Compound Verbs
Campbell, R. Joe
campbel at
Sun Jun 15 04:45:56 UTC 2014
Our recent discussion on "tenyohtimani" suggested to me that there
be some benefit in an explicit consideration of compound verbs.
My apologies for saying some obvious things -- just consider it my
revenge on a friend for gravely explaining a woodworking tip to me one
day -- to the effect that two 45 degree angles make a 90 degree angle.
The pattern is basically:
Verb1 + t(i) + Verb2
Verb1 is always in the preterit; verb2 is selected from the following
list of "auxiliaries". In the left column, I have assigned serial numbers
to them for easy notation. In this way, I can refer to them as AUX01,
AUX02, AUX03, etc.
1 nemi
2 quetza
3 huetzi
4 mani
5 ehua
6 huitz
7 quiza
8 tlalia
9 tlehco
10 teca
11a ca
11b ye (of ca)
12 ihca
13 o
14a yauh1 (ya)
14b yauh2 (iuh)
15 calaqui
16 tlaza
17 temo
18 ahci
19 cahua
ahcitinemi , c- (cacitinemj). ; they go taking him; they go capturing
him. <p33-ahci-prt2=0-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.6 f.20 p.256|
amictinemi =nic=onicamictinen (amictinemi =nic=onicamictinen).
dessear algo, como el que anda muerto de sed. <p11-p33-a:tl1-miqui-
prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. 71m2-1|
antinemi (antinemj). they go hunting. <a:mi1-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>.
b.10 f.10 p.171|
apizmictinemi =n=onapizmictinen (apizmictinemi =n=onapizmictinen).
andar muerto de hambre. <p11-a:pi:ztli-miqui-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>.
atlitinemi , c- (catlitinemj). they go making him drink water. <p33-
a:tl1-i:1-prt2=0-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.10 f.8 p.142|
cencah nipactinemi =oc (oc^cencah nipactinemi). mas valer. <oc cencah
p11-pa:qui-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01 +phrase>. 55m-13|
chachalacatinemi (chachalacatinemj). they go along chattering. <dupl-
chala:ni-ca7-prt2=0-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.12 f.7 p.115|
chiuhtinemi , mo- (muchiuhtinemj). she goes along becoming; . <p54-
chi:hua-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.4 f.9 p.95|
cochtinemi , co- (cocochtinemj). he successively goes along sleeping.
<dupl-cochi-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.6 f.20 p.253|
cuahtinemi , qui- (qujquatinemj). they go eating it. <p33-cua:-prt4-
ti1-nemi aux01>. b.6 f.8 p.101|
cuatlaztinemi , mo- (moquatlaztinemj). he goes about haughty. <p54-
cua:itl-tla:za-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.4 f.1 p.3|
elcihciuhtinemi (elciciuhtinemj). he goes about sighing; they go
about sighing. <e:lli-dupl-ihcihui-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.4 f.4
huetztinemi (vetztinemj). it goes falling. <huetzi-prt1-ti1-nemi
aux01>. b.11 f.22 p.222|
huicatinemi =nite=onitehuicatinen (huicatinemi =nite=onitehuicatinen).
andar acompa¤ando a otro. <p11-p52-hui:ca-prt2=0-ti1-nemi aux01>.
iyauhtinemi , tla- (tlaiiauhtinemj). they go along making dance
motions. <p51-iya:hua-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.2 f.11 p.170|
[i]ztlacahuihtinenca , omo- (omoztlacavitinenca). they had practised
deceit. <o:-p54-iztlacatl-v05b-prt1-ti1-nemi-prt1-ca10 aux01>. b.4
f.12 p.131|
mecatihtinemi , mo- (momecatitinemj). he lives in concubinage. <p54-
mecatl-v04-caus08=0-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.2 f.5 p.102|
notztinemi , qui- (quinotztinemj). she proceeds addressing him. <p33-
no:tza-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.6 f.14 p.176|
ololohtinemi , c- (cololotinemj). he goes rolling it up; he goes
wrapping it; he goes rolling it into a ball; . <p33-olo:lli-v03a-
caus06-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.4 f.1 p.5|
tlachixtinemi =nohuiyampa (nohuiampa tlachixtinemi). deshonesta muger
y desuergonzada. <no:huiya:n-pa1 tlachiya-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01 +y>x
+phrase>. 71m1-072|
tonalciyauhtinemi (tonalciiauhtinemj). they go along exhausted by the
heat. <to:n2-v12-l1-ciahui1-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01 +insert.y>. b.1 f.2
tzatzauctinemi , qui- (qujtzatzacutinemj). he goes blocking it. <p33-
dupl-tzacui-caus09=0-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.4 f.2 p.12|
xixipeuhtinemi , qui- (qujxixipeuhtinemj). it goes about peeling it.
