Plant Names
Campbell, R. Joe
campbel at
Sat Nov 5 02:29:13 UTC 2011
I thought that some of my notes on plant names in the Florentine
Codex might be of interest to you and some listero por ahi. The notes
are still incomplete, actually skeletal in many cases, but they might
help by constituting a word list with page locations in the FC. Their
intention is to eventually give both location in the FC, as well as a
sentence context.
But this doesn't work where Dibble and Anderson used a plant name as a
paragraph header (e.g., item 1 below). On the other hand, where there
IS a sentence context, as in item 3, we get the Nahuatl context, as
well as the English translation of the sentence.
I am sorry for the incompleteness, but I don't know when the "in-"
will be remedied. I'm putting most of my current work into words that
are more rewarding to me at my present state of ignorance of plant
vocabulary. That frequently involves words with a good deal of
derivational layers.
In the list below,
b = book
f = file
c = chapter
p = page
(the file number is only my use in locating items for editing)
Book, chapter, and page refer to the Dibble and Anderson edition.
I'll be happy to clarify anything that is too murky.
1. *aahuaton*. haahuaton, . aahuaton . <++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7
2. *acacapacquilitl*. acacapacquilitl: . acacapacquilitl . <a:catl
capa:ni-l2-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
3. *acametl*. acametl, mapipitzahuac, mahuihuiac yollopitzahuac. .
the acametl has slender leaves, long leaves, a slender center. .
<++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
4. *acaxilotic*. acaxilotic . acaxilotic . <a:catl-xi:lo:tl-tic
++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.159)
5. *acaxilotl*. acaxilotl: . acaxilotl . <a:catl-xi:lo:tl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.6 p.126)
6. *acaxilotl*. acaxilotl: . acaxilotl . <a:catl-xi:lo:tl
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
7. *acaxilotl*. in inelhuayo itoca, acaxilotl: cualoni, pahuaxoni. .
the name of its root is acaxilotl; it is edible, it can be cooked
in an olla. . <a:catl-xi:lo:tl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
8. *achichilacachtli*. in quicuani: atatapalacatl, achichilacachtli.
. it is an eater of atatapalcatl [water plant] and
achichilacachtli [gibbous duckweed]. . <++plant> (b.11 f.4 c.2
9. *achili*. achili, . achilli . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7
10. *achochoquilitl*. achochoquilitl, . achochoquilitl; . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.8 f.2 c.13 p.38)
11. *achochoquilitl*. achochoquilitl, . achochoquilitl . <--quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
12. *achochoquilitl*. ahuexocaquilitl zan no ye in achochoquilitl. .
auexocaquilitl is the same as achochoquilitl. . <--quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
13. *acocohtli*. acocotli . acocotli . <a:tl1-co:cohtli
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.133)
14. *acocohtli*. iuhquin acocotli iquillo, huia: . its leaves are
long like those of the acocotli. . <a:tl1-co:cohtli ++plant>
(b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
15. *acocohxihuitl*. acocoxihuitl: . acocoxiuitl . <a:tl1-co:cohtli
xihuitl1 .ah ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.155)
16. *acocohxihuitl*. acocoxihuitl, . acocoxiuitl . <a:tl1-co:cohtli
xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.172)
17. *acocohxihuitl*. acocoxihuitl. . acocoxiuitl . <a:tl1-co:cohtli
xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
18. *acuilloxochitl*. in ixochio iztac, iuhquin acuilloxochitl; zan
yoaltica in cueponi, auh in cemilhuitl pictica: . its blossom is
white; like the acuilloxochitl it blossoms only at night and
remains closed all day long. . <--xo:chitl +ly>ll ++plant>
(b.11 f.17 c.7 p.177)
19. *acuitlacpalli*. acuitlacpalli, . acuitlacpalli . <a:tl1
cuitlatl-icpatl-l3 ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.135)
20. *acuitlacpalli*. quinenehuilia in acuitlacpalli, . it resembles
the acuitlacpalli herb. . <a:tl1-cuitlatl-icpatl-l3 ++plant>
(b.11 f.13 c.7 p.135)
21. *ahacxoyatic*. ahacxoyatic, . haacxoyatic . <dupl-acxoyatl-tic
.aho ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.181)
22. *ahmolli*. hamolli, . ahmolli . <ahmo:lli ++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.7 p.133)
23. *ahquiztli*. inin ahquiztli: zan xoxouhqui in mi, aya tle mocua:
quihualpantlaza, mochi pani quihualteca in totomoctli: . this
aquiztli is drunk uncooked during fasting; it brings the blisters
to the surface, it draws all the blisters to the surface. .
<++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.131)
24. *ahuatoto*. ixiiucci, ixyayapalehua in omocaxani, inic pati
tlanechicolli, quiz tlatzoyonilli, tlatlauhcapatli, tlacozazalic,
coztomatl, atepocapatli, aatepocatic, tochtetepo, tlamacazqui
ipapa, ahuatoto, cuachtlacalhuaztli, cuicuitlapile, cuappatli,
tlalpatli, nantzin, mizquitlaxipehualli, tzatzayanalquiltic: . a
blotched face, [or] the face wheals of a woman recently delivered,
are cured in this manner: one is to drink [an infusion of]
assorted cooked [herbs]: tlatlauhcapatli, tlacoaalic, coztomatl,
atepocapatli, aatepocatic, tochtetepo, tlamacazqui ipapa, aoatoto,
quachtlacaloaztli, cuicuitlapile, quappatli, tlalpatli, nantzin,
mizquitlaxipeoalli, tzatzayanalquiltic. . <++plant> (b.10 f.8
c.28 p.143)
25. *ahuatoton*. auh mochi moneneloa in tlatlauhcapatli,
aacaxilotic, ahuatoton, tochtetepon, zacacilin, iztac zazalic,
atepocapatli, huei patli, iztac chichicpatli, . and all [these]
are mixed [with it]: tlatlauhcapatli, aacaxilotic, auatoton,
tochtetepon, acacilin, iztac aalic, atepocapatli, uei patli,
iztac chichic patli. . <++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.141)
26. *ahuatzitzi*. ixquich quinamaca in pahtli, in xihuitl, in
cuahuitl, in tetl, in memeyallotl, tececec, iztauhyatl,
tlacuacuitlapilli, cuicuitlapile, zazalicpatli, tlatlauhcapahtli,
poztequizpatli, zazalic, iztac pahtli, aatepocatic, ahuatzitzi,
tlalcacahuatl, chichipilli, tzompopoto cicimatic, . he sells all
things, medicines, herbs, wood, stones, milk, alum -- [the herbs]
iztauhiatl, tlaquacuitlapilli, cuicuitlapile, aalicpatli,
tlatlauhcapatli, puztequizpatli io aalic iztac patli iz
aatepocatic, aoatzitzi, tlalcacaoatl, chichipilli, tzonpopoto,
cicimatic. . <++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.86)
27. *ahuexocaquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
28. *ahuexocaquilitl*. ahuexocaquilitl zan no ye in achochoquilitl.
. auexocaquilitl is the same as achochoquilitl. . <--quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
29. *ahxalli*. ahxalli, . axalli . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7
30. *aitztolin*. ihuan coniz in motlehuia, aitztoli, in xocoatl
ipan. . and when there is fever, one is to drink [an infusion of
the root of] aitztoli in acid water. . <a:tl1-i:tztli-to:lin
++plant +del.n> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.160)
31. *aitztolin*. aitztolin: . aitztolin . <a:tl1-i:tztli-to:lin
.ahf ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.171)
32. *amalacotl*. huel iuhqui in atlan mochihua in amalacotl, . it
is just like the amalocotl, which grows in the water. . <amalacotl
++plant +prob> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.156)
33. *amalacotl*. amamalacotl, anozo amalacotl, . amamalacotl or
amalacotl . <amalacotl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.196)
34. *amamalacotl*. amamalacotl, anozo amalacotl, . amamalacotl or
amalacotl . <--amalacotl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.196)
35. *amaxtla*. yehhuatl ommiz, in itoca coztic axixpatli, amaxtla
inelhuayo, ahzo zan atl ipan, ahzo cacahuatl ipan: ahzo octli
ipan, chillo, ayohuachyo, anozo zan achi pactli ipan. . for this
will be drunk what is named "yellow urine medicine," the root of
[the herb] amaxtlatl, whether only in water, or in chocolate, or
in maguey wine with chili [and] gourd seeds, or in very little
water. . <++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.156)
36. *anochnohpalli*. anochnopalli, . anochnopalli . <--no:chtli
nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.123)
37. *anochnohpalli*. anochnopalli . anochnopalli . <--no:chtli
nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
38. *aquiztli*. haquiztli: . aquiztli . <++plant> (b.11 f.13
c.7 p.131)
39. *atatapalacatl*. inic motocayotia xalcuani, zan mochipa xalli in
quicua: zan quemmanian atatapalacatl, in quicua: . it is named
xalquani because it always eats sand, though sometimes it eats
atatapalacatl [water plants]. . <++plant> (b.11 f.4 c.2 p.36)
40. *atatapalacatl*. in quicuani: atatapalacatl, achichilacachtli. .
it is an eater of atatapalcatl [water plant] and achichilacachtli
[gibbous duckweed]. . <++plant> (b.11 f.4 c.2 p.37)
41. *atetetzon*. atetetzon, . atetetzon . <++plant> (b.11 f.19
c.7 p.195)
42. *atlacotl*. atlacotl, . atlacotl . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7
43. *atlacuezonan*. in iquillo papatlactic, yayahualtic, itoca
atlacuezona, . its leaves are wide, round; it is called
atlacueonan. . <++plant +prob> (b.11 f.13 c.6 p.126)
44. *atlacuezonan*. yahualtic, iuhquin atlacuezona ic ca. . it is
round; it is like the atlacueonan. . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7
45. *atlacuezonan*. inelhuayo, in atlacuezonan: . its root is [like
that of] the atlacueonan. . <+prob ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
46. *atlepahtli*. atlepatli: . atlepatli . <--tletl1-pahtli
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.131)
47. *atlitliliatl*. atlitliliatl: . atlitliliatl . <++plant>
(b.11 f.14 c.7 p.141)
48. *atolin*. ihuan itoca, atoli; . also its name is atolin. .
<a:tl1-to:lin +del.n ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
49. *atolin*. nicpetlachihua in tolyama in atoli. . I make mats of
toliaman, of atolin. . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
50. *atzatzamolli*. atzatzamolli, . atzatzamolli . <a?-dupl
tzamolli ++plant +prob> (b.11 f.13 c.6 p.126)
51. *atzatzamolli*. atzatzamolli . atzatzamolli . <a?-dupl-tzamolli
++plant +prob> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
52. *atzatzamolxochitl*. in ixochio iztac, aztic, itoca
atzatzamolxochitl: . its blossom is white, white; its name is
atzatzamolxochitl. . <a?-dupl-tzamolli-xo:chitl ++plant +prob>
(b.11 f.13 c.6 p.126)
53. *atzihuenquilitl*. tzihuinquilitl, anozo atzihuenquilitl, .
tziuinquilitl or atziuenquilitl . <--quilitl ++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.7 p.135)
54. *atzihuequilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
55. *atzitzicaztli*. in mococoa telchiquiuh: tocuitlapa, tomicicuil,
tochiquiuhio, in nohuiyan tlatlaxhuizti in inacayo: ic moza in
tlanechicolli, in nepapan xihuitl, tlalquequetzal, tonalxihuitl,
atzitzicaztli, atzomiatl, . if the chest, the back, the ribs, the
rib cage hurt, if she aches in all parts of her body, she is
anointed with a collection of divers herbs: tlalquequetzal,
tonalxiuitl, atzitzicaztli, atzomiatl. . <a:tl1-tzi:tzica:ztli
++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.152)
56. *atzomiatl*. in mococoa telchiquiuh: tocuitlapa, tomicicuil,
tochiquiuhio, in nohuiyan tlatlaxhuizti in inacayo: ic moza in
tlanechicolli, in nepapan xihuitl, tlalquequetzal, tonalxihuitl,
atzitzicaztli, atzomiatl, . if the chest, the back, the ribs, the
rib cage hurt, if she aches in all parts of her body, she is
anointed with a collection of divers herbs: tlalquequetzal,
tonalxiuitl, atzitzicaztli, atzomiatl. . <++plant> (b.10 f.9
c.28 p.152)
57. *atzomiatl*. atzomiatl, anozo atzoyatl, . atzomiatl or atzoyatl
. <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.219)
58. *atzoyatl*. atzomiatl, anozo atzoyatl, . atzomiatl or atzoyatl
. <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.219)
59. *axocopac*. axocopac, anozo axocopaconi: . axocopac or
axocopaconii . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.191)
60. *axocopaconi*. axocopac, anozo axocopaconi: . axocopac or
axocopaconii . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.191)
61. *ayauhchian*. in ayauhchian: . ayauhchien . <a:yahui-l2-chiam
++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.286)
62. *ayauhchien*. ihuan itoca: ayauhchien, . also its name is
ayauhchien. . <a:yahui-l2-chiam ++plant +a>e> (b.11 f.27 c.13
63. *ayauhtona*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, ahuexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli, xoxocoyoli,
xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. .
<++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
64. *ayotetontli*. mohuihuilanani, iuhquin ayotetontli: . it is a
creeper like the ayotetontli. . <++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
65. *ayozonan*. quillo papatlahuac in iatlapal iuhquin, ayozona,
tetzcaltic, yamanqui, tlatlalhuayo, . the foliage is broad; its
leaves are like those of the ayoonan -- very smooth, soft, nerve
like. . <+del.n ++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.209)
66. *azcalxochitl*. azcalxochitl, iuhquin tolin . the azcalxochitl
is like the tolin. . <++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.209)
67. *azcanochnohpalli*. azcanochnopalli, . azcanochnopalli .
<a:zcatl-no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.124)
68. *azcanochtli*. in itlaaquillo: itoca azcanochtli . the name of
its fruit is azcanochtli. . <a:zcatl-no:chtli ++plant> (b.11
f.12 c.6 p.124)
69. *azcatzontecomatl*. in patli itoca azcatzontecomatl
ommochichipinia: . the medicine, [an herb] named
azcatzontecomatl, is applied as drops [in the eyes]. . <a:zcatl
tzontli-tecomatl ++plant .ah> (b.10 f.8 c.28 p.144)
70. *azpan*. ic ninixamia in azpan. . I wash my face with azpan. .
