlacatl*. ahuayo, nentlacatl, nenquizqui, . it is thorny,
worthless, useless. . <ne:m-tla:catl> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.213)
246. *nentlacayotl*. timalihui in icnopillotl, in icnotlacayotl, in
nentlacayotl: . poverty, misery, uselessness prevail. . <ne:m
tla:catl-yo:tl1> (b.6 f.1 c.2 p.7)
247. *nentlacayotl*. cococ, teopouhqui quiquiztoc, timalihui in
icnotlacayotl, in nentlacayotl: cococ, teopouhqui macho, timalihui
in cuitlaxcolpitzactli, . [all is] permeated by pain, by
affliction; misery, inhumanity dominate; pain, affliction are
known; starvation dominateth. . <ne:m-tla:catl-yo:tl1> (b.6 f.9
c.20 p.107)
248. *nentlamacho*. ic mitoaya: nohuiyan chialo, nohuiyan ihuicpa
nentlamacho, tlaocoyalo, . so was it said that everywhere he was
awaited; everywhere there was humility and sorrow before him. .
<ne:m-p51-mati-lo:2 +t>ch> (b.4 f.4 c.9 p.33)
249. *nentlamachohuaya*. icnoyotl iquiztoya, iyehuayan,
nentlamachohuaya, tenentlamachtican, techoctican,
tenentlamachtican chocohuayan tlaocoyaloya, tetlaocoltican,
elciciuhuayan, teellelaxitican, tlacnomamancan: . it is a place
whence misery comes, where it exists; a place where there is
affliction -- a place of affliction of lamentation, a place of
affliction, of weeping; a place where there is sadness, a place of
compassion, of sighing; a place which arouses sorrow, which
spreads misery. . <ne:m-p51-mati-lo:2-hua2-ya:n +del.n> (b.11 f.11
c.6 p.105)
250. *nentlamati*. in atle quitta octli, iuhquin nentlamati iyollo,
iuhquin aco pilcac, iuhquin ahactihuetzi, iuhquin ahuic yauh. .
when he found no wine, he seemed anguished of heart, as if he hung
high, or tumbled into a pitfall, like a vagabond. . <ne:m-p51-mati
+fusion> (b.4 f.2 c.4 p.12)
251. *nentlamati*. macayac tlaocoya, nentlamati in iyollo, . let no
one be sad or heavy of heart. . <ne:m-p51-mati +fusion> (b.5 f.1
c.2 p.154)
252. *nentlamati*. tlacatle totecue: yohualle, ehecatle, manozo
tlacahua in moyollotzin, ma xicmocnoittili, ma xicmotlaocolili, ma
xicmiximachili in momacehualtzin: motolinia in mohuictzinco
elciciuhtinemi: in mitzmonochilia, in mitzmotzatzililia, in
mitzmotemolia: in mohuictzinco nentlamati. . "o master, o our
lord, o night, o wind, grant perchance that thou mayest bless,
have mercy, take compassion, acknowledge thy common folk, the
poor, those who go sighing toward thee, who call out, who cry out
to thee, who seek thee, who do what they can in thy sight. . <ne:m
p51-mati +fusion> (b.6 f.1 c.2 p.8)
253. *nentlamati*. in ye ixquich nepapan cuauhtli ocelotl: in
tonehua, in chichinaca in iyollo, in nentlamati in mitzmonochilia,
in mitzmotzatzililia: in amo quitlazotla in itzontecon in
ielchiquiuh, in teca quimotla, in teca quitepachoa in miquiznequi:
manozo achitzin xicmottitili in quinequi, in quelehuia, in tizatl,
in ihhuitl: . all the different eagle warriors, the ocelot
warriors, those who suffer pain, who suffer torment in their
hearts, who are anguished, those who call upon thee, who cry out
to thee, those who put no value upon their heads, upon their
breasts, those who hurl missiles against, who press upon [the
enemy] as they wish for death: concede them the little that they
desire, that they long for, the chalk, the down feathers. . <ne:m
p51-mati +fusion> (b.6 f.1 c.3 p.13)
254. *nentlamati*. in tlatoani in ihcuac quittaya, quimatia ca cenca
nentlamati in cuitlapilli, atlapalli macehualli: niman
tlanahuatiaya, inic ollamaloz, inic teellacuahuaya, inic