<p33-dupl-xi:pe:hua-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.11 f.2 p.11|
yacantinemi , te- (teiacantinemj). he goes leading someone. <p52-
yacatl-a:na1-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. b.2 f.3 p.76|
yolahcomantinemi =ni (yolahcomantinemi =ni). desasossegado andar y
alborotado. <p11-yo:lli-ahco-mani-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. 71m1-071|
yoltinemi =ni=oniyoltinen (yoltinemi =ni=oniyoltinen). tener vida.
<p11-yo:lli-v13=0-prt1-ti1-nemi aux01>. 71m2-7|
ehuatiquetz , hualm[o]- (valmevatiquetz). he rose up. <hua:l-p54-
e:hua-prt2=0-ti1-quetza-prt1 aux02>. b.12 f.8 p.115|
ixnamictimoquetza , con- (conjxnamjctimoquetza). she places herself
facing him. <p33-o:n-i:xtli-na:miqui-prt1-ti1-p54-quetza aux02>. b.2
f.7 p.121|
neztimoquetza , tlatla- (tlatlaneztimoquetza). it stands shining.
<dupl-tla6-ne:ci-prt1-ti1-p54-quetza aux02>. b.7 f.1 p.15|
tentiquetza , con- (contentiquetza). they put it in. <p33-o:n-te:mi-
caus09=0-prt1-ti1-quetza aux02>. b.3 f.3 p.45|
ahcitihuetzicoh (acitivetzico). they came hastening to arrive. <ahci-
prt2=0-ti1-huetzi-dir1b aux03>. b.12 f.1 p.17|
altihtihuetzi , con- (conaltitivetzi). they quickly bathe him. <p33-
o:n-a:ltia:-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.4 f.11 p.109|
cacalactihuetzi (cacalactivetzi). they each quickly enter. <dupl-
calaqui-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.12 f.7 p.108|
chachapantihuetzi , on- (onchachapantivetzi). they each plop down,
they each fall. <o:n-dupl-chapa:ni-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.2 f.9
chiuhtihuetzi , xic- (xicchiuhtivetzi). do it quickly. <p6-p33-
chi:hua-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.6 f.17 p.214|
cuahtihuetzi , qui- (qujquativetzi). they quickly bite it; he bolts
it down; he eats it hurriedly. <p33-cua:-prt4-ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.2
f.7 p.129|
cuitihuetzi , xocon- (xoconcuitiuetzi). take it quickly. <p6-p33-o:n-
cui-prt2=0-ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.9 f.2 p.13|
elhuitectihuetzi , m[o]- (melhujtectiuetzi). he falls striking his
chest. <p54-e:lli-hui:tequi-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.10 f.9 p.162|
ihciuhcacuahtihuetzi , tiqu- (tiqujciuhcaquativetzi). we gobble it up
hurriedly, we eat it quickly. <p21-p33-ihcihui-prt1-ca:6-cua:-prt4-
ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.6 f.18 p.226|
itihuetziz , con- (conjtiuetziz). he will quickly drink it. <p33-o:n-
i:1-prt2=0-ti1-huetzi-z aux03>. b.10 f.9 p.162|
pehpentihuetzi , con- (conpepentiuetzi). they quickly gather it up.
<p33-o:n-pehpena-prt1-huetzi aux03>. b.5 f.2 p.184|
quiztihuetzi =ni (quiztihuetzi =ni). salir arebatadamente; salir
arrebatadamente; salir corriendo. <p11-qui:za-prt1-ti1-huetzi
aux03>. 55m-18|
tlalihtihuetzi , nonno- (nonnotlalitivetzi). I quickly seat myself.