<++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.193)
71. *aztapili*. in itzin in iztac, itoca aztapili, anozo oztopili. .
the name of its white base is aztapili, or oztopili. .
<++plant +prob> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
72. *cacahuaxochitl*. yehhuatl in itecomayo cacahuaxochitl: . this
is the cup of the cacauaxochitl. . <cacahuatl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.212)
73. *cacapxon*. cacapxon: . cacapxon . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.6
74. *cacomitl*. cacomitl . cacomitl . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.6
75. *calahuauhquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
76. *camaxtle*. camaxtle: . camaxtle . <++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6
77. *camaxtle*. in ixochicuallo, zan no itoca camaxtle, . the name
of its fruit is also camaxtle. . <++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6
78. *camohtli*. inin tlanelhuatl: itoca, camotli: . the name of
this root is camotli. . <camohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
79. *camohtli*. cequi iztac, itoca, iztac camotli, poxcauhcamotli: .
some are white; their name is iztac camotli [or] poxcauhcamotli. .
<camohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
80. *camohxalli*. auh in tlacpac omoteneuh, itoca: camoxalli. . and
the name of those mentioned above is camoxalli. . <camohtli-xa:lli
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
81. *camohxihuitl*. xihuitl xochicuallo. camoxihuitl, . a fruit
producing herb camoxiuitl . <camohtli-xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11
f.14 c.7 p.140)
82. *caxtlatlapan*. auh in ihcuac ye tetepotzo quiza ima, yicxi,
coniz tlanoquiloni, itoca tlatlapanaltic inelhuayo, iuhquin
caxtlatlapan, . and if one's hands [and] one's feet become
twisted, one is to drink a purgative, the root [of an herb] named
tlatlapanaltic, which is like caxtlatlapan. . <++plant> (b.10
f.9 c.28 p.157)
83. *caxtlatlapan*. in iquillo zan mohuillana iuhquin etl, iuhquin
caxtlatlapan. . its foliage just creeps like the bean, like the
caxtlatlapan herb. . <++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.125)
84. *caxtlatlapan*. ixiuhyo: in ixochio iuhqui in caxtlatlapan
ixochio, mohuitic. . its blossom is like the blossom of the
caxtlatlapan; it is dark blue. . <++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7
85. *caxtlatlapan*. zan no quihuihuicatica in ixochio; camopaltic in
ixochio, iuhquin caxtlatlapan: . it also intersperses its
blossoms; purple are its blossoms, like those of the caxtlatlapan.
. <++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.171)
86. *caxtlatlapan*. caxtlatlapan, . caxtlatlapan; . <++plant>
(b.11 f.20 c.7 p.199)
87. *cexochitl*. ihuan itoca cuauheloxochitl, anozo cexochitl, .
also its name is quauheloxochitl or cexochitl. . <++plant>
(b.11 f.16 c.7 p.160)
88. *chapolxihuitl*. chapolxihuitl, . chapolxiuitl . <chapolin
xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.149)
89. *chian*. inic nahui parrapho: itechpa tlatoa, in chian. .
fourth paragraph, which telleth of chia. . <chiam ++plant>
(b.11 f.27 c.13 p.285)
90. *chicalotl*. michpiltetei: anozo amilotetl, ololtic, ololauhqui
iuhquin huauhtli, chicalotl, iztac ichyo, teteicani, teteinini, .
michpili eggs or amilotl eggs are round, roundish, like amaranth
or argemone mexicana [seed]: white, like maguey fiber; crunchable,
crushable. . <chicalotl ++plant> (b.11 f.7 c.3 p.64)
91. *chicalotl*. ihuan itoca chicalotl, . also its name is
chicalotl. . <chicalotl ++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.287)
92. *chichic pahtli*. auh in yehhuatl, in chichic patli, itech
quiza, itlaxipehuallo in huei cuahuitl, itoca chichic cuahuitl, .
and this, the chichic patli, comes from the bark of a large tree
named chichic quauitl. . <chichiya-delya-c1 pahtli ++plant
+phrase> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.179)
93. *chichicaquilitl*. chichicaquilitl: . chichicaquilitl .
<chichiya-delya-ca:5-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.137)
94. *chichientic*. chichientic . chichientic . <dupl-chiam-tic .aho
++plant +a>e> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.153)
95. *chichilquiltic*. chichilquiltic, . chichilquiltic . <dupl
chi:lli-quilitl-tic ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.156)
96. *chichipelotl*. niman ye ic nextamalxochitia: niman mitoa,
chichipelotl, . then it becomes the nixtamal flower; now it is
called chichipelotl. . <++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.283)
97. *chichipilin*. coni chichipili inelhuayo, chichicaquilitl,
tececec, xocoatl: . one drinks [an infusion of the root of]
chichipilli, [with] alum [and] acid water. . <dupl-chipilin +del.n
++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.159)
98. *chichipiltic*. auh ompa coni in iztac patli, in chichipiltic,
ihuan achiton chilli, iztac octli ipan, ic pati, ic moyahua in
eztli. . and there one drinks [an infusion of the root of] iztac
patli, chichipiltic, and a little chili, [or one drinks it] in
white maguey wine to cure, to circulate, the blood. . <dupl
chipilin-tic ++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.162)
99. *chichipiltic*. chichipiltic, . chichipiltic . <dupl-chipilin
tic ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.144)
100. *chilachtli*. in ixiuhyo, xoxoctic, yahualtotonti, iuhqui in
chilachtli, cuahuitztoton: . its foliage is green, small and
round, like the chilachtli; the ends are pointed. . <++plant>
(b.11 f.18 c.7 p.182)
101. *chilpanton*. chilpanton, . chilpanton . <chi:lli-pan-to:n
++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.155)
102. *chilpanton*. monamictia in ixiuhyo chilpanton. . the foliage
of chilpanton is added. . <chi:lli-pan-to:n ++plant> (b.11
f.16 c.7 p.168)
103. *chilpanton*. auh in chilpanton, omito in quenami. . and it
has been told how chilpanton [is used]. . <chi:lli-pan-to:n
++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.168)
104. *chilpanton*. inin tlanelhuatl: monamiqui in inelhuayo
chilpanton, mocenteci: . this root is mixed with the root of the
chilpanton; they are ground together. . <chi:lli-pan-to:n
++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.174)
105. *chilpanton*. in chilpanto ye omito in quenami. . the
characteristics of the chilpanton have already been mentioned. .
<chi:lli-pan-to:n +del.n ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.174)
106. *chilquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <chi:lli
quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
107. *chilquilitl*. iuhquin chilquilitl ixiuhyo: . its leaves are
like those of the chilquilitl. . <chi:lli-quilitl ++plant>
(b.11 f.15 c.7 p.158)
108. *chimalacatl*. chimalacatl: xochio, iticoyonqui. . the
chimalacatl has blossoms; it is hollow. . <chi:malli-a:catl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.220)
109. *chimalnanacatl*. chimalnanacatl: . chimalnanacatl .
<chi:malli-dupl-nacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.132)
110. *chipilin*. atliz, in iiauh chipili, coatli, ahzo achi vino,
ahzo achi octli, . he is to drink the water of the chipili herb,
[or infusions of] coatli, or a little wine, or a little maguey
wine. . <chipilin +del.n ++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.150)
111. *cicimatic*. ixquich quinamaca in pahtli, in xihuitl, in
cuahuitl, in tetl, in memeyallotl, tececec, iztauhyatl,
tlacuacuitlapilli, cuicuitlapile, zazalicpatli, tlatlauhcapahtli,
poztequizpatli, zazalic, iztac pahtli, aatepocatic, ahuatzitzi,
tlalcacahuatl, chichipilli, tzompopoto cicimatic, . he sells all
things, medicines, herbs, wood, stones, milk, alum -- [the herbs]
iztauhiatl, tlaquacuitlapilli, cuicuitlapile, aalicpatli,
tlatlauhcapatli, puztequizpatli io aalic iztac patli iz
aatepocatic, aoatzitzi, tlalcacaoatl, chichipilli, tzonpopoto,
cicimatic. . <dupl-cimatl-tic ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.86)
112. *cicimatic*. cicimatic . cicimatic . <dupl-cimatl-tic
++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.184)
113. *cihuapahtli*. inamic cihuapatli motzoyonia, tlillo, ihuan
mocenneloa totoltetl itehuilotca, . its remedy is ciuapatli
[leaves] cooked together with lampblack and [the white of] an egg.
. <cihua:tl-pahtli ++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.155)
114. *cihuapahtli*. cihuapatli, . ciuapatli . <cihua:tl-pahtli
++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.179)
115. *cihuapahtli*. conitia, in aquin cihuatl, in amo huel ic
mixihui in omito, cihuapatli: . they give this [in water] as a
drink to the woman who cannot give birth, as is already mentioned
[regarding] ciuapatli. . <cihua:tl-pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.18
c.7 p.180)
116. *cihuapahtli*. in ihcuac miz can mixcahuiz: amo achtopa miz in
omito cihuapatli, anozo nopalli: . when it is to be drunk, it is
just this alone, in preference to drinking the aforementioned
ciuapatli or nopal. . <cihua:tl-pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7
117. *cimaquilitl*. in ixiuhyo itoca, cuahueco, tel no itoca
cimaquilitl: . the name of its foliage is quaueco, but also its
name is cimaquilitl. . <cimatl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7
118. *cimatl*. cimatl; . cimatl . <cimatl ++plant> (b.11 f.13
c.6 p.125)
119. *cimatl*. cimatl . cimatl . <cimatl ++plant> (b.11 f.13
c.7 p.132)
120. *cimatl*. in inelhuayo, iuhquin cimatl ic tomahuac, . its root
is like that of cimatl; it is just as thick. . <cimatl
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.148)
121. *cimatl*. cenca chichic, huihuiac iztac, mimiltotonti, iuhquin
cimatl: . [the root] is very bitter, long, white, small and
cylindrical, like that of the cimatl. . <cimatl ++plant> (b.11
f.15 c.7 p.151)
122. *cimatl*. in inelhuayo coztic iuhquin cimatl: . its root is
yellow, like that of the cimatl. . <cimatl ++plant> (b.11 f.15
c.7 p.157)
123. *cimatontli*. auh in inelhuayo, achi za huiac: za ce iuhquin
cimatontli: . and its root is somewhat long, single, like a small
cimatl [root]. . <cimatl-to:n-tl ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7
124. *coanenepilli*. ihuan toquichcocol, ihuan cihuacocolli
monamictia in coanenepilli, ic pati, quiquixtia in netlacolli, in
cochtemictli: . and for ailments of men and women, coanenepilli
is added, to cure, to remove the ailment, [or for] nocturnal
emissions. . <co:a:tl-nenetl-pilli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
125. *coanenepilli*. coanenepilli, . coanenetilli . <co:a:tl-nenetl
pilli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.148)
126. *coatzontecomaxochitl*. coatzontecomaxochitl: .
coatzontecomaxochitl . <co:a:tl-tzontli-tecomatl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.211)
127. *coaxoxouhqui*. coaxoxouhqui, . coaxoxouhqui . <co:a:tl-dupl
xo:tl2-v11-prt1-c2 ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.171)
128. *coaxoxouhqui*. zan monomahuia in mopapachoa, in ihcuac oitech
quiz in ye ic ihuinti coaxoxouhqui. . he acted of his own
volition; he massaged himself when it had taken effect, when
already he was drunk from the coaxoxouhqui. . <co:a:tl-dupl-xo:tl2
v11-prt1-c2 ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.172)
129. *coayielli*. coayielli, . coayielli . <++plant> (b.11 f.14
c.7 p.145)
130. *cocopi*. cocopi: . cocopi . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7
131. *cocotl*. cocotl: unos bledos que son como cenizos o cenilcos
de espa¤a . cocotl amaranth which is like spanish goosefoot .
<++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.286)
132. *colotzitzicaztli*. tzitzicaztli, anozo colotzitzicaztli: .
tzitzicaztli or colotzitzicaztli . <co:lli-v03a-caus06-l2
tzi:tzica:ztli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
133. *coyocuechi*. quin onez, iuhquin coyocuechi, . when it
appeared, it was like the coyocuechi herb. . <++plant> (b.11
f.14 c.7 p.139)
134. *coyocuexi*. in quicua: tonalchichicaquilitl, cuanacaquilitl,
coyocuexi, tetzitzili; . it eats tonalchichicaquilitl,
quanacaquilitl, coyocuexi, tetzitzili herbs. . <++plant> (b.11
f.6 c.2 p.53)
135. *coyocuexi*. coyocuexi, . coyocuexi . <++plant> (b.11 f.13
c.7 p.137)
136. *coyotomatl*. coyototomatl, coyotomatl: . coyototomatl [or]
coyotomatl . <coyo:tl-tomatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.141)
137. *coyotomatl*. coyotomatl: . coyotomatl . <coyo:tl-tomatl
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.144)
138. *coyototomatl*. coyototomatl, coyotomatl: . coyototomatl [or]
coyotomatl . <coyo:tl--tomatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.141)
139. *coyoxochitl*. no huel monamictia in coyoxochitl, ihuan
tecomaxochitl mocenneloa, . also coyoxochitl and tecomoxochitl
are added, mixed all together. . <coyo:tl-xo:chitl ++plant>
(b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
140. *cozcacuauhxihuitl*. cozcacuauhxihuitl, . cozcaquauhxiuitl .