tepaquiltiaya tlatoani: . the ruler, when he beheld and knew that
the common folk and vassals were very fretful, then commanded that
the ball game be played, in order to animate the people and divert
them. . <ne:m-p51-mati +fusion> (b.8 f.4 c.17 p.58)
255. *nentlamati*. auh in ihcuac in ye itlacauhtiuh in innemiliz: in
aocmo cualli inyollo, in za iuhqui nentlamati, . but when now
they corrupted their way of life, when they no longer were of good
heart, then he was as if saddened. . <ne:m-p51-mati +fusion> (b.9
f.3 c.6 p.32)
256. *nentlamatia*. ic mochi tlacatl oncan tlatemachiaya,
nentlamatia, tlaocoyaya, inic quicneliz: . for everyone then
showed devotion, was humbled, and sorrowed, in order that he
should show them favor. . <ne:m-p51-mati-ya3> (b.4 f.4 c.9 p.33)
257. *nentlamatia*. o yehhuatl in, in quinchoctiaya inic nentlamatia
in pochteca huehuetque: cenca huel quinanahuatiaya, inic amo
quitlaahuilquixtiliz, in amo quitlaahuilmachiliz toteucyo. . with
these [words] the old merchants brought [those who returned
prosperous] to tears; they humbled them; they sternly admonished
them not to disregard, not to neglect our lord. . <ne:m-p51-mati
ya3 +fusion> (b.9 f.3 c.6 p.30)
258. *nentlamatia*. in zazo tlein quichihuaya, za iuhquin
nentlamatia, . whatsoever he did, it was as if he were in
torment. . <ne:m-p51-mati-ya3> (b.12 f.1 c.6 p.17)
259. *nentlamattinemi*. ma oc xocomminecuiltili in maxcatzin, in
mocococatzin, in motechcopatzinco huitz: in tzopelic, in ahuiac,
in totonqui, in yamanqui, in motzmolinca in mocelica: in yehhua in
icnotlacatl in. n. ca ye ixquich cahuitzintli, i, in
mohuicpatzinco elciciuhtinemi, in nentlamattinemi in macehualli, .
may thou yet let this humble person, n., smell thy property, thy
treasure, which falleth from thee, that which is sweet, fragrant,
the necessities of life, thy freshness, thy tenderness: for
already, for some time, the common folk go sighing unto thee, go
in affliction. . <ne:m-p51-mati-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01 +fusion> (b.6
f.1 c.2 p.9)
260. *nentlatlahtolli*. aocmo monequi in za tlatolzolli, za
nentlatlatolli, in omachcamatzopetziuh, omachtlatziuh tlatolli
tiquitotinemizque: . no longer is it necessary for us to continue
repeating only worn-out, useless discussion, so much unfit talk,
so many lazy words. . <ne:m-dupl-p51-ihtahui-caus06-l1> (b.4 f.9
c.29 p.96)
261. *nicnempolo*. quitoaya, macamo nicnencua, macamo nicnempolo,
macamo nicnixcahui, in nocneliloca: . he said: "may I eat not in
vain, may I consume not in vain may I use not for myself alone
that which hath benefited me." . <p11-p33-ne:m-polihui-caus06-opt>
(b.1 f.2 c.20 p.46)
262. *nicnencua*. quitoaya, macamo nicnencua, macamo nicnempolo,
macamo nicnixcahui, in nocneliloca: . he said: "may I eat not in
vain, may I consume not in vain may I use not for myself alone
that which hath benefited me." . <p11-p33-ne:m-cua:> (b.1 f.2 c.20
263. *nictlanempolhuia*. ca nican nictlanempolhuia,
nictlaahuilquixtilia, in tloque, nahuaque, . here I use vainly, I
waste, [the gifts of] the protector of all. . <p11-p33-p51-ne:m
polihui-caus06-ben> (b.9 f.3 c.6 p.30)
264. *ninentlamati*. ca mohuicpatzinco ninentlamati ca
nimitznotemachilia, . I do what I can for thee, I place my trust
in thee. . <p11-ne:m-p51-mati +fusion> (b.6 f.4 c.9 p.43)
265. *ninentlamati*. ic nichoca ic nitlaocoya ic ninentlamati in
niquilnamiqui ac ye in nomamiccatzin, ac ye in notenhuacauh. .