<p11-o:n-p54-tla:lia:-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.6 f.18 p.230|
tlaztihuetzi , con- (contlaztiuetzi). he quickly throws it. <p33-o:n-
tla:za-prt1-ti1-huetzi aux03>. b.7 f.2 p.26|
yahtihuetzi (iativetzi). he rushes, he goes quickly. <yauh1-ti1-
huetzi aux03>. b.6 f.18 p.221|
acatl =chachayacatimani in (chachayacatimani in^acatl). ralas estar
las ca¤as o cosa assi. <dupl-chaya:hui2-ca7-prt2=0-ti1-mani in
a:catl aux04>. 55m-17|
ahhuachquiauhtimani (aoachqujauhtimanj). it keeps drizzling.
<ahhuachtli-quiyahui-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>. b.12 f.4 p.66|
ahhuiyaxtimani , tla- (tlaaujiaxtimanj). it keeps perfuming. <tla6-
ahhuia:ya-prt1-ti1-mani +y>x aux04>. b.4 f.8 p.78|
ayauhtimani (ayauhtimani). hazer niebla o nieblina; niebla hazer.
<a:yahui-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>. 55m-11|
cactimani (cactimanj). it is desolate; it is quiet; there is quiet;
it lies abandoned; silence prevails. <caqui2-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>.
b.11 f.11 p.106|
chixtimani , qui- (qujchixtimanj). they keep waiting for it; they
keep waiting for him. <p33-chiya-prt1-ti1-mani aux04 +y>x>. b.2 f.6
cuecuepontimani (cuecuepontimanj). it extends blossoming. <dupl-
cuepo:ni-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>. b.11 f.21 p.214|
huetztimani , on- (onvetztimanj). they keep falling. <o:n-huetzi-prt1-
ti1-mani aux04>. b.11 f.8 p.78|
ihcuanihtimani , con- (conjquanjtimanj). they continue to remove it.
<p33-o:n-ihcuania:-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>. b.4 f.8 p.78|
melauhtimani , tla- (tlamelauhtimanj). it remains straight. <p51-
mela:hua-ti1-mani aux04>. b.11 f.21 p.212|
neztimani =tla (tlaneztimani). hazer claro o sereno; hazer claro y
sereno tiempo; hazer tiempo claro y resplandeciente; o lugar sin
escuridad y claro. <tla6-ne:ci-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>. 55m-11|
ololiuhtimani (ololiuhtimanj). they crowd together. <olo:lli-v03a-
prt1-ti1-mani aux04>. b.11 f.26 p.275|
popocatimani (popocatimanj). it lies smoking. <dupl-po:ca-prt2=0-ti1-
mani aux04>. b.11 f.25 p.262|
popozocatimani ==opopozocatimanca (popozocatimani ==opopozocatimanca).
estar heruiendola olla. <dupl-pozo:ni-ca7-prt2=0-ti1-mani aux04>.
quiztimani , hual- (oalqujztimanj). they keep coming forward; they
keep coming forth; it keeps emerging. <hua:l-qui:za-prt1-ti1-mani
aux04>. b.2 f.7 p.123|
teciuhtimani ==oteciuhtimanca (teciuhtimani ==oteciuhtimanca).
granizar. o^apedrear. s. caer piedra quando llueue. <tecihui-prt1-
ti1-mani aux04>. 71m2-16|
tetzcaliuhtimani , tla- (tlatetzcaliuhtimanj). it is lying cleanly
swept. <tla6-tetzcalli-v03a-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>. b.1 f.2 p.46|
tlaztimani , con- (contlaztimanj). they keep casting it. <p33-o:n-
tla:za-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>. b.2 f.4 p.88|
xaxamacatimani ==oxaxamacatimanca (xaxamacatimani ==oxaxamacatimanca).