<co:zcatl-cua:uhtli-xihuitl1 ++plant +need:tree> (b.11 f.17
c.7 p.177)
141. *coznochnohpalli*. coznochnopalli, . coznochnopalli . <coztli
no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.123)
142. *coznochnohpalli*. coznochnopalli . coznochnopalli . <coztli
no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
143. *coztomatl*. coztomatl, . coztomatl . <coztli-tomatl
++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.151)
144. *cuahueco*. in xihuitl in itoca cuahueco: . the name of its
foliage is quaueco. . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.6 p.125)
145. *cuahueco*. in ixiuhyo itoca, cuahueco, tel no itoca
cimaquilitl: . the name of its foliage is quaueco, but also its
name is cimaquilitl. . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.132)
146. *cuahueco*. cuahueco: . quaueco . <++plant> (b.11 f.27
c.13 p.285)
147. *cuahuichpolli*. cuahuichpolli. . quauichpolli . <++plant>
(b.11 f.19 c.7 p.196)
148. *cuahuitzquilitl*. cuahuitzquilitl . cuauitzquilitl . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.137)
149. *cuahuitzquilitl*. cuahuitzquilitl quitocayotia. . they give
it the name quauitzquilitl. . <--quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13
c.7 p.137)
150. *cuahuiyexochitl*. cuahuiyexochitl: zan ye no yehhuatl. . the
quauhyiexochitl is the same. . <cuahuitl-iyetl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.198)
151. *cuahuiztixochitl*. cuauhacaxochitl. cuauhiztexochitl,
cuahuiztixochitl, . quauhacaxochitl. quauhiztexochitl,
quauhiztixochitl . <cua:uhtli-iztitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11
f.21 c.7 p.211)
152. *cuammamaxtla*. cuammamaxtla. . quammamaxtla . <++plant
+wm>mm> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.196)
153. *cuanacaquilitl*. in quicua: tonalchichicaquilitl,
cuanacaquilitl, coyocuexi, tetzitzili; . it eats
tonalchichicaquilitl, quanacaquilitl, coyocuexi, tetzitzili herbs.
. <cua:itl-nacatl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.6 c.2 p.53)
154. *cuanacaquilitl*. cuanacaquilitl: . quanacaquilitl . <cua:itl
nacatl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.139)
155. *cuanacaquilitl*. yehhuatl oquitocayotique cuanacaquilitl:
ipampa ic huapahua in totolme, . they named this quanacaquilitl,
because the fowls are nourished by it. . <cua:itl-nacatl-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.139)
156. *cuapopoltzin*. cuapopoltzin, . quapopoltzin . <cua:itl-dupl
po:l-tzin ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.166)
157. *cuappatlachtli*. in ihcuac mochihua cuauhtlacacahuatl in ayac
quitoca: itoca, teocacahuatl, ihuan cuappatlachtli, ihuan in
tonacayotl: . when wild cacao grows -- which no one plants --
called teocacauatl and quappatlachtli, [it eats these] and maize.
. <cuahuitl-patla:hua-l2 +w>ch +wp>pp ++plant> (b.11 f.1 c.1
158. *cuauhacaxochitl*. cuauhacaxochitl. cuauhiztexochitl,
cuahuiztixochitl, . quauhacaxochitl. quauhiztexochitl,
quauhiztixochitl . <cua:uhtli-a:catl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11
f.21 c.7 p.211)
159. *cuauhcamohtli*. cuauhcamotli . quauhcamotli . <cuahuitl
camohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.125)
160. *cuauheloquilitl*. cuauheloquilitl, . quauheloquilitl .
<cuahuitl-e:lo:tl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
161. *cuauheloquiltic*. cuauheloquiltic . quauheloquiltic .
<++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.160)
162. *cuauheloxochitl*. ihuan itoca cuauheloxochitl, anozo
cexochitl, . also its name is quauheloxochitl or cexochitl. .
<cuahuitl-e:lo:tl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.160)
163. *cuauhiztexochitl*. cuauhacaxochitl. cuauhiztexochitl,
cuahuiztixochitl, . quauhacaxochitl. quauhiztexochitl,
quauhiztixochitl . <cua:uhtli-iztitl-xo:chitl ++plant +i>e>
(b.11 f.21 c.7 p.211)
164. *cuauhnanacatl*. cuauhnanacatl, . quauhnanacatl . <cuahuitl
dupl-nacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.132)
165. *cuauholli*. ihuan itoca cuauholli. . its name is also
quauholli. . <++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.161)
166. *cuauhtapahzoltontli*. cuauhtapazoltontli, . it is a small
bush. . <cuahuitl-tatl-pahzotl-v01b-delya-l1-to:n-tl ++plant>
(b.11 f.17 c.7 p.173)
167. *cuauhtzontetl*. in inelhuayo. tetelquic, iuhquin
cuauhtzontetl, . its root is harsh to the taste, like that of the
quauhtzontetl. . <cuahuitl-tzontli-tetl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.18
c.7 p.184)
168. *cuauhxihuitl*. ihuan itoca cuauhxihuitl: . also its name is
quauhxiuitl. . <cuahuitl-xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
169. *cuauhxiuhtic*. cuauhxiuhtic, . quauhxiuhtic . <++plant>
(b.11 f.19 c.7 p.192)
170. *cuauhxoxocoyoli*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. .
<++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
171. *cuauhxoxocoyoli*. cuauhxoxocoyoli, . quauhxoxocoyoli .
<cuahuitl-- ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.139)
172. *cuauhyayahual*. mocenneloa, cuahuayahual, ihuan iztahuatl. .
it is mixed together with quauhyayaual and iztauhiatl. . <cuahuitl
dupl-yahualli-trunc ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.147)
173. *cuauhyayahual*. mocoxonia, amo mopalticateci, moneloa in
cuauhyayahual ixiuhyo. yehhuatl in iamatlapal, ihuan ixochio. .
[its leaves] are ground up dry, not wet, mixed with the foliage of
the quauhyayaual: that is, with its leaves and its blossoms. .
<cuahuitl-dupl-yahualli-trunc ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.178)
174. *cuaztalxochitl*. cuaztalxochitl: . quaztalxochitl . <cua:itl
iztatl-v01b-delya-l1-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.212)
175. *cuezalmetl*. cuezalmetl . cuealmetl . <cuezalin-metl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
176. *cuicuilnochnohpalli*. cuicuilnochnopalli: .
cuicuilnochnopalli . <--no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12
c.6 p.123)
177. *cuicuilnochtli*. in itech quiza, itoca cuicuilnochtli, . from
it come [the tunas] named cuicuilnochtli. . <++plant> (b.11
f.12 c.6 p.123)
178. *cuicuitlapileh*. cuicuitlapile, cuitlapile. . cuicuitlapile
[or] cuitlapile . <dupl-cuitlatl-pilli-eh1 ++plant> (b.11 f.14
c.7 p.141)
179. *cuitlacintli*. ihuan quitocayotia cuitlacintli, . also it is
named cuitlacintli. . <cuitlatl-centli ++plant> (b.11 f.27
c.13 p.281)
180. *cuitlapahtli*. cuitlapatli, . cuitlapatli . <++plant>
(b.11 f.18 c.7 p.185)
181. *cuitlapileh*. cuicuitlapile, cuitlapile. . cuicuitlapile [or]
cuitlapile . <cuitlatl-pilli-eh1 ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
182. *eeloquiltic*. auh inic mitoa eeloquiltic, quinenehuilia in
eloquilitl, . and for this reason it is called eloquiltic: it
resembles eloquilitl. . <dupl-e:lo:tl-quilitl-tic ++plant>
(b.11 f.14 c.7 p.143)
183. *eeloquiltic*. ihuan in yehhuatl in, in inelhuayo ixyayahual:
mixnamiqui in eeloquiltic: ipahyo in aquin maxixtzacua, in ye
itipozahua: . and the root of this ixyayaual added to [the leaves
of] the eloquiltic is a medicine for one who has dysuria, when the
abdomen swells. . <dupl-e:lo:tl-quilitl-tic .ah ++plant> (b.11
f.15 c.7 p.150)
184. *eeloquiltic*. eeloquiltic, . eeloquiltic . <dupl-e:lo:tl
quilitl-tic .ah ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.150)
185. *ehcapahtli*. hecapatli: . hecapatli . <e:catl-pahtli
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.147)
186. *eloquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, ahuexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli, xoxocoyoli,
xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <e:lo:tl
quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
187. *eloquilitl*. eloquilitl, . eloquilitl . <e:lo:tl-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
188. *eloquilitl*. auh inic mitoa eeloquiltic, quinenehuilia in
eloquilitl, . and for this reason it is called eloquiltic: it
resembles eloquilitl. . <e:lo:tl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.14
c.7 p.143)
189. *eloquilitl*. nanacace: in iquillo, iuhquin eloquilitl: . the
foliage of nanacace is like that of eloquilitl. . <e:lo:tl-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.144)
190. *eloquilitl*. auh in iquillo, zan no iuhquin eloquilitl. . its
foliage is just like that of the eloquilitl. . <e:lo:tl-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.144)
191. *eloquilitl*. tlacotic, xoxoctic iuhquin eloquilitl
iiamatlapal, . it is stalky, green; its leaves are like those of
the eloquilitl. . <e:lo:tl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7
192. *eloquiltic*. eloquiltic, . eloquiltic . <e:lo:tl-quilitl-tic
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.143)
193. *eloxochinelhuatl*. eloxochineloatl . eloxochinelhuatl .
<e:lo:tl-xo:chitl-nelhuatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.142)
194. *elozacatl*. elozacatl, . eloacatl . <e:lo:tl-zacatl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
195. *epazotl*. epazotl, . epaotl . <epazo:tl ++plant> (b.11
f.19 c.7 p.193)
196. *etenquilitl*. etenquilitl, . etenquilitl . <etl-te:ntli
quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
197. *ezoquilitl*. in iamatlapal, patlahuac: iuhquin excan
xeliuhtica, iuhquin ezoquilitl in ixiuhyo: . its leaf is broad,
divided as if in three parts like the foliage of the eoquilitl. .
<eztli--quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.184)
198. *huahuauhtzin*. iztac cuahuitl, anozo huahuauhtzi: . Iztac
quauitl or uauauhtzin . <dupl-hua:uhtli-tzin +del.n ++plant>
(b.11 f.14 c.7 p.148)
199. *huahuauhtzin*. huahuauhtzin, . huahuauhtzin, . <dupl
hua:uhtli-tzin ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.158)
200. *huahuauhtzin*. in ihcuac in quinamictia matlalin ixochio,
ixochio, ihuan huahuauhtzin mocenteci, . at this time they add
the blossom of the matlalin; its blossom and uauauhtzin are ground
up together. . <dupl-hua:uhtli-tzin ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7
201. *huahuauhtzin*. huahuauhtzin, . uauauhtzin . <dupl-hua:uhtli
tzin ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.159)
202. *huahuauhtzon*. monamiqui in huahuauhtzon . uauauhtzin is
added. . <dupl-hua:uhtli-tzontli? ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7
203. *huappapalotl*. no itoca huappapalotl: in iamatlapal huauhtli,
in manozo iquillo: in ihcuac ye chicahua, in ye iucci huauhtli
iiatlapal: . amaranth leaves or foliage are also called
uappapalotl when the amaranth leaves already become mature, ripe.
. <hua:uhtli-pa:pa:lo:tl ++plant +wp>pp> (b.11 f.10 c.5 p.95)
204. *huauhquilitl*. cualoni xihuitl: huauhquilitl . uauhquilitl,
an edible herb . <hua:uhtli-quilitl .ah ++plant> (b.11 f.13
c.7 p.133)
205. *huauhquilitl*. im iahuayo, itzon in huauhquilitl, . it is the
prickly, the hairy part of the uauhquilitl. . <hua:uhtli-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.133)
206. *huauhquilitl*. huei huauhquilitl, anozo tehuuauhquilitl, .
uei uauhquilitl or teouauhquilitl . <hua:uhtli-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.135)
207. *huauhquilitl*. xoxoctic: in itlacoyo, tlacuahuac: in
iamatlapal, iuhqui in huauhquilitl, tentzitziquiltic, papatlahuac:
. it is green, its stalk is tough, its leaves are like those of
the uauhquilitl, serrated on the edges, wide. . <hua:uhtli-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.182)
208. *huauhquilitl*. inin itlachieliz quiltic, iuhquin huauhquilitl.
. its appearance is herb-green, like the amaranth herb. .
<hua:uhtli-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.22 c.8 p.223)
209. *huauhtli*. in imiyahuayo, itoca huauhtontli, in ixinachyo
itoca huauhtli: . the name of its spikelets is uauhtzontli; the
name of its seeds is uauhtli. . <hua:uhtli ++plant> (b.11 f.27
c.13 p.286)
210. *huauhtontli*. in imiyahuayo, itoca huauhtontli, in ixinachyo
itoca huauhtli: . the name of its spikelets is uauhtzontli; the
name of its seeds is uauhtli. . <hua:uhtli-to:n ++plant> (b.11
f.27 c.13 p.286)
211. *huauhtzontli*. huauhtzontli: . uauhtzontli . <hua:uhtli
tzontli ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.133)
212. *huauhzacatl*. huauhzacatl: . Uauhacatl . <hua:uhtli-zacatl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
213. *huauhzacatl*. inic mitoa, huauhzacatl: cenca xinachio, cenca
huauhyo, . for this reason is it called uauhacatl: it has many
seeds, much like amaranth. . <hua:uhtli-zacatl ++plant> (b.11
f.19 c.7 p.194)
214. *huehuexochitl*. huehuexochitl: . ueuexochitl . <.ahh
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
215. *huexotl*. moteci zatepan, ihuan in ixiuhyo huexotl; . then
they are ground up along with the foliage of the [quetzal]uexotl.
. <huexo:tl ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.169)
216. *huihuitzquiltic*. huihuitzquiltic: . uiuitzquiltic . <dupl
huitztli-quilitl-tic ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.160)
217. *huitzitzilmetl*. huitzitzilmetl: zan cualton, zan huel
ipanton, texotic. . the uitzitzilmetl is of average small size;
it is moderately small, blue. . <huitztli-dupl-tzili:ni-l2-+folk
metl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
218. *huitzitzilxochitl*. huitzitzilxochitl . uitzitzilxochitl .
<huitztli-dupl-tzili:ni-l2-+folk-xo:chitl +tztz>tz ++plant>
(b.11 f.19 c.7 p.192)
219. *huitzocuitlapilli*. huitzocuitlapilli . uitzocuitlapilli .
<++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.6 p.127)
220. *huitzocuitlapilli*. inelhuayo: mimiltic: in itoca
huitzocuitlapilli . its root is cylindrical; its name is
uitzocuitlapilli. . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.6 p.127)
221. *huitzocuitlapilli*. huitzocuitlapill i, xochiopiaztic,
iticoyonqui, chichic. . the uitzocuitlapilli has slender
blossoms; it is hollow, bitter. . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7
222. *huitzocuitlapilxihuitl*. cococ xihuitl, cococ patli, anozo
huitzocuitlapilxihuitl, . cococ xiuitl, cococ patli, or
uitzocuitlapilxiuitl . <--cuitlatl-pilli-xihuitl1 ++plant>
(b.11 f.15 c.7 p.152)
223. *huitzocuitlapilxihuitl*. huitzocuitlapilxihuitl: .
uitzocuitlapilxiuitl . <--cuitlatl-pilli-xihuitl1 ++plant>
(b.11 f.16 c.7 p.163)
224. *huitzpalxochitl*. huitzpalxochitl. . uitzpalxochitl .