thus I weep, I am saddened, I am discontent when I reflect upon
which one is my sluggard, which one my incoherent one. . <p11-ne:m
p51-mati +fusion> (b.6 f.7 c.17 p.87)
266. *ninentlamati*. yeh inic nichoca, yeh inic ninoteopoa, yeh inic
nitlaocoya, inic ninentlamati in tlacoyohuan, in yohualli xelihui,
. for this I weep, for this I am anguished, for this I am
saddened, for this I am unhappy at midnight, at the parting of the
night. . <p11-ne:m-p51-mati +fusion> (b.6 f.7 c.17 p.89)
267. *oinencauhyan*. quen nenti in oinencauhyan mochiuhtiquiz in atl
in tepetl: . how will it be when the city will become, will be
made his place of desolation? . <o:-poss-ne:m-ca:hui-caus09-prt1
ya:n> (b.6 f.4 c.10 p.50)
268. *ommonenencoa*. zan iuh commauhcacahua, conciauhcahua,
ommonenencoa. . so he only let her alone, in terror; she tired
him out; he was defrauded. . <o:n-p54-dupl-ne:m-coa> (b.5 f.2 c.13
269. *onen*. auh quihualmonequiltiz, in quecin quihualmonequiltiz,
commopolhuiz, commotlatiliz, commoxixiniliz, commomomoyahuiliz in
tlalehualli, in acatzacualli, in tlachcuitetelli in onen
ticzazalo. . and he will determine in the manner he will desire;
he will ruin, burn, break up, scatter the earthen structure, the
reed enclosure, the mound of earth which in vain thou hast put
together. . <o:-ne:m +min> (b.6 f.3 c.7 p.33)
270. *onen*. onen oncatca. . it was in vain . <o:-ne:m +min> (b.6
f.18 c.41 p.225)
271. *onen*. ic mitoa: onen oncatca, anozo a onen oncatca. . hence
it is said. "it was in vain," or "it was not in vain." . <o:-ne:m>
(b.6 f.18 c.41 p.225)
272. *onen*. ic mitoa: onen oncatca, anozo a onen oncatca. . hence
it is said. "it was in vain," or "it was not in vain." . <o:-ne:m>
(b.6 f.18 c.41 p.225)
273. *onen*. colli acualli tlaahuilmatini, onen oyohuac, onen
oncalac, in tonatiuh, atle iteyo atle itoca, . the bad
grandfather [is] negligent, of misspent days and nights; of no
fame, of no renown. . <o:-ne:m +min> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.5)
274. *onen*. colli acualli tlaahuilmatini, onen oyohuac, onen
oncalac, in tonatiuh, atle iteyo atle itoca, . the bad
grandfather [is] negligent, of misspent days and nights; of no
fame, of no renown. . <o:-ne:m +min> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.5)
275. *onenhuetz*. onenhuetz in cemilhuitl, . in misfortune hath the
feast day come! . <o:-ne:m-huetzi-prt1> (b.2 f.5 c.27 p.98)
276. *onentlamattinenca*. ihcuac quicahua: ca nel oconittac in
quitemoa iyollo, inic oelciciuhtinenca, onentlamattinenca. etc. .
then he released it: for in truth he had realized what his heart
sought -- for which he had lived sighing and in discontent, etc. .