batir las olas, o quebrar en las rocas. <dupl-xama:ni-ca7-prt2=0-ti1-
mani aux04>. 71m2-27|
yacattimani (iacattimanj). they are in the lead. <yacatl-v04-prt1-ti1-
mani aux04>. b.2 f.9 p.147|
yohuatimaniz (iooatimanjz). it will lie darkened. <yohua-prt2=0-ti1-
mani-z aux04 +ret.w>. b.6 f.7 p.81|
zouhtimani (zouhtimani). abierto estar libro o carta; abierta estar
la carta o el libro. <zo:hua-prt1-ti1-mani aux04>. 55m-001|
cauhtehua =nic=oniccauhtehuac (cauhtehua =nic=oniccauhtehuac). dexar
a otro, o a otra cosa, e yrse luego a alguna parte. <p11-p33-ca:hui-
caus09=0-prt1-ti1-e:hua aux05>. 71m2-2|
cuahtehuaz =nitla= [[tlaquateuaz =ni=]] (cuahtehuaz =nitla=). comere
antes que me parta. <p11-p51-cua:-prt4-ti1-e:hua-z +mis_analysis.
aux05>. 71m2-23|
cualantehua =ni=onicualantehuac (cualantehua =ni=onicualantehuac).
leuantarse e yrse muy enojado. <p11-cuala:ni-prt1-ti1-e:hua aux05>.
ihtixotlatehua , qu- (quj>tixotlateoa). it suddenly rips open his
belly. <p33-ihtitl-xotla2-prt2=0-ti1-e:hua aux05>. b.11 f.1 p.6|
ihzatehua =n (ihzatehua =n). leuantarse de dormir. <p11-ihza-prt2=0-
ti1-e:hua aux05>. 71m1-141|
quetztehuac , ocon- (oconquetzteoac). he placed it as he departed.
<o:-p33-o:n-quetza-prt1-ti1-e:hua-prt2 aux05>. b.6 f.4 p.48|
xiccauhtehua =nite (xiccauhtehua =nite). dexar a otro con desden y
enojo. <p11-p52-xi:ctli-ca:hui-caus09=0-prt1-ti1-e:hua aux05>. 71m1-
ayotzincueptihuitze , m[o]- (maiotzincueptiujtze). they come head
over heels. <p54--tzi:ntli-cuepi-caus09=0-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05
aux06>. b.2 f.1 p.48|
chocatihuitz (chocatiujtz). he comes weeping. <cho:ca-prt2=0-ti1-
hui:tz aux06>. b.1 f.1 p.24|
cuicatihuitze (cujcatiujtze). they come singing. <cui:ca-prt2=0-ti1-
hui:tz-plur05 aux06>. b.2 f.5 p.98|
huenchiuhtihuitz , qui- (qujvenchiuhtivitz). they come bringing her
as a gift. <p33-huentli-chi:hua-prt1-ti1-hui:tz aux06>. b.6 f.17
ihtotihtihuitze , m[o]- (mitotitiujtze). they come dancing. <p54-
ihto:tia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>. b.2 f.1 p.51|
itquitihuitz , qu- (qujtqujtivitz). he comes bearing it; they come
carrying her. <p33-itqui-prt2=0-ti1-hui:tz aux06>. b.6 f.14 p.175|
mamailpihtihuitze (Mamailpitiuitze). they come with their hands tied.
<dupl-ma:itl-ilpi-caus08=0?-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>. b.2 f.6
palehuihtihuitze , quim- (qujnpalevitivitze). they come helping them.