<huitztli--xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
225. *huitzquilitl*. huitzquilitl, . uitzquilitl . <huitztli
quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.137)
226. *huitzquilitl*. zan ye no yehhuatl in huitzquilitl: . this one
is the same as uitzquilitl. . <huitztli-quilitl ++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.7 p.137)
227. *huitzquilitl*. yece yehhuatl in tlalhuacpan, in cuauhtla
mochihua huitzquilitl: . however, this uitzquilitl grows in the
dry lands, in the forests. . <huitztli-quilitl ++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.7 p.137)
228. *huitzquilitl*. quinenehuilia in huitzquilitl: . it resembles
uitzquilitl. . <huitztli-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7
229. *huitzquilitl*. iuhquin huitzquilitl iquillo: auh in itzintlan
iuhquin zacatl. . its leaves are like those of uitzquilitl, but
its root is like grass. . <huitztli-quilitl ++plant> (b.11
f.14 c.7 p.145)
230. *huitzquilitl*. huel iuhqui in caxtillan huitzquilitl, zan
tepiton, cemiztitontli inic mahuihuiac: . it is just like the
thistle of castile, only it is small; the branches are one span
long. . <huitztli-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.160)
231. *icelehua*. icelehua . iceleua . <++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7
232. *ichcatolcimatl*. ichcatolcimatl cenca texyo, cuitlatolonton: .
ichcatolcimatl is of very fine texture [and] a little large. .
<ichcatl-to:lin-cimatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
233. *ichcayo*. ichcayo . ichcayo . <ichcatl-yo:tl1 ++plant>
(b.11 f.16 c.7 p.162)
234. *ihhuixochitl*. ihhuixochitl: . iuixochitl . <ihhuitl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.211)
235. *ihhuixochitl*. tlapalihhuixochitl: zan ye yehhuatl in
ihhuixochitl, yece chichiltic. . the tlapaliuixochitl is the same
as the iuixochitl; however, it is chili-red. . <ihhuitl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.211)
236. *ihhuixochitl*. iztac ihhuixochitl: zan ye yehhuatl in
ihhuixochitl, yece iztac: iuhquin iztac ihhuitl. . the iztac
iuixochitl is the same as the iuixochitl; however, it is white,
like a white feather. . <ihhuitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21
c.7 p.211)
237. *ihhuixochitl*. iztac ihhuixochitl: zan ye yehhuatl in
ihhuixochitl, yece iztac: iuhquin iztac ihhuitl. . the iztac
iuixochitl is the same as the iuixochitl; however, it is white,
like a white feather. . <ihhuitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21
c.7 p.211)
238. *ihuintiquilitl*. yuintiquilitl. . iuintiquilitl . <--quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
239. *itzcuimpahtli*. itzcuimpatli, . itzcuinpatli . <itzcuintli
pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.193)
240. *itzietl*. itzietl: . itzietl . <++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
241. *itzmiquilitl*. ocommotoptemilito, ocommopetlacaltemilito in
imitzmolinca, in incelica: in ayauhtonan, in tzitziquilitl, in
itzmiquilitl, in tepicquilitl, in ixquich in celic, in
itzmolinqui, . they have gone placing in retreat their freshness,
their tenderness, the ayauhtonan, the tzitziquilitl, the
itzmiquilitl, the tepicquilitl herbs, all the tender, the fresh
[ones]. . <i:tztli-mi:tl-quilitl ++plant> (b.6 f.3 c.8 p.36)
242. *itzmiquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <i:tztli
mi:tl-quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
243. *itzmiquilitl*. itzmiquilitl, . itzmiquitl . <i:tztli-mi:tl
quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.133)
244. *itztolin*. itztolin, . itztolin . <i:tztli-to:lin
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
245. *itztoncuahuitl*. itztoncuahuitl, . itztonquauitl .
<++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.193)
246. *itztoncuahuitl*. itztoncuahuitl: . itztonquauitl .
<++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.193)
247. *itztoncuahuitl*. itztoncuahuitl. . itztonquauitl . <-
cuahuitl ++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.287)
248. *ixnexton*. ixnexton . ixnexton . <i:xtli-nextli-to:n
++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.153)
249. *ixyayahual*. ommotequilia in xihuitl itoca ixyayahual, ihuan
eeloquiltic moneloa, . herbs named ixyayaual and eloquiltic are
cut, [ground up, and] mixed together. . <i:xtli-dupl-yahualli
trunc ++plant +xy>xy> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.151)
250. *ixyayahual*. ixyayahual. . ixyayaual . <i:xtli-dupl-yahualli
trunc ++plant +xy>xy> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.150)
251. *ixyayahual*. ihuan in yehhuatl in, in inelhuayo ixyayahual:
mixnamiqui in eeloquiltic: ipahyo in aquin maxixtzacua, in ye
itipozahua: . and the root of this ixyayaual added to [the leaves
of] the eloquiltic is a medicine for one who has dysuria, when the
abdomen swells. . <i:xtli-dupl-yahualli-trunc ++plant +xy>xy>
(b.11 f.15 c.7 p.150)
252. *iyamoli*. yiamoli, . yiamolli . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7
253. *iyamoli*. iyamoli, . yiamolli . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7
254. *iyauhtli*. yiauhtli: . yiauhtli . <++plant> (b.11 f.14
c.7 p.145)
255. *iyauhtli*. yiauhtli, . yiauhtli . <++plant> (b.11 f.19
c.7 p.192)
256. *iyauhtli*. intechalpan mochihua yiauhtli: . it is yiauhtli
which grows among the rocks. . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7
257. *iyauhtli*. quitoa, itlatla in yiauhtli. . they say it
resembles yiauhtli. . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
258. *iyexochitl*. zazan ye iyexochitl, . it is just an ordinary
yiexochitl. . <iyetl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.198)
259. *iyexochitl*. iyexochitl, . yiexochitl . <iyetl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.208)
260. *iyexochitl*. coztic iyexochitl: . coztic yiexochitl . <iyetl
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.208)
261. *iyexochitl*. zan ye yehhuatl in iyexochitl, yece tzoyac oxiyo,
tzoyaya. . it is the same as the yiexochitl; however, it is
fetid, resinous; it emits a fetid odor. . <iyetl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.209)
262. *iztaquilitl*. iztaquilitl, . iztaquilitl . <iztatl-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.137)
263. *iztaquilitl*. in iquillo, iuhquin iztaquilitl, . its foliage
is like that of the iztac quilitl. . <iztatl-quilitl ++plant>
(b.11 f.14 c.7 p.143)
264. *iztaquilitl*. in iamatlapalton, xoxoctic, iuhqui in
iztaquilitl, mimiltotonti, . its little leaves are green, small,
round like those of the iztaquilitl. . <iztatl-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.149)
265. *iztaquilitl*. huel iuhquin iztaquilitl: . it is just like the
iztaquilitl. . <iztatl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.157)
266. *iztaquilitl*. iuhqui in iztaquilitl: . it is like the
iztaquilitl. . <iztatl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.159)
267. *iztaquilitl*. in ixochio iztacatontli; in iquillo huel iuhqui
in iamatlapal iztaquilitl, . its blossoms are small and white;
its foliage is just like the leaves of the iztac quilitl. .
<iztatl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.181)
268. *iztaquiltic*. iztaquiltic . iztaquiltic . <iztatl-v01b-delya
c1-quilitl-tic ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.157)
269. *iztaquiltic*. iztaquiltic, . iztaquilitl . <iztatl-quilitl
tic ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.160)
270. *iztauhyatia*. tzonquiza, iztauhyatia, . the spikelets emerge;
it becomes like the iztauhyatl herb. . <++plant> (b.11 f.27
c.13 p.288)
271. *iztauhyatl*. moneloa in iztauhyatl. . it is mixed with
iztauhiatl. . <++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
272. *iztauhyatl*. mocenneloa, cuahuayahual, ihuan iztahuatl. . it
is mixed together with quauhyayaual and iztauhiatl. .
<++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.147)
273. *iztauhyatl*. iztauhyatl. . iztauhyatl . <++plant> (b.11
f.16 c.7 p.165)
274. *iztauhyatl*. zan no iuhqui in caxtillan iztauhyatl chichic: .
it is bitter, just like the wormwood of castile. . <++plant>
(b.11 f.16 c.7 p.165)
275. *iztauhyatl*. auh in ihcuac aca huel ic mimiqui in iyollopan in
omocentlali alahuac: moteci in iztauhyatl, ihuan in cuauhyayahual
yehhuatl in iyollo itlacoyo: moxixipehua in ipan iehuayo, . and
when someone is anguished in his heart, or a humor is oppressive,
iztauhyatl and quauhyayaual are ground up, that is, the center of
the stalks; its surface bark is peeled off. . <++plant> (b.11
f.16 c.7 p.165)
276. *iztauhyatl*. iztahuatl, . iztauhyatl . <++plant> (b.11
f.19 c.7 p.192)
277. *mahtzalquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
278. *mamaxtla*. mamaxtla: . mamaxtla . <dupl-ma:xatl--
++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.166)
279. *mamaxtla*. mocenteci in inelhuayo mamaxtla, ihuan inelhuayo
xaltomatl . the root of mamaxtla and the root of xaltomatl are
ground up together. . <dupl-ma:xatl-- ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7
280. *maticehuac*. maticehuac, . maticeuac . <ma:itl-ti:zatl-e:hua
c1 ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.182)
281. *maxten*. maxten: . maxten . <++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
282. *mecaxochitl*. no yehhuatl coni in cacahuatl ipan huei
nacaztli, ipan tlilxochitl, mecaxochitl ipan: . also one drinks
chocolate with uey nacaztli, with tlilxochitl, with mecaxochitl. .
<mecatl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.2 c.1 p.12)
283. *mecaxochitl*. mecaxochitl: . mecaxochitl . <mecatl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.192)
284. *mecaxochitl*. mecaxochitl: . mecaxochitl . <mecatl-xo:chitl
.ahh ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
285. *memeya*. memeya . memeya . <dupl-me:ya ++plant> (b.11
f.16 c.7 p.161)
286. *memeyal*. oc cenca yehhuatl quitemoa in xihuitl, in itoca
memeyal: intlan calaqui, . especially they seek out the plants
called memeyal; they penetrate among them. . <dupl-me:ya-l1
++plant> (b.11 f.10 c.5 p.92)
287. *memeyal*. memeyal, . memeyal . <dupl-me:ya-l1 ++plant>
(b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
288. *menanacatl*. menanacatl: . menanacatl . <metl-dupl-nacatl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.132)
289. *mexihuitl*. mexihuitl, . mexiuitl . <metl-xihuitl1
++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.163)
290. *mexixin*. mexixin, . mexixin . <mexixin ++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.7 p.138)
291. *miccaxoxocoyoli*. miccaxoxocoyoli: . miccaxoxocoyoli .
<++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.138)
292. *miccaxoxoyoli*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. .
<++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
293. *miltomatl*. monamictia chilcoztli, ihuan matlactetl
ayohuachtli, ihuan miltomatl, . yellow chili and ten gourd seeds
and the [juice of] small tomatoes are added. . <mi:lli-tomatl
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.149)
294. *mizquiquilitl*. mizquiquilitl, . mizquiquilitl . <mizquitl
quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.135)
295. *mizquitl*. in iamatlapal huel iuhqui in huei mizquitl. . its
leaves are just like those of the uei mizquitl. . <mizquitl
++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.157)
296. *mozoquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
297. *mozoquilitl*. mozoquilitl, . mooquilitl . <--quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
298. *nacaztli*. no yehhuatl coni in cacahuatl ipan huei nacaztli,
ipan tlilxochitl, mecaxochitl ipan: . also one drinks chocolate
with uey nacaztli, with tlilxochitl, with mecaxochitl. . <nacaztli
++plant> (b.11 f.2 c.1 p.12)
299. *nanacaceh*. tzipipatli, anozo nanacace, . tzipipatli or
nanacace . <dupl-nacaztli-eh1 ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.144)
300. *nanacaceh*. nanacace: in iquillo, iuhquin eloquilitl: . the
foliage of nanacace is like that of eloquilitl. . <dupl-nacaztli
eh1 ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.144)
301. *nanacaceh*. in nanacace chillocan huallauh: in huei patli,
tezcatepec. . nanacace comes from chillocan, uei patli from
tezcatepec. . <dupl-nacaztli-eh1 ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
302. *nanacatl*. nanacatl, cuauhtla nanacatl: amo xoxouhcacualoni,
huel iuccini, . mushrooms, mushrooms of the forest are not edible
uncooked: they are to be well cooked. . <dupl-nacatl ++plant>
(b.11 f.13 c.7 p.132)
303. *nanahuaxihuitl*. nanahuaxihuitl, . nanauaxiuitl .
<na:na:huatl-xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.145)
304. *necuametl*. necuametl, . nequametl . <neuctli-a:tl1-metl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
305. *netzoli*. netzoli; . netzoli . <netzolli ++plant
+l.for.ll> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
306. *neuctic*. neuctic . necutic . <neuctli-tic ++plant> (b.11
f.14 c.7 p.145)
307. *nexhuauhtli*. ihuan itoca nexhuauhtli, . also its name is
nexuauhtli. . <nextli-hua:uhtli ++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13
308. *nexmetl*. nexmetl, menextic, nextic, nexehuac, xiuhtototic. .
the nexmetl is an ashen maguey, ash-colored, ashen, like the
lovely cotinga. . <nextli-metl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.216)
309. *nextamalxochitl*. nextamalxochitl, . nextamalxochitl .
<nextli-tamalli-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.200)
310. *nochnohpalli*. iztac nochnopalli . Iztac nochnopalli .
<no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.123)
311. *nohpallacotl*. nopallacotl; pipiaztic, xochio xoxochio. . the
nopallacotl is slender; it has a blossom, it has blossoms. .
<nohpalli-tlaco:tl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.220)
312. *nohpalli*. in ihcuac miz can mixcahuiz: amo achtopa miz in
omito cihuapatli, anozo nopalli: . when it is to be drunk, it is
just this alone, in preference to drinking the aforementioned
ciuapatli or nopal. . <nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7
313. *nohpalxochitl*. nopalxochitl: . nopalxochitl . <nohpalli
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
314. *nopalocoxochitl*. nopalocoxochitl, . nopalocoxochitl .