<o:-ne:m-p51-mati-prt1-ti1-nemi-prt1-ca10 aux01> (b.5 f.2 c.12
277. *onnempoliuh*. ic zan onnempoliuh in oc cequi in intenamic, in
intetlapalol: . thus there came only to nothing still another of
their meetings, of their welcomings. . <o:n-ne:m-polihui-prt1>
(b.12 f.2 c.12 p.32)
278. *ononnentlamatticatca*. ca ononnentlamatticatca in ye macuil in
ye matlac, . I have been afflicted for some time. . <o:-p11-o:n
ne:m-p51-mati-prt1-ti1-ca:1a-ca10 aux11a> (b.12 f.3 c.16 p.44)
279. *ontlanemiuhcantilihqueh*. ontlanemiuhcantilique,
oquimompetztoccauhque, . they had caused ruin and left them bare.
. <o:n-p51-ne:m-v03a-prt1-ca:n-v01a-caus04-prt1-plur01> (b.4 f.10
c.32 p.105)
280. *otictlanempolhuih*. auh in ica in ipampa in otictlanempolhui
toteucyo, in otictlanencuali: yeh in amatl in copalli in motequiuh
in ticchihuaz, in ticmanaz. . "and because at some time thou
hast depreciated the things of our lord, hast failed to provide
food, thou wilt provide, wilt offer as thy duty, the paper, the
incense." . <o:-p12-p33-p51-ne:m-polihui-caus06-ben-prt1> (b.6 f.3
c.7 p.33)
281. *otlanemiuhyantilih*. ca otlanemiuhyantili in toteucyo, ca
oyaque in monanhua in motahua, in huel quitenehuaya in huel
quipoaya inchoquizyo, in ixayoyotlatolli. . our lord hath
destroyed it; thy fathers, thy mothers have gone, they who could
pronounce, who could recount the weeping, the tearful words. . <o:
p51-ne:m-v03a-prt1-ya:n-v01a-caus04-prt1> (b.3 f.3 c.ap1 p.42)
282. *quimonenquixtilia*. ca ayac quimonenquixtilia in toteucyo. .
for our lord faileth no one. . <p33-p54-ne:m-qui:za-caus02-ben
+z>x> (b.6 f.17 c.40 p.217)
283. *quinemia*. amo zan quinencuaya, amo za quinemia, in atl, in
tlacualli: . not without purpose did they eat [and] drink. . <p33
ne:m-i:1-ya3> (b.9 f.3 c.6 p.30)
284. *quinencuaya*. amo zan quinencuaya, amo za quinemia, in atl, in
tlacualli: . not without purpose did they eat [and] drink. . <p33
ne:m-cua:-ya3> (b.9 f.3 c.6 p.30)
285. *quinencui*. auh amo zan quinencui, cahcui, amo zan ixpanhuetzi
in inecuiltonol, . but his wealth he did not just appropriate
without purpose, nor fail to take; neither did it just fall to
him. . <p33-ne:m-cui> (b.4 f.12 c.38 p.125)
286. *quinencuiqueh*. inic amo oquitlazotlaque in intzontecon, in
imelchiquiuh, ca amo cacuique quinencuique inic oquittaque in
tachcauhyotl, in huehueyotl, inic ye petlati, ye icpalti, inic ye
contlanehui in impetl, in imicpal in pochteca. . for not without
reason did the merchants take and find leadership and the wisdom
of old age, become leaders, and receive their authority in
exchange. . <p33-ne:m-cui-plur01> (b.4 f.7 c.17 p.62)
287. *quinenquixtia*. cententica, ac cencamatica nimitznotza,
nimitztzatzilia: in ica in ipampa, in cuitlapilli, in atlapalli:
in nentlacatl in aquimatinemi, in nennemi, in nencochi, in
nemmehua: in quinenquixtia in motlacatzin, in moyohualtzin: . in
one word, or two, I call to thee, I cry out to thee for -- on
behalf of -- the vassals, the useless; the ignorant; the
vagabonds; those who sleep, who arise to no purpose; those who
waste thy day, thy night. . <p33-ne:m-qui:za-caus02 +z>x> (b.6 f.1
c.2 p.7)