<p43-pale:huia:-prt1-ti1-hui:tz-plur05 aux06>. b.12 f.7 p.108|
quiztihuitz , ni- (njqujztiujtz). I come emerging. <p11-qui:za-prt1-
ti1-hui:tz aux06>. b.6 f.1 p.1|
tlaocoxtihuitz (tlaocuxtiujtz). he comes being sad. <tlao:coya-prt1-
ti1-hui:tz aux06 +y>x>. b.1 f.1 p.24|
totonixtihuitz (totonixtivitz). it comes to become warm. <dupl-to:n2-
v13-v01b-prt1-ti1-hui:tz aux06>. b.1 f.05 p.81|
yacantihuitz , quin- (qujniacantivitz). it comes leading them. <p43-
yacatl-a:na1-prt1-ti1-hui:tz aux06>. b.12 f.6 p.84|
aantiquizqueh , c- (caantiqujzque). they quickly seized him. <p33-
dupl-a:na1-prt1-ti1-qui:za-prt1-plur01 aux07>. b.12 f.7 p.114|
cauhtiquiza , qui- (qujcauhtiquja). they quickly leave him. <p33-
ca:hui-caus09=0-prt1-ti1-qui:za aux07>. b.6 f.18 p.225|
cemihtohtiquiza , tocon- (toco^cemitotiquia). we quickly come to
agreement, we quickly decide. <p21-p33-o:n-cem-ihtahui-caus06-prt1-
ti1-qui:za aux07>. b.4 f.12 p.131|
chitontiquiza =ni (chitontiquiza =ni). salir arebatadamente; yr
de^priessa; salir arrebatadamente; saltar y correr yendo de priesa a
algun negocio. <p11-chito:ni-prt1-ti1-qui:za aux07>. 55m-18|
cuitiquiza , qui- (quicuitiquia). they take it quickly; he quickly
takes it. <p33-cui-prt2=0-ti1-qui:za aux07>. b.9 f.3 p.37|
ihtohtiquiza , qu- (quitotiquia). it quickly says it. <p33-ihtahui-
caus06-prt1-ti1-qui:za aux07>. b.9 f.5 p.63|
itquitiquiza , qu- (quitquitiquia). they quickly carry it. <p33-
itqui-prt2=0-ti1-qui:za aux07>. b.7 f.2 p.30|
mictihtiquiza , ontla- (ontlamjctitiquja). they swiftly kill
victims. <o:n-p51-miqui-caus02-prt1-ti1-qui:za aux07>. b.2 f.9
pitztiquiza , qui- (quipitztiquia). he quickly blows it. <p33-pi:tza-
prt1-ti1-prt1-qui:za aux07>. b.9 f.5 p.63|
tentiquiza , quihual- (qujoaltentiquja). he quickly places it. <p33-
hua:l-te:mi-caus09=0-prt1-ti1-qui:za aux07>. b.2 f.2 p.58|
tlaztiquiza , qui- (qujtlaztiquja). he quickly casts it aside. <p33-
o:n-tla:za-prt1-ti1-qui:za aux07>. b.10 f.11 p.185|
tzahtzitiquiza (tzatzitiquia). they abruptly shout. <tzahtzi-prt2=0-
ti1-qui:za aux07>. b.9 f.5 p.64|
cochtimotlalia (cochtimotlalia). he lies down to sleep. <cochi-prt1-
ti1-p54-tla:lia: aux08>. b.4 f.2 p.15|
cualantimotlalia =ni (cualantimotlalia =ni). encapotarse de enojo.
<p11-cuala:ni-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia: aux08>. 55m-7|
poliuhtimotlalia =ni (poliuhtimotlalia =ni). mesurarse; messurarse.
<p11-polihui-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia: aux08>. 55m-13|
tepeuhtitlalia , mo- (motepeuhtitlalia). it is heaped up. <p54-
tepe:tl-v05b-prt1-ti1-tla:lia: aux08>. b.2 f.10 p.161|
tolohtimotlalih , hual- (oaltolotimotlali). he sat with his head
bowed. <hua:l-to:loa:-prt1-ti1-p54-tla:lia:-prt1 aux08>. b.12 f.2
tlalohtitlehco , mo- (motlalotitleco). he runs up. <p54-tlaloa:-prt1-
ti1-tlehco aux09>. b.3 f.1 p.3|
mictimotecac =tlalli (tlalli mictimotecac). noche quando se acuestan
todos. <tla:lli miqui-prt1-ti1-p54-te:ca-prt2 aux10 +phrase>. 55m-
zotlahuatimoteca (otlaoatimoteca). it stretches out stupefied; it
stretches out enfeebled. <zotla:hua-prt2=0-ti1-p54-te:ca aux10>.