<nohpalli-oco:tl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
315. *ocelometl*. ocelometl, cuicuiltic, mocuicuilo . the ocelometl
is varicolored -- variously colored. . <o:ce:lo:tl-metl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.216)
316. *oceloxochitl*. oceloxochitl: . oceloxochitl . <o:ce:lo:tl
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.212)
317. *oceloxochitl*. inic mitoa; oceloxochitl, in coztic
motlatlapalalpichi: in chichiltic, motetecozauhalpichi, . it is
called oceloxochitl for the reason that the yellow ones are
sprinkled with red, the chili-red ones are sprinkled with yellow.
. <o:ce:lo:tl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.212)
318. *ocopetlatl*. ocopetlatl, . ocopetlatl . <oco:tl-petlatl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.196)
319. *ocopiaztli*. ocopiaztli, anozo tlilpotonqui, . ocopiaztli or
tlilpotonqui . <oco:tl-piya:ztli ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7
320. *ocoxochitl*. ocoxochitl, . ocoxochitl . <oco:tl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.192)
321. *ocoxochitl*. quinenehuilia in ocoxochitl. . it is the same as
the ocoxochitl. . <oco:tl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7
322. *ocoxochitl*. ocoxochitl: . ocoxochitl . <oco:tl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.213)
323. *ocozacatl*. ocozacatl, . Ocoacatl . <oco:tl-zacatl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
324. *ocozacatl*. ocozacatl nicnotlapehualtia, nicnoxacaltia. . I
begin, I make myself a hut with ocoacatl. . <oco:tl-zacatl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
325. *olocintli*. ihuan itoca olocintli, . also its name is
olotzintli. . <o:lo:tl-tzin ++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.279)
326. *oloxochitl*. oloxochitl: . oloxochitl . <o:lo:tl-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.211)
327. *oloxochitl*. in icueponca, itoca oloxochitl, . the name of
its blossom is oloxochitl. . <o:lo:tl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11
f.21 c.7 p.211)
328. *omixochitl*. zan niman tlaltitech in mamatlapaltia, huihuiac
patlactotonti, xoxoctic: iuhqui in iamatlapal caxtillan
omixochitl, . the leaves form right next to the ground; they are
long, broad, green like the leaves of the spanish omixochitl. .
<omitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.151)
329. *omixochitl*. omixochitl, ahzo iztac omixochitl, anozo
tlapalomixochitl; . omixochitl, or white omixochitl, or colored
omixochitl . <omitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.198)
330. *omixochitl*. omixochitl, ahzo iztac omixochitl, anozo
tlapalomixochitl; . omixochitl, or white omixochitl, or colored
omixochitl . <omitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.198)
331. *omixochitl*. omixochitl: . omixochitl . <omitl-xo:chitl .ahh
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
332. *omixochitl*. cuamalacachton, tzimpitzahuac huiyacatontli: inic
motocayotia omixochitl, . [it is like] a small spindle whorl on
top; the base is slender, a little long; therefore it is named
omixochitl. . <omitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
333. *oquichpahtli*. no ihuan itoca oquichpatli . and also its name
is oquichpatli. . <oquichtli-pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
334. *oquichpahtli*. oquichpatli, . oquichpatli . <oquichtli-pahtli
++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.182)
335. *oquichpahtli*. oquichpatli, . oquichpatli . <oquichtli-pahtli
++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.185)
336. *oquichxochitl*. cempoalxochitl oquichxochitl zan ce iix, amo
xochiamatlapaltilahuac. . the male cempoalxochitl has only a
single flower, with thin petals. . <oquichtli-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.214)
337. *ozomahcuitlapilxochitl*. ozomacuitlapilxochitl .
oomacuitlapilxochitl . <ozomahtli-cuitlatl-pilli-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
338. *oztopili*. in itzin in iztac, itoca aztapili, anozo oztopili.
. the name of its white base is aztapili, or oztopili. .
<++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
339. *patayametl*. patimetl, anozo patayametl: . patimetl or
patayametl . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
340. *patimetl*. patimetl, anozo patayametl: . patimetl or
patayametl . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
341. *petlatolin*. petlatolli, . petlatolli . <petlatl-to:lin
++plant +ll.for.l +del.n> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
342. *petlatolin*. zan no yehhuatl in petlatoli, . it is the same
as the petlatoli. . <petlatl-to:lin ++plant +del.n> (b.11 f.19
c.7 p.195)
343. *petzicatl*. ihcuac in oc tepiton cualoni; in ye huei itoca
petzicatl, anozo pitzicatl . when still small, it is edible; when
larger its name is petzicatl or pitzicatl. . <++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.7 p.133)
344. *petzicatl*. in ihuauhyo itoca petzicatl anozo pitzicatl. .
the name of its seeds is petzicatl or pitzicatl. . <++plant>
(b.11 f.13 c.7 p.133)
345. *petzicatl*. petzicatl: una yerua cuya semilla comen las
galinas. . petzicatl a plant whose seeds the chickens eat .
<++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.287)
346. *petzicatl*. in oc tepitoton, in quin ixhua: itoca quiltonili,
in ixinachyo itoca petzicatl, . when still small, after it
germinates, its name is quiltontli; the name of its seed is
petzicatl. . <++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.287)
347. *petzicatl*. ihuan in ohueix, in ye tzone: no itoca petzicatl.
. and when it has grown, when it already has spikelets, its name
is also petzicatl. . <++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.287)
348. *peyotl*. peyotl: . peyote . <peyotl ++plant> (b.11 f.13
c.7 p.127)
349. *peyotl*. peyotl: . peyote . <peyotl ++plant> (b.11 f.14
c.7 p.147)
350. *pitzicatl*. ihcuac in oc tepiton cualoni; in ye huei itoca
petzicatl, anozo pitzicatl . when still small, it is edible; when
larger its name is petzicatl or pitzicatl. . <++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.7 p.133)
351. *pitzicatl*. in ihuauhyo itoca petzicatl anozo pitzicatl. .
the name of its seeds is petzicatl or pitzicatl. . <++plant>
(b.11 f.13 c.7 p.133)
352. *popoyauhquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <dupl
poya:hui-l2-quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
353. *poxcauhcamohtli*. cequi iztac, itoca, iztac camotli,
poxcauhcamotli: . some are white; their name is iztac camotli
[or] poxcauhcamotli. . <poxcahui-l2-camohtli ++plant> (b.11
f.14 c.7 p.140)
354. *poyomahxochitl*. poyomaxochitl: . poyomaxochitl . <poyomahtli
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.212)
355. *pozahuizpahtli*. pozahuizpatli, . poauizpatli . <poza:hua
lizb-pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.157)
356. *quetzalmitzquitl*. quetzalmitzquitl: . quetzalmizquitl .
<quetzalli-mizquitl ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.176)
357. *quetzalmizquitl*. mocenteci, zan aquitzin in ixiuhyo
quetzalmizquitl: xiuhiyac, ihuan inelhuayo xaltomatl, ihuan
inelhuayo coztomatl. . ground together are a very little of the
tips of quetzalmizquitl foliage and the root of the tomato and the
root of the yellow tomato. . <quetzalli-mizquitl ++plant>
(b.11 f.17 c.7 p.176)
358. *quetzalmizquitl*. auh in yehhuatl in, in etlamanixti huel miz,
zan mixcahuiz: anozo zan ipan calacoaz temazcalco, aocmo quimatiz
inic totonqui temazcalli. auh in ihcuac ohualquiz temazcalco,
anozo oachiton concua: oc no achi coniz in quetzalmizquitl. . and
this can be drunk in all of three ways: this alone is used; or
just as one is to enter the sweat bath -- no longer will he feel
the heat of the sweat bath, and when he has left the sweat bath,
or has eaten a little, he is still to drink a little of the
quetzalmizquitl. . <quetzalli-mizquitl ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7
359. *quetzalmizquitl*. in xaltomatl, in coztomatl; ye omito in
quenami in quetzalmizquitl. . the characteristics of the tomato,
of the yellow tomato, of the quetzalmizquitl have already been
told. . <quetzalli-mizquitl ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.177)
360. *quetzalocoxochitl*. quetzalocoxochitl: . quetzalocoxochitl .
<oco:tl-xo:chitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.213)
361. *quiltonili*. in oc tepitoton, in quin ixhua: itoca quiltonili,
in ixinachyo itoca petzicatl, . when still small, after it
germinates, its name is quiltontli; the name of its seed is
petzicatl. . <++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.287)
362. *quiltonili*. zan iyo in quiltonili cualoni: . only the
quiltontli is edible. . <quilitl-to:n-- ++plant> (b.11 f.27
c.13 p.288)
363. *quiltonilli*. quiltonilli, . quiltonilli . <quilitl--
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.133)
364. *quiltonilli*. inin quiltonilli huauhyo; tliltic . this
quiltonilli has black seeds. . <quilitl-- ++plant> (b.11 f.13
c.7 p.133)
365. *quimichpahtli*. quimichpatli, . quimichpatli . <quimichin
pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.131)
366. *quimichpahtli*. inic mitoa quimichpatli: in quiquimichti,
tlacualli quin nelhuia, intla quicua ic mimiqui, tlatlacocotoca in
incuitlaxcol. . it is called quimichpatli for this reason: it is
food [for] mice, because, it is asserted, if they eat it, they die
of it; their intestines break up. . <quimichin-pahtli ++plant>
(b.11 f.13 c.7 p.131)
367. *quiyoxochitl*. quiyoxochitl: . quiyoxochitl . <quiyotl
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.213)
368. *tacanalli*. tacanalli ixiuhyo, . its leaves are tacanalli. .
<tacanalli ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.135)
369. *tacanalquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. .
<tacanalli-quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
370. *tacanalquilitl*. achto motlanoquilia, zatepan quitoc, in
cualoni xaltotomatl inelhuayo, quinamiqui, in tacanalquilitl
inelhuayo, . first one is purged; then [an infusion from] the
edible root of the sand tomato is drunk, adding to it the root of
tacanalquilitl. . <tacanalli-quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28
371. *tacanalquilitl*. tacanalquilitl, . tacanalquilitl .
<tacanalli-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.135)
372. *tacanalxihuitl*. tacanalxihuitl: . tacanalxiuitl . <tacanalli
xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.154)
373. *tamalayohtli*. tamalayotli cuecueyo cacahuayo . the
tamalayotli gourd has ridges; it is cacao-bean-like. . <tamalli
ayohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.288)
374. *tecolonochnohpalli*. tecolonochnopalli, . tecolonochnopalli .
<tecolo:tl-no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.124)
375. *tecolonochnohpalli*. tecolonochnopalli: . tecolonochnopalli .
<tecolo:tl-no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
376. *tecolonochtli*. tlapalnextic in ixochicuallo: auh itoca
tecolonochtli, . its fruit is ashen-red, and its name is
tecolonochtli. . <tecolo:tl-no:chtli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6
377. *tecomaxochitl*. no huel monamictia in coyoxochitl, ihuan
tecomaxochitl mocenneloa, . also coyoxochitl and tecomoxochitl
are added, mixed all together. . <tecomatl-xo:chitl ++plant>
(b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
378. *tecomaxochitl*. tecomaxochitl: . tecomaxochitl . <tecomatl
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
379. *tecpaholotl*. tecpatli, tecpaolotl, . tecpatli, tecpalotl .
<tecpahtli-o:lo:tl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.133)
380. *tecpahtli*. tecpatli, tecpaolotl, . tecpatli, tecpalotl .
<tecpahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.133)
381. *tehtzonquilitl*. tehtzonquilitl: . tetzonquilitl . <--quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
382. *tememetla*. auh in ihcuac omoten, quiz in tlanechicolli, in
itoca tememetla, tececec, ihuan texiotl, tlachinoltetzmitl . and
when she has taken a hot bath, she is to drink [an infusion of]
assorted [herbs], named tememetla, tececec, texiotl,
tlachinoltetzmitl. . <tetl1-dupl-metlatl-trunc ++plant> (b.10
f.9 c.28 p.152)
383. *tememetla*. tememetla, . tememetla . <tetl1-dupl-metlatl
trunc ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.145)
384. *tememetla*. in quemman, zan mixcahuia: anozo moneloa in
tememetla. . sometimes [it is used] alone, or it is mixed with
tememetla. . <tetl1-dupl-metlatl-trunc ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
385. *tememetla*. tememetla; . tememetla . <tetl1-dupl-metlatl
trunc ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.219)
386. *temetl*. temetl, . temetl . <tetl1-metl ++plant> (b.11
f.21 c.7 p.217)
387. *tenextlacotl*. tenextlacotl, anozo tetlacotl . tenextlacotl
or tetlacotl . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.220)
388. *tenohpalli*. tenopalli: . tenopalli . <tetl1-nohpalli
++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.124)
389. *tenohpalli*. tenopalli texotic, cuitlanextic, tilahuac, . the
tenopalli is light blue, ashen, thick. . <tetl1-nohpalli
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
390. *tenxoxoli*. tenxoxoli, . tenxoxoli . <++plant> (b.11 f.13
c.7 p.131)
391. *teocacahuatl*. in ihcuac mochihua cuauhtlacacahuatl in ayac
quitoca: itoca, teocacahuatl, ihuan cuappatlachtli, ihuan in
tonacayotl: . when wild cacao grows -- which no one plants --
called teocacauatl and quappatlachtli, [it eats these] and maize.
. <teo:tl-cacahuatl ++plant> (b.11 f.1 c.1 p.4)
392. *teocalzacatl*. ihuan itoca teocalzacatl: . also its name is
teocalacatl. . <teo:tl-calli-zacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7
393. *teocalzacatl*. nicnoxacaltia, in zacamamaztli in teocalzacatl.