288. *quinnentlamati*. aocmo huel quicua, in nellimach
quincuitlahuiltia, za iuh quinnentlamati in yollo, . no more
could they eat, although strongly did they urge them; it was as if
they were anguished in spirit; . <p43-ne:m-p51-mati> (b.9 f.5 c.14
289. *quitenemmacaya*. amo quitenemmacaya in huehuetque, in
ilamatque, in manel cententli cencamatl intlatol: . the old men
[and] the old women did not offer them purposelessly, even if
their utterance was [only] one word, one syllable. . <p33-p52-ne:m
maca-ya3> (b.9 f.3 c.6 p.30)
290. *tenenco*. in amo cualli tlacuillo: yolloquiquimil, tecualani,
texiuhtlati, tenenco, tenenenco, . the bad scribe [is] dull,
detestable, irritating -- a fraud, a cheat. . <p52-ne:m-coa-prt1>
(b.10 f.2 c.8 p.28)
291. *tenencoa*. tenenco, tenenenco, tenencoa, tenenencoa: . it
disappoints one, constantly disappoints one; one is frustrated,
constantly frustrated. . <p52-ne:m-coa> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.199)
292. *tenencoh*. in amo cualli tlacualnamacac: in quinamaca
tamaltzocuitlatl, tamalpinetli, papayaxtli, acecec, acecepatic,
tenencuacua, tenentlamachti, tenenco, polocatamalli,
cecepoltamalli, tamalpalan, tamaliyac, zazalic, zazaltic,
tamalzolli, tamalcecec, cuitlaxococ xocopatic, xocopetzcuahuitl,
iyatatl. . the bad food seller [is] he who sells filthy tamales,
discolored tamales -- broken, tasteless, quite tasteless,
inedible, frightening, deceiving; tamales made of chaff, swollen
tamales, spoiled tamales, foul tamales -- sticky, gummy; old
tamales, cold tamales -- dirty and sour, very sour, exceedingly
sour, stinking. . <p52-ne:m-coa-prt1> (b.10 f.4 c.19 p.69)
293. *tenencoh*. tenenco, tenenenco . it disappoints one, it
constantly disappoints one. . <p52-ne:m-coa-prt1> (b.11 f.12 c.6
294. *tenencoh*. tenenco, tenenenco, tenencoa, tenenencoa: . it
disappoints one, constantly disappoints one; one is frustrated,
constantly frustrated. . <p52-ne:m-coa-prt1> (b.11 f.20 c.7
295. *tenencoh*. pipiaztic, memelactic in iquillo: chichiltic in
ixochio; tenenco. . its stems are slender, straight; its blossom
is chili-red; [its odor] disappoints one. . <p52-ne:m-coa-prt1>
(b.11 f.20 c.7 p.199)
296. *tenencoh*. tenenco, tenenenco, tenenentlamachti. . they
disappoint one, constantly disappoint one; they are sorry things.
. <p52-ne:m-coa-prt1> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.204)
297. *tenencuacua*. in amo cualli tlacualnamacac: in quinamaca
tamaltzocuitlatl, tamalpinetli, papayaxtli, acecec, acecepatic,
tenencuacua, tenentlamachti, tenenco, polocatamalli,
cecepoltamalli, tamalpalan, tamaliyac, zazalic, zazaltic,
tamalzolli, tamalcecec, cuitlaxococ xocopatic, xocopetzcuahuitl,
iyatatl. . the bad food seller [is] he who sells filthy tamales,
discolored tamales -- broken, tasteless, quite tasteless,
inedible, frightening, deceiving; tamales made of chaff, swollen
tamales, spoiled tamales, foul tamales -- sticky, gummy; old
tamales, cold tamales -- dirty and sour, very sour, exceedingly
sour, stinking. . <p52-ne:m-dupl-cua:> (b.10 f.4 c.19 p.69)
298. *tenencuacua*. tenencuacua. . it pricks one to no purpose. .