b.11 f.8 p.76|
actica , t- (tactica). you are entering. <p12-aqui-prt1-ti1-ca:1a
aux11a>. b.6 f.6 p.67|
ahcitica , on- (onacitica). they are arriving. <o:n-ahci-prt2=0-ti1-
ca:1a aux11a>. b.4 f.6 p.57|
ahmo huehcauhtica =niman (niman ahmo^huehcauhtica). de alli a^pocos
dias. <niman ah1-mo: huehca:hua-prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a +phrase>. 71m2-
ahpantica , tim[o]- (timapantica). you are adorned. <p12-p54-ahpa:na-
prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.6 f.12 p.142|
apizmictica =n (apizmictica =n). estar muerto de hambre. <p11-
a:pi:ztli-miqui-prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. 71m1-111|
axixpalanticatca , o- (oaxixpalanticatca). she was soiled with
excretions. <a:tl1-xi:xtli-pala:ni-prt1-ti1-ca:1a-prt1-ca10 aux11a>.
b.6 f.17 p.213|
cacalactica (cacalactica). it is sunken in, it is dimpled. <dupl-
calaqui-prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.9 f.7 p.94|
caltzauctica (caltzacutica). he is enclosed. <calli-tzacui-caus09=0-
prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.12 f.3 p.50|
cenyacantica , qui- (qujceniacantica). it is leading it. <p33-cem-
yacatl-a:na1-prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a +ret.n>. b.11 f.23 p.234|
chalanihticatca , mo- (mochalanjticatca). they were quarreling. <p54-
chala:ni-caus08=0-prt1-ti1-ca:1a-ca10 aux11a>. b.12 f.2 p.29|
chixtica , qui- (quichistica). she is waiting for it. <p33-chiya-prt1-
ti1-ca:1a aux11a +y>x>. b.9 f.4 p.46|
chocatica , non- (nonchocatica). I am weeping. <p11-o:n-cho:ca-prt2=0-
ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.6 f.9 p.108|
cuahticateh , tla- (tlaquaticate). they are eating. <p51-cua:-prt4-
ti1-ca:1a-plur13 aux11a>. b.6 f.18 p.230|
ehuatica =n (ehuatica =n). estar sentado. <p11-e:hua-prt2=0-ti1-ca:1a
aux11a>. 55m-9|
huehcauhtica (huehcauhtica). despues de largo tiempo. <huehca:hua-
prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. 71m2-26|
ihiyotihtica , m[o]- (mjhiotitica). it is breathing. <p54-ihi:yo:tl-
v04-caus08=0-prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a +del.y>. b.11 f.21 p.221|
ixhuatica (ixoatica). it is sprouting. <ixhua-prt2=0-ti1-ca:1a
aux11a>. b.11 f.16 p.162|
nacazitztica , mitzhual- (mjtzoalnacazitztica). they are looking at
you out of the corner of the eye. <p32-hua:l-nacaztli-itzi-prt1-ti1-
ca:1a aux11a +tzw>tzw>. b.6 f.19 p.244|
neneliuhtica =ahtleh (ahtleh neneliuhtica). pura cosa. <ah1-tleh dupl-
nelihui-prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a +phrase>. 55m-16|
neztica (neztica). it is appearing, it is evident; it is apparent.
<ne:ci-prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.6 f.1 p.1|
pactica (pactica). he is happy, he is content; it is happy. <pa:qui-
prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.6 f.10 p.122|
peuhtica , om- (ompeuhtica). they are beginning. <o:n-pe:hua-prt1-ti1-
ca:1a aux11a>. b.9 f.6 p.73|
pilohtica , tla- (tlapilotica). he is hanging something. <p51-piloa:-
prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.3 f.2 p.19|
pitztiyaz , tla- (tlapitztiaz). he will go playing a flute. <p51-
pi:tza-prt1-ti1-yauh1-z aux11a +tia1 +del.y>. b.2 f.2 p.68|
tecatica , con- (contecatica). they are setting it. <p33-o:n-te:ca-
prt2=0-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.2 f.10 p.161|
tlantica (tla^tica). it is ending. <tlami-prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.2
f.7 p.126|
tzonquiztica (tzonqujztica). it is concluding. <tzontli-qui:za-prt1-
ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.4 f.8 p.75|
xeliuhtica (xeliuhtica). dividing; it is dividing; it is splitting;
splitting; distributing. <xelli-v03a-prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.11
f.18 p.184|
xoxomolactica (xoxomolactica). it is sunken in. <dupl-xomolli-aqui-
prt1-ti1-ca:1a aux11a>. b.9 f.7 p.94|
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