. I make myself a hut of acamamaztli, of teocalacatl. . <teo:tl
calli-zacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
394. *teocomitl*. teocomitl; . teocomitl . <teo:tl-co:mitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
395. *teocomitl*. inic mitoa teocomitl: in aquin ic mixili ihuitzyo,
aoc huel quiza intlacamo motequi: ipampa ca zazalic, . it is
called teocomitl because if its spine is thrust in someone's foot,
it can no more come out unless it is cut out, because it is
sticky. . <teo:tl-co:mitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
396. *teohuauhquilitl*. huei huauhquilitl, anozo tehuuauhquilitl, .
uei uauhquilitl or teouauhquilitl . <teo:tl-hua:uhtli-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.135)
397. *teohuauhtli*. ihuan mitoa teohuauhtli, . also it is called
the real amaranth. . <teo:tl-hua:uhtli ++plant +ret.w> (b.11
f.27 c.13 p.287)
398. *teometl*. ihuan itoca teometl: . also its name is teometl. .
<teo:tl-metl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.149)
399. *teometl*. ihuan mitoa teometl, . it is also called teometl. .
<teo:tl-metl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
400. *teonanacatl*. mitoa teonanacatl, . it is called teonanacatl.
. <teo:tl-dupl-nacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.130)
401. *teonanacatl*. nanacatl, teonanacatl atonahuizpatli. .
nanacatl [or] teonanacatl is a fever medicine. . <teo:tl-dupl
nacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.147)
402. *teonochtli*. teonochtli: . teonochtli . <++plant> (b.11
f.21 c.7 p.219)
403. *teotlaquili*. teotlaquili: . teotlaquilli . <++plant>
(b.11 f.21 c.7 p.212)
404. *teotlaquili*. auh inic mitoa teotlaquili: in ihcuac cuepon
yoac xochime, . and hence is it called teotlaquilli: its blossom
opens in the dark. . <teo:tlac?-- ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7
405. *teotlaquili*. auh inin xochitl teotlaquili: ipan yoac, ipan
oncalac in tonatiuh: in icueponca i; . and [as to] this flower,
the teotlaquilli, it is at night, when the sun has set, that its
opening is. . <teo:tlactli-v11-v01b-delya-l1 +l.for.ll
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.213)
406. *tepeacocoxochitl*. ihuan itoca tepeacocoxochitl, . also its
name is tepeacocoxochitl. . <++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.160)
407. *tepeamalacotl*. tepeamalacotl: . tepeamalacotl . <tepe:tl
amalacotl ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.156)
408. *tepecempohualxochitl*. zan tepiton, iuhquin
tepecempoalxochitl; . it is small like the tepecempoalxochitl
herb. . <tepe:tl-cem-po:hui-caus09-l1-xo:chitl +del.w ++plant>
(b.11 f.14 c.7 p.145)
409. *tepetomatl*. tepetomatl: . tepetomatl . <tepe:tl-tomatl
++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.173)
410. *tepexiloxochitlacotl*. monamiqui in inelhuayo
tepexiloxochitlacotl. . the root of the tepexiloxochitlacotl is
added. . <tepe:tl-xi:lo:tl-xo:chitl-tlaco:tl ++plant> (b.11
f.16 c.7 p.169)
411. *tepexonacatl*. tepexonacatl, . tepexonacatl . <tepe:tl-xo:tl2
nacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.139)
412. *tepicquilitl*. ocommotoptemilito, ocommopetlacaltemilito in
imitzmolinca, in incelica: in ayauhtonan, in tzitziquilitl, in
itzmiquilitl, in tepicquilitl, in ixquich in celic, in
itzmolinqui, . they have gone placing in retreat their freshness,
their tenderness, the ayauhtonan, the tzitziquilitl, the
itzmiquilitl, the tepicquilitl herbs, all the tender, the fresh
[ones]. . <--quilitl ++plant> (b.6 f.3 c.8 p.36)
413. *tepicquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
414. *tepicquilitl*. tepicquilitl: . tepicquilitl . <--quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.137)
415. *tepopotl*. tlacopopotl, anozo tepopotl . tlacopopotl or
tepopotl . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.220)
416. *tequequetzal*. tequequetzal: . tequequetzal . <++plant>
(b.11 f.19 c.7 p.196)
417. *tequixquizacatl*. tequixquizacatl: . tequixquiacatl .
<tequixquitl-zacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.193)
418. *tetlacotl*. tenextlacotl, anozo tetlacotl . tenextlacotl or
tetlacotl . <tetl1-tlaco:tl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.220)
419. *tetzilacaxochitl*. tetzilacaxochitl: . tetzilacaxochitl .
<tetzi:lli-a:catl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
420. *tetzitzili*. in quicua: tonalchichicaquilitl, cuanacaquilitl,
coyocuexi, tetzitzili; . it eats tonalchichicaquilitl,
quanacaquilitl, coyocuexi, tetzitzili herbs. . <++plant> (b.11
f.6 c.2 p.53)
421. *tetzitzilin*. tzompachquilitl. tetzitzilin, anozo tetzitzili,
. tzompachquilitl. tetzitzilin or tetzitzili . <++plant>
(b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
422. *tetzitzilin*. tzompachquilitl. tetzitzilin, anozo tetzitzili,
. tzompachquilitl. tetzitzilin or tetzitzili . <+del.n
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
423. *tetzitzilin*. nechahhuahuia in tetzitzilin. . the tetzitzilin
pricks me. . <++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
424. *tetzmetl*. zan achi huel iuhqui in tetzmetl, tepepan mochihua
zan xiuhtetzmetl: . it is just about like the tetzmetl which
grows in the mountains; the shoot of the tetzmetl. . <++plant>
(b.11 f.16 c.7 p.161)
425. *tetzmetl*. tetzmitl, anozo tetzmetl, . tetzmitl or tetzmetl .
<++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.219)
426. *tetzmetl*. ihuan quicuacuaque in tzompancuahuitl, ihuan
quicuacuaque in tzaucxochitl, ihuan in tlaquili, ihuan in
cuetlaxtli ihuan in mazaehuatl, quitletlehuatzaya, quimooxquiaya
quitototopotzaya, quitotoponiaya inic quicuaya ihuan in tetzmetl,
ihuan in xantetl quitetexoaya: . and they gnawed colorin wood,
and they gnawed the glue orchid and the frilled flower, and tanned
hides and buckskin, which they roasted, baked, toasted, cooked, so
that they could eat them; and sedum and mud bricks which they
gnawed. . <++plant> (b.12 f.7 c.35 p.104)
427. *tetzmitic*. tetzmitic . tetzmitic . <++plant> (b.11 f.16
c.7 p.161)
428. *tetzmitl*. tetzmitl: . tetzmitl . <++plant> (b.11 f.14
c.7 p.143)
429. *tetzmitl*. tetzmitl, anozo tetzmetl, . tetzmitl or tetzmetl .
<++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.219)
430. *tetzmitl*. zan ye no ye in tetzmitl: yece zan tepiton, . it
is the same as the tetzmitl; however, it is quite small. .
<++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.219)
431. *tetzmolin*. tetzmolin, . tetzmolin . <++plant> (b.11 f.19
c.7 p.196)
432. *texochitl*. texochitl, . tesuchitl . <++plant> (b.11 f.14
c.7 p.145)
433. *texoxocoyoli*. texoxocoyoli: . texoxocoyoli . <++plant>
(b.11 f.17 c.7 p.173)
434. *teyiauhtli*. teyiauhtli: . teyiauhtli . <++plant> (b.11
f.19 c.7 p.197)
435. *tezhuatl*. tezhuatl: . tezuatl . <++plant> (b.11 f.23
c.11 p.242)
436. *tezompahtli*. tezompatli, . teompatli . <tezontli-pahtli
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.144)
437. *tezompahtli*. ihuan itoca tezompatli, . also its name is
teonpatli. . <tezontli-pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.182)
438. *tlacametl*. yehhuatl in tlacametl, . this is tlacametl. .
<tla:catl-metl ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.179)
439. *tlacametl*. tlacametl, . tlacametl . <tla:catl-metl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.216)
440. *tlachinoltetzmitl*. tlachinoltetzmitl: . tlachinoltetzmitl .
<++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.219)
441. *tlachinoltetzmitl*. tlapaltetzmitl: zan ye no yehhuatl, in
tlachinoltetzmitl. . the tlapaltetzmitl is the same as the
tlachinoltetzmitl. . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.219)
442. *tlacopopotl*. ommiz tlacopopotl in inelhuayo iayo, ihuan
tenexatl chillo, ihuan tlatzoyonilli iztauhiatl: ihuan ommiz
tlaneloatl, itoca pihpitzahuac: . one is to drink [an infusion
of] tlacopopotli root, [or] lime water mixed with chili, [or] the
water of cooked wormwood; [or] one is to drink [an infusion of]
the root [of an herb] named pipitzauac. . <tlaco:tl-popo:tl
++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.149)
443. *tlacopopotl*. tlacopopotl, anozo tepopotl . tlacopopotl or
tepopotl . <tlaco:tl-popo:tl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.220)
444. *tlacoxihuitl*. tlacoxihuitl: . tlacoxiuitl . <tlaco:tl
xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.154)
445. *tlacoxihuitl*. tlacoxihuitl, . tlacoxiuitl . <tlaco:tl
xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.158)
446. *tlacoxochitl*. tlacoxochitl: . tlacoxochitl . <tlaco:tl
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.167)
447. *tlacoxochitl*. tlacoxochitl, . tlacoxochitl . <tlaco:tl
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.176)
448. *tlacoxochitl*. itoca, tlacoxochitl: . its name is
tlacoxochitl. . <tlaco:tl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7
449. *tlalamatl*. tlalamatl, . tlalamatl . <tla:lli-a:matl
++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.167)
450. *tlalayohtli*. tlalayotli, . tlalayotli . <tla:lli-ayohtli
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.141)
451. *tlalayohtli*. xocoyoa in itlaaquillo, huel iuhqui in
tlalayotli, . it has fruit; its fruit is just like the
tlalayotli. . <tla:lli-ayohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.182)
452. *tlalcacahuatl*. tlalcacahuatl, . tlalcacauatl . <tla:lli
cacahuatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.143)
453. *tlalcapolin*. ihuan tlalcapoli: . also [it is called]
tlalcapulin. . <tla:lli-capolin ++plant +del.n> (b.11 f.16 c.7
454. *tlalcapolin*. tlalcapoli. . tlalcapoli . <tla:lli-capolin
++plant +del.n> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
455. *tlalchichic*. tlalchichic, . tlalchichic . <tla:lli-chichiya
delya-c1 ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.144)
456. *tlalchipilin*. tlalchipili: . tlalchipili . <tla:lli-chipilin
+del.n ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.158)
457. *tlalcuitlaxcolli*. no tzoncohuatl, in iuhqui tlalcuitlaxcolli.
. also tzoncoatl worms are like [the medicinal plant]
tlalcuitlaxcolli. . <tla:lli-cuitlaxcolli ++plant> (b.11 f.10
c.5 p.99)
458. *tlalizquixochitl*. tlalizquixochitl; . tlalizquixochitl .
<tla:lli-i:zquitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.198)
459. *tlalizquixochitl*. tlalizquixochitl: . tlalizquixochitl .
<tla:lli-i:zquitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.213)
460. *tlalmizquitl*. tlalmizquitl, . tlalmizquitl . <tla:lli
mizquitl ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.157)
461. *tlalpoyomahtli*. tlalpoyomatli: . tlalpoyomatli . <tla:lli
poyomahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.192)
462. *tlalpoyomahtli*. tlalpoyomatli: . tlalpoyomatli . <tla:lli
poyomahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.212)
463. *tlalquequetzal*. in mococoa telchiquiuh: tocuitlapa,
tomicicuil, tochiquiuhio, in nohuiyan tlatlaxhuizti in inacayo: ic
moza in tlanechicolli, in nepapan xihuitl, tlalquequetzal,
tonalxihuitl, atzitzicaztli, atzomiatl, . if the chest, the back,
the ribs, the rib cage hurt, if she aches in all parts of her
body, she is anointed with a collection of divers herbs:
tlalquequetzal, tonalxiuitl, atzitzicaztli, atzomiatl. . <tla:lli
dupl-quetzalli-trunc ++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.152)
464. *tlalquequetzal*. tlalquequetzal, . tlalquequetzal . <tla:lli
dupl-quetzalli-trunc ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.193)
465. *tlalquequetzal*. iuhquin tlalquequetzal, . it is like the
tlalquequetzal. . <tla:lli-dupl-quetzalli-trunc ++plant> (b.11
f.19 c.7 p.196)
466. *tlaltzauctli*. tlaltzauctli. . tlaltzacutli . <tla:lli-tzacui
l2 ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
467. *tlalxilotl*. tlalxilotl, cualoni . the tlalxilotl is edible.
. <tla:lli-xi:lo:tl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.141)
468. *tlalyetl*. tlalietl, . tlalyetl . <++plant> (b.11 f.16
c.7 p.162)
469. *tlalyetl*. tlalyetl. . tlalyetl . <++plant> (b.11 f.19
c.7 p.197)
470. *tlanexnochtli*. in itlaaquillo zan no itoca tlanexnochtli, .
the name of its fruit is also tlanexnochtli. . <++plant> (b.11
f.12 c.6 p.124)
471. *tlanexnopalli*. tlanexnopalli: . tlanexnopalli .
<++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.124)
472. *tlanexnopalli*. tlanexnopalli, cuitlanextic, . the
tlanexnopalli is ashen. . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
473. *tlapalcamohtli*. cequi mohuitic, itoca: tlapalcamotli. . some
are blue; their name is tlapalcamotli. . <p51-pa:3-l1-camohtli
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
474. *tlapalhuacalxochitl*. tlapalhuacalxochitl; .
tlapaluacalxochitl . <p51-pa:3-l1-huacalli-xo:chitl ++plant>
(b.11 f.21 c.7 p.209)
475. *tlapalhuauhtli*. iuhqui in tlapalhuauhtli ixochio in
iamatlapal yahualtotonti, cuahuitztoton, tentzitziquiltic: . its
blossoms and its leaves are like those of the tlapalhuauhtli,
small and round, pointed at the end, serrated along the edges. .
<p51-pa:3-l1-hua:uhtli ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.163)
476. *tlapalihhuixochitl*. tlapalihhuixochitl: zan ye yehhuatl in
ihhuixochitl, yece chichiltic. . the tlapaliuixochitl is the same
as the iuixochitl; however, it is chili-red. . <p51-pa:3-l1
ihhuitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.211)
477. *tlapalnochnohpalli*. tlapalnochnopalli: zan no yehhuatl in
tzohualnochtli. . tlapalnochnopalli is the same as tzooalnochtli.