<p52-ne:m-dupl-cua:> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.211)
299. *tenencuacua*. tenencuacua: . it pricks one to no purpose. .
<p52-ne:m-dupl-cua:> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.213)
300. *tenenenco*. in amo cualli tlacuillo: yolloquiquimil,
tecualani, texiuhtlati, tenenco, tenenenco, . the bad scribe [is]
dull, detestable, irritating -- a fraud, a cheat. . <p52-dupl-ne:m
coa-prt1> (b.10 f.2 c.8 p.28)
301. *tenenencoa*. tenenco, tenenenco, tenencoa, tenenencoa: . it
disappoints one, constantly disappoints one; one is frustrated,
constantly frustrated. . <p52-dupl-ne:m-coa> (b.11 f.20 c.7
302. *tenenencoh*. tenenco, tenenenco . it disappoints one, it
constantly disappoints one. . <p52-dupl-ne:m-coa-prt1> (b.11 f.12
c.6 p.122)
303. *tenenencoh*. tenenco, tenenenco, tenencoa, tenenencoa: . it
disappoints one, constantly disappoints one; one is frustrated,
constantly frustrated. . <p52-dupl-ne:m-coa-prt1> (b.11 f.20 c.7
304. *tenenencoh*. tenenco, tenenenco, tenenentlamachti. . they
disappoint one, constantly disappoint one; they are sorry things.
. <p52-dupl-ne:m-coa-prt1> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.204)
305. *tenentlamachtican*. icnoyotl iquiztoya, iyehuayan,
nentlamachohuaya, tenentlamachtican, techoctican,
tenentlamachtican chocohuayan tlaocoyaloya, tetlaocoltican,
elciciuhuayan, teellelaxitican, tlacnomamancan: . it is a place
whence misery comes, where it exists; a place where there is
affliction -- a place of affliction of lamentation, a place of
affliction, of weeping; a place where there is sadness, a place of
compassion, of sighing; a place which arouses sorrow, which
spreads misery. . <p52-ne:m-p51-mati--ca:n> (b.11 f.11 c.6 p.105)
306. *tenentlamachtican*. icnoyotl iquiztoya, iyehuayan,
nentlamachohuaya, tenentlamachtican, techoctican,
tenentlamachtican chocohuayan tlaocoyaloya, tetlaocoltican,
elciciuhuayan, teellelaxitican, tlacnomamancan: . it is a place
whence misery comes, where it exists; a place where there is
affliction -- a place of affliction of lamentation, a place of
affliction, of weeping; a place where there is sadness, a place of
compassion, of sighing; a place which arouses sorrow, which
spreads misery. . <p52-ne:m-p51-mati--ca:n> (b.11 f.11 c.6 p.105)
307. *ticnenquixti*. ma ticnenquixti, in ceyohual, in cemilhuitl, in
mache totech monequi, in tomio, in tonacayo, in tochicahuaca in
tonacayotl . do not waste the night, the day; they are necessary
for us even as our bones, our flesh, our strength, our sustenance.
. <p12-p33-ne:m-qui:za-caus02-opt +z>x> (b.6 f.8 c.17 p.92)
308. *tictonempiquilia*. ha nelli mach, in tictonempiquilia in
timacehualti, . "verily, we common folk imagine it in vain." .
