zoatlacatl as a word for seeds

chelo dona chelodona at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 20 06:43:29 UTC 2013

Quoting Michael Mccaffe:


>"In terms of other possible concatenations, the
spealling "zoa + 

>tlacatl" could represent


>zohua- + a:tla:catl 
'female' + 'water person' (i.e., person fashioned 

>of water) ... Those sound quite strange for


Couldn't be seeds as “wife of the water”, “bride of the
water”? it makes sense for me.

Just from a meaning-poetical point of view. I follow the
list, I have no linguistical clues. Excuse my boldness anyway.


Marcelo Donadello




Quoting grigsby tom <tom_grigsby at yahoo.com>:


> Listeros,

> When talking to an old timer about planting
practices he

> told me the in the old days seeds (maize, frijoles,
and squash) were referred

> to as ?zoatlacatl.? I read this as ?female/male?
woman/man. Has anybody seen

> this term used for seeds (or anything else) in the
literature? Are there any

> other possible meanings?

> Thanks,

> Tom Grigsby

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