. <p51-pa:3-l1-no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6
478. *tlapalomixochitl*. omixochitl, ahzo iztac omixochitl, anozo
tlapalomixochitl; . omixochitl, or white omixochitl, or colored
omixochitl . <p51-pa:3-l1-omitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.19
c.7 p.198)
479. *tlapalomixochitl*. tlapalomixochitl: . tlapalomixochitl .
<p51-pa:3-l1-omitl-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
480. *tlapaltetzmitl*. tlapaltetzmitl: zan ye no yehhuatl, in
tlachinoltetzmitl. . the tlapaltetzmitl is the same as the
tlachinoltetzmitl. . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.219)
481. *tlaquilli*. in axcan zan mitoa, tlaquilli. . today it is just
called tlaquilli. . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.212)
482. *tlatlacotic*. tlatlacotic, . tlatlacotic . <dupl-tlaco:tl-tic
++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.173)
483. *tlatlalayohtli*. tlatlalayotli . tlatlalayotli .
<++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.156)
484. *tlatlancuayeh*. tlatlancuaye, . tlatlanquaye . <dupl-tlani?
cua:itl-eh1 ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.174)
485. *tlatlapanaltic*. auh in ihcuac ye tetepotzo quiza ima, yicxi,
coniz tlanoquiloni, itoca tlatlapanaltic inelhuayo, iuhquin
caxtlatlapan, . and if one's hands [and] one's feet become
twisted, one is to drink a purgative, the root [of an herb] named
tlatlapanaltic, which is like caxtlatlapan. . <p51-tlapa:ni-caus09
l1-tic ++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.157)
486. *tlatlauhcapahtli*. tlatlauhcapatli, . tlatlauhcapatli . <dupl
tla:huitl-v11-prt1-ca:5-pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.142)
487. *tlatocnochnohpalli*. tlatocnochnopalli, . tlatocnochnopalli .
<--no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.123)
488. *tlatocnochtli*. zacatlaxcalyayactic: in itech quiquiza, itoca
tlatocnochtli, . [the tuna] is dark yellow; thence comes its
name, tlatocnochtli. . <--no:chtli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6
489. *tlatocnohpalli*. tlatocnopalli: . tlatocnopalli . <--nohpalli
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
490. *tlazolnochnohpalli*. tlazolnochnopalli: zan no yehhuatl in
anochtli. . tlaolnochnopalli is the same as anochtli. .
<tlazo:lli-no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.123)
491. *tletlemaitl*. ixyahyapalehualiztli, inezca itic mani
xochicihuiztli, nanahuatl, ahzo cana tlapalani, anozo quexilihui:
coniz zan xoxouhqui in itoca tletlemaitl: . for face wheals, the
traces of which appear internally from hemorrhoids, pustules, or
inflammation somewhere, perhaps in the groin, one is to drink raw
[the sap of the herb] called tletlemaitl. . <dupl-tletl1-ma:itl
++plant> (b.10 f.8 c.28 p.142)
492. *tlilpotonqui*. ocopiaztli, anozo tlilpotonqui, . ocopiaztli
or tlilpotonqui . <++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.168)
493. *tlilxochitl*. no yehhuatl coni in cacahuatl ipan huei
nacaztli, ipan tlilxochitl, mecaxochitl ipan: . also one drinks
chocolate with uey nacaztli, with tlilxochitl, with mecaxochitl. .
<tli:lli-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.2 c.1 p.12)
494. *tlilxochitl*. xoxoctic in iexoyo: auh in ohuac tliltic; ic
mitoa. tlilxochitl, . its bean is green, but it is black when
dried; wherefore it is called tlilxochitl. . <tli:lli-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.198)
495. *tlilxochitl*. tlilxochitl, . tlilxochitl . <tli:lli-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.210)
496. *tochnacazhuacalxochitl*. tochnacazhuacalxochitl, .
tochnacazuacalxochitl . <to:chin-nacaztli-huacalli-xo:chitl
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.209)
497. *tochquiquiztli*. in quicua tochquiquiztli iyacacelica ihuan
tlacalhuazcuahuitl iyacacelica: ihcuac in amo tle quitta itlacual.
. it eats tender shoots of tochquiquiztli and tender shoots of
tlacalhuazquauitl when it finds no other food. . <++plant>
(b.11 f.1 c.1 p.4)
498. *tochtetepon*. tochtetepon: . tochtetepon . <to:chin--
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.130)
499. *tolcimaquilitl*. tolcimaquilitl; . tolcimaquilitl . <to:lin
cimatl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
500. *tolcimatl*. tolcimatl . tolcimatl . <to:lin-cimatl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.6 p.126)
501. *tolcimatl*. in inelhuayo: itoca: tolcimatl, . the name of its
root is tolcimatl. . <to:lin-cimatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
502. *tolcimatl*. in inelhuayo: za ce iuhquin tolcimatl neuctica
chichic: . its root is just like that of the tolcimatl; it is
bittersweet. . <to:lin-cimatl ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.156)
503. *tolcimatl*. in inelhuayo iztac in pani ihuan in tlani: iuhqui
in tolcimatl, . its root is white on the surface and like the
tolcimatl inside. . <to:lin-cimatl ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7
504. *tolmimilli*. tolmimilli, . tolmimilli . <to:lin-mimilli
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
505. *tolnacochtli*. tolnacochtli, . tolnacochtli . <to:lin
nacochtli ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
506. *toloa*. toloa: . toloa . <to:loa: ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
507. *tolpatlactic*. tolpatlactic, xexeltic: . it is spreading,
like the tolpatlactli. . <to:lin-patla:hua-l2-tic +w>k
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.211)
508. *tolpatlacticapil*. in itapalcayo, tzopelic: in iquillo in
ixiuhyo tolpatlacticapil. . its shell is sweet; its foliage, its
leaves, are a little like the tolpatlactli. . <++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.6 p.126)
509. *tolpatlactli*. tolpatlactli. . tolpatlactli . <to:lin
patla:hua-l2 +w>k ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
510. *tolyaman*. quinamaca alahuacapetlatl, ezpetlatl,
petlatlacuilolli, cuicuiliuhqui, zoyapetlatl, tompiyatli,
zoyatompiatli, tolpetlatl, tolyaman, nacaze, tolcuexzolli,
tolpapatztli, tolxacualli, tlatzonantli, . he sells smooth reed
mats, red reed mats, painted reed mats, varicolored ones; palm
leaf mats, small deep baskets, small deep baskets of palm leaves;
reed mats -- reed mats, mats of triangular reeds, mats of thick
reeds, mats of bruised reeds, mats of frayed reeds, selected mats.
. <to:lin-yama:ni-trunc ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.24 p.86)
511. *tolyaman*. tolyaman, . toliaman . <to:lin-yama:ni-trunc
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
512. *tolyaman*. nicpetlachihua in tolyama in atoli. . I make mats
of toliaman, of atolin. . <to:lin-yama:ni-trunc ++plant
+del.n> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.195)
513. *tonacaxochitl*. tonacaxochitl, . tonacaxcchitl . <to:n2-v12
ca:5-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.175)
514. *tonacaxochitl*. ca itztic in tonacaxochitl, . the
tonacaxochitl is cooling. . <to:n2-v12-ca:5-xo:chitl ++plant>
(b.11 f.17 c.7 p.175)
515. *tonacaxochitl*. huel mixcahuia in tonacaxochitl, quinamiqui in
cacahuatl in mi: . the tonacaxochitl can be taken alone; it is
added to cacao when drunk. . <to:n2-v12-ca:5-xo:chitl ++plant>
(b.11 f.17 c.7 p.175)
516. *tonalchichicaquilitl*. tonalchichicaquilitl, .
tonalchichicaquilitl . <to:n2-v12-l1-chichiya-delya-ca:5-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.137)
517. *tonalxihuitl*. in mococoa telchiquiuh: tocuitlapa, tomicicuil,
tochiquiuhio, in nohuiyan tlatlaxhuizti in inacayo: ic moza in
tlanechicolli, in nepapan xihuitl, tlalquequetzal, tonalxihuitl,
atzitzicaztli, atzomiatl, . if the chest, the back, the ribs, the
rib cage hurt, if she aches in all parts of her body, she is
anointed with a collection of divers herbs: tlalquequetzal,
tonalxiuitl, atzitzicaztli, atzomiatl. . <to:n2-v12-l1-xihuitl1
++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.152)
518. *tonalxihuitl*. tonalxihuitl: . tonalxiuitl . <to:n2-v12-l1
xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.167)
519. *tonalxihuitl*. tonalxihuitl . tonalxiuitl . <to:n2-v12-l1
xihuitl1 ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
520. *tonalxihuitl*. inic mitoa tonalxihuitl, ihcuac in tonalco,
xoxohuia, in cueponi. . it is called tonalxiuitl because it
becomes green, it blossoms in the summer. . <to:n2-v12-l1-xihuitl1
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
521. *tonalxochitl*. tonalxochitl: . tonalxochitl . <to:n2-v12-l1
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7 p.198)
522. *tonalxochitl*. inic mitoa tonalxochitl, tlalhuacpa in
mochihua: . it is called tonalxochitl because it grows in dry
ground. . <to:n2-v12-l1-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.20 c.7
523. *topozan*. achi iuhqui in topozan, yece zan xoxoctic in
iquillo: . it is somewhat like topoan; however, its leaves are
greenish. . <++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
524. *totoncaxihuitl*. totoncaxihuitl: . totoncaxiuitl .
<++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.150)
525. *tozancuitlaxcolli*. tozancuitlaxcolli: . toancuitlaxcolli .
<tozan-cuitlaxcolli ++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.151)
526. *toztlatzompili*. zan no yehhuatl in toztlatzompili. . it is
the same as the toztlatzompili. . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7
527. *tzaponochnohpalli*. tzaponochnopalli: . tzaponochnopalli .
<tzapotl-no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.124)
528. *tzaponochtli*. in ixochicuallo itoca tzaponochtli, . the name
of its fruit is tzaponochtli. . <tzapotl-no:chtli ++plant>
(b.11 f.12 c.6 p.124)
529. *tzatzayanalquiltic*. tzatzayanalquiltic, . tzatzayanalquiltic
. <dupl-tzaya:ni-caus09-l1-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7
530. *tzauctli*. tzauctli, . tzacutli . <tzacui-l2 ++plant>
(b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
531. *tzauctli*. in inelhuayo, zazalic: yehhuatl in motocayotia
tzauctli, . its root is sticky; this is named tzacutli. . <tzacui
l2 ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
532. *tzauctli*. iuhquin tzauctli ixiuhyo, . its foliage is like
that of the tzacutli. . <tzacui-l2 ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7
533. *tzaucxochitl*. tzaucxochitl xihuitl . tzacuxochitl xiuitl .
<tzacui-l2-xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.211)
534. *tzayanalquilitl*. ihuan in ixquich tlamantli quilitl cualoni,
xonacatl, tzayanalquilitl, huitzquilitl, huauhquilitl,
huauhtzontli, itzmiquilitl, quillanenel, iztac xoxocoyoli,
xoxocoyolhuihuilan, . and all manner of edible herbs -- onions,
water plant leaves, thistles, amaranth greens and heads, purslane,
mixed greens, varieties of sorrel; . <tzaya:ni-caus09-l1-quilitl
++plant> (b.8 f.4 c.19 p.68)
535. *tzayanalquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <tzaya:ni
caus09-l1-quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
536. *tzayanalquilitl*. tzayanalquilitl; . tzayanalquilitl .
<tzaya:ni-caus09-l1-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
537. *tzayanalquilitl*. inic mitoa, tzayanalquilitl: tzatzayanqui in
iyollo. . it is called tzayanalquilitl for this reason: the
center of [the stem] is split. . <tzaya:ni-caus09-l1-quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
538. *tzihuactli*. tzihuactli . tziuactli . <tzi:huactli
++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
539. *tzihuactli*. itoca, tzihuactli . its name is tziuactli. .
<tzi:huactli ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
540. *tzihuinquilitl*. tzihuinquilitl, anozo atzihuenquilitl, .
tziuinquilitl or atziuenquilitl . <--quilitl ++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.7 p.135)
541. *tzilacayohmetl*. tzilacayometl, mocuicuicuilo,
moztacatzitzicuitz. . the tzilacayometl is varicolored, spattered
with white. . <tzilacatl-ayohtli-metl ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7
542. *tzilacayohtli*. tzilacayotli: otra manera de calabazas lisas i
pintadas. . tzilacayotli: another kind of smooth, dappled squash
. <tzilacatl-ayohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.288)
543. *tzilacayohtli*. in tzilacayotli, iyollo tliltic,
yahualtotonti: in oc ceppa nepa iyollo, inin ayohuachtli, iztac .
the center of the tzilacayotli is black, small and round; yet
again, earlier, its center, this gourd seed, is white. .
<tzilacatl-ayohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.288)
544. *tzipipahtli*. tzipipatli, anozo nanacace, . tzipipatli or
nanacace . <tzi:pitl-pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.144)
545. *tzipipahtli*. oc no centlamantli tzipipatli, anozo huei patli,
tlanelhuatl ololtic, . still another kind, tzipipatli or uei
patli, [has] a round root. . <tzi:pitl-pahtli ++plant> (b.11
f.14 c.7 p.144)
546. *tzitzicazquilitl*. tzitzicazquilitl, . tzitzicazquilitl .
<tzi:tzica:ztli-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.135)
547. *tzitzintlapatl*. tzitzintlapatl: . tzintlapatl . <tzitzimitl
tla:pa:tl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.130)
548. *tzitziquilitl*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
549. *tzitziquilitl*. tzitziquilitl, . tzitziquilitl . <--quilitl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
550. *tzohualnochnohpalli*. tzohualnochnopalli: . tzooalnochnopalli
. <tzoa-l1-no:chtli-nohpalli +insert.w ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6
551. *tzohualnochtli*. in itech quiza, in itlaaquillo itoca,
tzohualnochtli, . from it comes its fruit named tzooalnochtli. .
<tzoa-l1-no:chtli +insert.w ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.123)
552. *tzohualnochtli*. tlapalnochnopalli: zan no yehhuatl in
tzohualnochtli. . tlapalnochnopalli is the same as tzooalnochtli.