<p21-p33-p54-ne:m-pi:qui1-ben> (b.3 f.4 c.ap4 p.52)
309. *timonemma*. ma timonemma, ma timonencauh: auh ma timoxiccauh,
. take care not to fail to know, not to lose through neglect, not
to lose through carelessness. . <p12-p54-ne:m-mati-opt> (b.6 f.8
c.18 p.96)
310. *timonencauh*. ma timonemma, ma timonencauh: auh ma
timoxiccauh, . take care not to fail to know, not to lose through
neglect, not to lose through carelessness. . <p12-p54-ne:m-ca:hui
caus09-opt> (b.6 f.8 c.18 p.96)
311. *tinentlacatl*. amo za tinentlacatl: auh aza cuel
moyacacuitlapil pilcatinemi, titlampixquitinemiz, tixonauhtinemiz,
tipinehuatinemiz. . not only art thou useless, but soon thy nasal
mucus goeth hanging; thou wilt go toothless, thou wilt go on hand
and knees, thou wilt go pale . <p12-ne:m-tla:catl> (b.6 f.10 c.21
312. *tinentlamati*. ha nelli mach in tinentlamati in timacehualti,
. indeed, we do our best, we common folk. . <p12-ne:m-p51-mati>
(b.3 f.4 c.ap4 p.52)
313. *tinentlamati*. ca izcatqui tiquitoa, ic tinentlamati
motechcopa: . behold, we talk because we are concerned regarding
thee. . <p12-ne:m-p51-mati> (b.6 f.11 c.23 p.127)
314. *titlanempoloa*. nican titlanenquixtia, nican titlanempoloa: .
here we neglect things, here we ruin things. . <p21-p51-ne:m
polihui-caus06> (b.6 f.11 c.24 p.138)
315. *titlanempoloa*. mazo cana tocontlatlazti, mazo
tictlachitoniliti in toteucyo: nican tontlanenquixtia, nican
titlanenpoloa. . may we not cast somewhere aside, reject, the
things of our lord; [for] here we neglect, here we depreciate
things. . <p21-p51-ne:m-polihui-caus06> (b.6 f.15 c.35 p.191)
316. *titlanenquixtia*. nican titlanenquixtia, nican titlanempoloa:
. here we neglect things, here we ruin things. . <p21-p51-ne:m
qui:za-caus02 +z>x> (b.6 f.11 c.24 p.138)
317. *titlanenquixticahua*. za tehhuan, in: auh za tiuhque in, in
titlatlacocahuan toteucyo, in titlanenquixticahua: . we are
these, and we are such as these, we the spoilers of our lord, we
the neglecters. . <p21-p51-ne:m-qui:za-caus02-ca:5-- +z>x> (b.6
f.11 c.24 p.137)
318. *tlalnemiuhyan*. auh inic otlatoca, inic nenemi amo huel yauh
in tlalnemiuhyan: hueli patlania in zacatl, in tlacotl, in tlein
huapahuac. . and thus it advances, thus it travels: it cannot go
on bare ground; it can fly on grass, on shrubs, on anything rough.
. <tla:lli-ne:m-v03a-prt1-ya:n> (b.11 f.8 c.5 p.76)
319. *tlalnemiuhyan*. in tlalnemiuhyan moquetztiuh, zan icuitlapil
inic tlaczatiuh; iuhquimma patlantiuh. . on level land, it goes
standing on the end of its tail; it is as if it went flying along.
. <tla:lli-ne:m-v03a-prt1-ya:n> (b.11 f.9 c.5 p.83)
320. *tlalnemiuhyan*. auh intlacatle ipan aci: in canin poctontli
moquetza, intla zan tlalnemiuhyan, ic quimati ca oncan tlallan ca
in tlazotli in tetl: . and if they are not successful, if it is
only barren where the little [column of] smoke stands, thus they
know that the precious stone is there in the earth. . <tla:lli
ne:m-v03a-prt1-ya:n> (b.11 f.22 c.8 p.221)
321. *tlanemmatini*. in teta tlahueliloc, tlatziuhqui amo
moyolitlacoani, tlanemmatini, tlaxiccahuani, . one's bad father
[is] lazy, incompassionate, negligent, unreliable. . <p51-ne:m
mati-ni1> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.1)
322. *tlanempoloa*. atle hueli, tlatlacoa, tlahitlacoa tlanempoloa .
he can do nothing; he harms, damages, wastes [feathers]. . <p51
ne:m-polihui-caus06> (b.10 f.2 c.7 p.25)
323. *tlanempoloa*. tlanempoloa, tlaixpoloa . he squanders, he
wastes. . <p51-ne:m-polihui-caus06> (b.10 f.2 c.8 p.27)
324. *tlanempoloa*. tlanenquixtia, tlanempoloa, tlaahuilquixtia,
tlaahuilicitta, . he squanders, he wastes; he squanders his
possessions, he dissipates them. . <p51-ne:m-polihui-caus06> (b.10
f.3 c.12 p.41)
325. *tlanempoloani*. in acualli tlaxinqui tlapapayaxoani,
tlatetecuitzoani, tlaquelchihuani, teca mocayahuani, teca
mocuahuitequini, tlaixpoloani, tlanempoloani . the bad carpenter
[is] one who breaks [the work] into pieces, who raises a
clattering din; who is a nonchalant worker, a mocker;
uncooperative, wasteful, squandering. . <p51-ne:m-polihui-caus06
ni1> (b.10 f.2 c.8 p.27)
326. *tlanempoloani*. in amo cualli, in tlahueliloc mocuiltonoa,
tlaahuilpoloani, tlaahuilquixtiani, tlanempoloani,
tlanenquixtiani, tlaahuilicittani, . the bad, the evil rich man
[is] a waster of his possessions, a prodigal, a spendthrift, a
squanderer, a dissipator of his possessions. . <p51-ne:m-polihui
caus06-ni1> (b.10 f.3 c.12 p.41)
327. *tlanempopoloani*. in tenan tlahueliloc, in amo cualli,
tlacanexquimilli, xolopitli, tonalcochqui, maxixilopahuax,
tlanempopoloani, tetlaixpachilhuiani, tetlanahualchichihuiliani,
tetlanahualpolhuiani, . one's bad mother [is] evil, dull, stupid,
sleepy, lazy; [she is] a squanderer, a petty thief, a deceiver, a
fraud. . <p51-ne:m-dupl-polihui-caus06-ni1> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.2)
328. *tlanempopoloani*. in ixhuiuhtli tlahueliloc tlaahuilquixtiani
tlanempopoloani tlaixpoloani, tlateuhyotiani, tlatlazollotiani,
tlacamicqui, ii$ellelacic iyolacic, quimaxilti tlahueliloc, . the
bad grandchild [is] a prodigal, a spendthrift, a squanderer -- a
tarnisher, a besmircher of the honor of his own; perverse,
dejected, miserable; a yielder before evil. . <p51-ne:m-dupl
polihui-caus06-ni1> (b.10 f.1 c.1 p.6)
329. *tlanenquixtia*. nenquiza, tlanenquixtia . she works to no
avail; she squanders. . <p51-ne:m-qui:za-caus02 +z>x> (b.10 f.1
c.3 p.12)
330. *tlanenquixtia*. tlanenquixtia, tlanempoloa, tlaahuilquixtia,
tlaahuilicitta, . he squanders, he wastes; he squanders his
possessions, he dissipates them. . <p51-ne:m-qui:za-caus02 +z>x>
(b.10 f.3 c.12 p.41)
331. *tlanenquixtiani*. in amo cualli, in tlahueliloc mocuiltonoa,
tlaahuilpoloani, tlaahuilquixtiani, tlanempoloani,
tlanenquixtiani, tlaahuilicittani, . the bad, the evil rich man
[is] a waster of his possessions, a prodigal, a spendthrift, a
squanderer, a dissipator of his possessions. . <p51-ne:m-qui:za
caus02-ni1 +z>x> (b.10 f.3 c.12 p.41)
332. *tontlanenquixtia*. mazo cana tocontlatlazti, mazo
tictlachitoniliti in toteucyo: nican tontlanenquixtia, nican
titlanenpoloa. . may we not cast somewhere aside, reject, the
things of our lord; [for] here we neglect, here we depreciate
things. . <p21-o:n-p51-ne:m-qui:za-caus02 +z>x> (b.6 f.15 c.35
333. *ximonenencahua*. maca ximonenencahua. . do not be wasteful. .
<p6-p54-dupl-ne:m-ca:hui-caus09> (b.6 f.8 c.17 p.92)
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