. <tzoa-l1-no:chtli +insert.w ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.123)
553. *tzompachquilitl*. tzompachquilitl. tetzitzilin, anozo
tetzitzili, . tzompachquilitl. tetzitzilin or tetzitzili . <-
quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
554. *tzompoton*. tzompoton, . tzompoton . <++plant> (b.11 f.18
c.7 p.184)
555. *tzontecomananacatl*. tzontecomananacatl, . tzontecomananacatl
. <tzontli-tecomatl-dupl-nacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7
556. *xalacocohtli*. miecpa in ommotlaliz, mixnamiquiz, in inelhuayo
xalacocotli: tomahuac, iuhquin cuauhnelhuatl, achi cococ: . many
times, when it is to be placed on, one is to add the root of the
xalacocotli, [which is] thick like a tree root; it is somewhat
burning. . <xa:lli-a:tl1-co:cohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7
557. *xalacocohtli*. auh inin xalacocotli iquiyoyo, ihticoyonqui,
iuhqui in caxtillan acatl: . and the stems of this xalacocotli
are hollow within like the reeds of castile. . <xa:lli-a:tl1
co:cohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.168)
558. *xalacocohtli*. xalacocotli: . xalacocotli . <xa:lli-a:tl1
co:cohtli ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.212)
559. *xaltomaquilitl*. xaltomaquilitl. . xaltomaquilitl . <xa:lli
tomatl-quilitl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.136)
560. *xaltomatl*. in itlacual, i, coyotl: nacatl, nacaxoxouhqui:
cintli, elotl, ohuatl, xaltomatl, nochtli, capolin, tamalli,
tlaxcalli, neuctli. . the foods of this coyote are meat, raw
meat, ripe maize ears, green maize ears, green maize stalks,
tomatoes, tunas, american cherries, tamales, tortillas, honey. .
<xa:lli-tomatl ++plant> (b.11 f.1 c.1 p.7)
561. *xaltomatl*. xaltomatl . xaltomatl . <xa:lli-tomatl
++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.6 p.127)
562. *xaltomatl*. xaltomatl, xaltotomatl . xaltomatl [or]
xaltotomatl . <xa:lli-tomatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
563. *xaltomatl*. xaltomatl . xaltomatl . <xa:lli-tomatl
++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.153)
564. *xaltomatl*. in xaltomatl, . the xaltomatl . <xa:lli-tomatl
++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.166)
565. *xaltomatl*. mocenteci in inelhuayo mamaxtla, ihuan inelhuayo
xaltomatl . the root of mamaxtla and the root of xaltomatl are
ground up together. . <xa:lli-tomatl ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7
566. *xaltomatl*. mocenteci, zan aquitzin in ixiuhyo
quetzalmizquitl: xiuhiyac, ihuan inelhuayo xaltomatl, ihuan
inelhuayo coztomatl. . ground together are a very little of the
tips of quetzalmizquitl foliage and the root of the tomato and the
root of the yellow tomato. . <xa:lli-tomatl ++plant> (b.11
f.17 c.7 p.176)
567. *xaltomatl*. in xaltomatl, in coztomatl; ye omito in quenami in
quetzalmizquitl. . the characteristics of the tomato, of the
yellow tomato, of the quetzalmizquitl have already been told. .
<xa:lli-tomatl ++plant> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.177)
568. *xaltomaxihuitl*. icapollo: in xaltomaxihuitl, . it is the
fruit of the xaltomatl herb. . <xa:lli-tomatl-xihuitl1
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
569. *xaltotomatl*. xaltomatl, xaltotomatl . xaltomatl [or]
xaltotomatl . <xa:lli-dupl-tomatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
570. *xelhuaznanacatl*. xelhuaznanacatl, . xehuaznanacatl . <xelli
hua:ztli-dupl-nacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.132)
571. *xicamoxihuitl*. xicamoxihuitl: . xicamoxiuitl . <++plant>
(b.11 f.13 c.6 p.125)
572. *xilometl*. xilometl, mapitzahuac. . the xilometl has slender
leaves. . <++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.217)
573. *xiloxochitl*. in itoca xiloxochitl, zan quezqui in iuhqui
xilotzontli inic moyahuatica: . a few, [like] those named
xiloxochitl, are spread in the manner of corn silk. . <xi:lo:tl
xo:chitl ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.169)
574. *xiloxochitlacotl*. auh inin xiloxochitlacotl tepitztic,
tlacuahuac, . and this xiloxochitlacotl is hard, firm. .
<xi:lo:tl-xo:chitl-tlaco:tl ++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.169)
575. *xitomatl*. yollopiciltic iuhquin xitomatl. . the centers are
tiny like tomato [seeds]. . <++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.124)
576. *xiuhtetzmetl*. zan achi huel iuhqui in tetzmetl, tepepan
mochihua zan xiuhtetzmetl: . it is just about like the tetzmetl
which grows in the mountains; the shoot of the tetzmetl. .
<++plant> (b.11 f.16 c.7 p.161)
577. *xiuhteuczacatl*. xiuhteuczacatl: . xiuhtecuacatl . <xihuitl1
te:uctli-zacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
578. *xiuhteuczacatl*. tlatlactic: inic mitoa xiuhteuczacatl. . it
is ruddy; hence is it called xiuhtecuacatl. . <xihuitl1-te:uctli
zacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
579. *xochicamohtli*. cequi coztic, itoca xochicamotli: . some are
yellow; their name is xochicamotli. . <xo:chitl-camohtli
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.140)
580. *xoconochnohpalli*. xoconochnopalli, . xoconochnopalli .
<xocotl-no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.124)
581. *xoconochnohpalli*. xoconochnopalli, . xoconochnopalli .
<xocotl-no:chtli-nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
582. *xoconochtli*. in itlaaquillo, itoca xoconochtli, . the name
of its fruit is xoconochtli. . <xocotl-no:chtli ++plant> (b.11
f.12 c.6 p.124)
583. *xocoyoli*. xocoyoli, zan no yehhuatl in xoxocoyoli. .
xocoyoli is the same as xoxocoyoli. . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7
584. *xonacatl*. quil itlatla in xonacatl, . they say it is some
kind of onion. . <xo:tl2-nacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
585. *xonacatontli*. iuhquin xonacatontli. . it is like a little
onion. . <xo:tl2-nacatl-to:n-tl ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7
586. *xonecuilpahtli*. xonecuilpatli, . xonecuilpatli . <--necuilli
pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
587. *xoxocoyolcuecuepo*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. .
<++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
588. *xoxocoyolcuecuepoc*. xoxocoyolcuecuepoc, . xoxocoyolcuecuepoc
. <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.138)
589. *xoxocoyolcuecuepoc*. xochio cueponqui. inic mitoa
xoxocoyolcuecuepoc: . it has blossoms, it is a blossomer, so it
is called xoxocoyolcuecuepoc. . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7
590. *xoxocoyolhuihuilan*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. .
<++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
591. *xoxocoyolhuihuila*. xoxocoyolhuihuila, . xoxocoyohuiuila . <-
dupl-huila:na-l2 ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.138)
592. *xoxocoyoli*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, ahuexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli, xoxocoyoli,
xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. .
<++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
593. *xoxocoyoli*. xoxocoyoli, . xoxocoyoli . <++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.7 p.138)
594. *xoxocoyoli*. xocoyoli, zan no yehhuatl in xoxocoyoli. .
xocoyoli is the same as xoxocoyoli. . <++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7
595. *xoxocoyolpapatla*. quinamaca eloquilitl, mozoquilitl,
tzitziquilitl, tepicquilitl, mahtzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl,
ahuexocaquilitl, chilquilitl, huauhquilitl, huauhquiltzontli,
xoxocoyoli, xoxocoyolpapatla, xoxocoyolhuihuilan, cuauhxoxocoyoli,
miccaxoxoyoli, xoxocoyolcuecuepo ayauhtona, tacanalquilitl,
mexixi, popoyauhquilitl, atzihuequilitl, calahuauhquilitl,
itzmiquilitl . she sells eloquilitl, mooquilitl, tzitziquilitl,
tepicquilitl, matzalquilitl, tzayanalquilitl, auexocaquilitl,
chilquilitl, amaranth greens, amaranth heads, several varieties of
sorrel, ayauhtonan, tacanalquilitl, watercress, popoyauhquilitl,
atziuequilitl, calauauhquilitl, a species of purslane. .
<++plant> (b.10 f.5 c.25 p.92)
596. *xoxocoyolpapatla*. xoxocoyolpapatla, . xoxocoyolpapatla .
<++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.138)
597. *xoxocoyolpapatla*. papatlahuac. inic mitoa xoxocoyolpapatla: .
[they are] broad; for this reason is it called xoxocoyolpapatla. .
<++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.138)
598. *xoxocoyolpatlac*. iuhquin xoxocoyolpatlac, yece
tetepontomahuac. totomio, . it is like the xoxocoyolpatlac;
however, the stalk is stubby, thick, hairy. . <++plant> (b.11
f.14 c.7 p.138)
599. *xoxocoyoltic*. no ihuan ixpatli in xoxocoyoltic, . xoxocoltic
is also an eye medicine. . <++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.145)
600. *xoxocoyoltic*. xoxocoyoltic . xoxocoyoltic . <.aho
++plant> (b.11 f.15 c.7 p.154)
601. *xoxocoyoltic*. in tlanelhuatl moneloz olli, ihuan
xoxocoyoltic: ic quipachilhuizque in inacayo; in omito icihuayo, .
the root is to be mixed with rubber and the herb xoxocoyoltic,
which they are to press in her body, as has been said -- in her
vagina. . <++plant> (b.11 f.18 c.7 p.186)
602. *xoxocoyoltic*. in xoxocoyoltic: ye omito in quenami. . the
nature of xoxocoyoltic has already been mentioned. . <++plant>
(b.11 f.18 c.7 p.186)
603. *xoxotla*. xoxotla . xoxotla . <dupl-xo:tla1 ++plant>
(b.11 f.19 c.7 p.197)
604. *xoxotla*. inic mitoa xoxotla, chichiltic, in ixochio
huelletic. . it is called xoxotla because its blossom is chili
red, just like a flame. . <dupl-xo:tla1 ++plant> (b.11 f.19
c.7 p.197)
605. *xoxotlatzin*. xoxotlatzin, . xoxotlatzin . <++plant>
(b.11 f.16 c.7 p.167)
606. *xoxouhcapahtli*. xoxouhcapatli: . xoxouhcapatli . <dupl
xo:tl2-v11-prt1-ca:5-pahtli ++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
607. *xoxouhcapahtli*. ihuan xoxouhcapatli: . also [it is called]
xoxouhcapatli. . <dupl-xo:tl2-v11-prt1-ca:5-pahtli ++plant>
(b.11 f.17 c.7 p.171)
608. *yacatzotl*. yacatzotl: chichiltic. . yacatzotl. it is chili
red. . <yacatl-tzotl ++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.287)
609. *yapaxihuitl*. ic mopotonia in tlanechicolli, in ocotl cenca
tzomonqui, ihuan chichic cuahuitl, ihuan iztauhiatl, ihuan
calcuechtli, ihuan yapaxihuitl inelhuayo, ihuan achi iztatl,
capolxihuitl, ihuan itzcuimpatli: . a poultice of assorted
[powdered herbs] is applied: very hot pine [resin] and chichic
quauitl and wormwood, and soot, and yapaxiuitl root, and a little
salt, cherry leaves, and itzcuinpatli. . <++plant> (b.10 f.9
c.28 p.149)
610. *yauhtli*. zan no iuhqui in yauhtli, . it is the same as
yauhtli. . <++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.146)
611. *yecayohtli*. ayotli: anozo yecayotli calabazas destas tierras
que se comen . gourd or yecayotli native edible squashes .
<++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.288)
612. *yecayohtli*. in yecayotli iyollo, itoca ayohuachtli, . the
name of the center of the yecayotli is gourd seed. . <--ayohtli
++plant> (b.11 f.27 c.13 p.288)
613. *yohualxochitl*. yoalxochitl: . yoalxochitl . <yohua-l1
xo:chitl ++plant +del.w> (b.11 f.17 c.7 p.177)
614. *yopixochitl*. yopixochitl, . yopixochitl . <++plant>
(b.11 f.20 c.7 p.209)
615. *zacacili*. zacacili: . acacili . <++plant> (b.11 f.15
c.7 p.151)
616. *zacamamaztli*. zacamamaztli, . acamamaztli . <zacatl--
++plant +prob> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
617. *zacamamaztli*. nicnoxacaltia, in zacamamaztli in teocalzacatl.
. I make myself a hut of acamamaztli, of teocalacatl. . <zacatl
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
618. *zacamolli*. auh ihcuac hualquiza temazcalco ic maltia in
tlanechicolli, in xihuitl iyauhtli, cococxihuitl, zacamolli
inelhuayo, tecpatli inelhuayo, ihuan ixiuhyo, . when one emerges
from the sweat bath, one washes in an assortment of herbs:
iiyauhtli, cococxiuitl, roots of acamolli, roots and leaves of
tecpat1i. . <zacatl-moa:-l1 ++plant> (b.10 f.9 c.28 p.158)
619. *zacananacatl*. zacananacatl, . acananacatl . <zacatl-dupl
nacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.13 c.7 p.132)
620. *zacanochnohpalli*. zacanochnopalli, matilactic, chicahuac. .
the acanochnopalli is thick-leafed, sturdy. . <zacatl-no:chtli
nohpalli ++plant> (b.11 f.21 c.7 p.218)
621. *zacanochtli*. in itech mochihua itoca zacanochtli, . the name
of what grows on it is acanochtli. . <zacatl-no:chtli
++plant> (b.11 f.12 c.6 p.124)
622. *zacanohualli*. zacanohualli, . acanoualli . <zacatl--
++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.193)
623. *zacateteztli*. zacateteztli: . acateteztli . <zacatl
teteztli ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7 p.194)
624. *zacateztli*. zacateztli . acateztli . <++plant> (b.11
f.13 c.6 p.126)
625. *zacateztli*. zacateztli . acateztli . <++plant> (b.11
f.14 c.7 p.140)
626. *zacatl*. zacatl; . acatl . <zacatl ++plant> (b.11 f.19
c.7 p.196)
627. *zacayaman*. can no yehhuatl in zacayaman; yece chamahuac,
chicahuac: . it is the same as acayaman; however, it is rough,
strong. . <zacatl-yama:ni-trunc ++plant> (b.11 f.19 c.7
628. *zozoyatic*. zozoyatic . ooyatic . <dupl-zo:ya:tl-tic
++plant> (b.11 f.14 c.7 p.147)
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