3rd call, fin: 30 jan, Language, Culture and Mind Conference (LCM-2)

Clara Romero ulysse21fr at YAHOO.FR
Tue Jan 17 14:09:26 UTC 2006

>> De: Victor Rosenthal <victor.rosenthal at ehess.fr>
>> FOR
>> PARIS 17-20 JULY 2006
>> The second ‘Language Culture and Mind’ Conference (LCM 2) will be  held 
>> in Paris in July 2006, following the successful first LCM  conference in 
>> Portsmouth in 2004. The goals of LCM conferences are  to contribute to 
>> situating the study of language in a contemporary  interdisciplinary 
>> dialogue, and to promote a better integration of  cognitive and cultural 
>> perspectives in empirical and theoretical  studies of language.
>> The second edition will be held at the École Nationale Supérieure  des 
>> Télécommunications (ENST), 46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris France.
>> Further information concerning the organization, fees and  accommodation 
>> (including affordable rooms at the Cité Universitaire  Internationale de 
>> Paris, at walking distance from the Conference  site) will be provided as 
>> soon as available at the site of the  conference: http://www.lcm2006.net
>> Deadline for submissions:  January 30 (for further detail see 
>> underneath)
>> Notification to authors by March 30, 2006
>> Early registration by April 15, 2006
>> Human natural languages are biologically based, cognitively  motivated, 
>> affectively rich, socially shared, grammatically  organized symbolic 
>> systems. They provide the principal semiotic  means for the complexity 
>> and diversity of human cultural life. As  has long been recognized, no 
>> single discipline or methodology is  sufficient to capture all the 
>> dimensions of this complex and  multifaceted phenomenon, which lies at 
>> the heart of what it is to  be human.
>> In the recent past, perception and cognition have been the basis of 
>> general unifying models of language and language activity. However,  a 
>> genuine integrative perspective should also involve such  essential 
>> modalities of human action as: empathy, mimesis,  intersubjectivity, 
>> normativity, agentivity and narrativity.  Significant theoretical, 
>> methodological and empirical advancements  in the relevant disciplines 
>> now provide a realistic basis for such  a broadened perspective.
>>  This conference will articulate and discuss approaches to human  natural 
>> language and to diverse genres of language activity which  aim to 
>> integrate its cultural, social, cognitive and bodily  foundations. We 
>> call for contributions from scholars and scientists  in anthropology, 
>> biology, linguistics, philosophy, psychology,  semiotics, semantics, 
>> discourse analysis, cognitive and  neuroscience, who wish both to impart 
>> their insights and findings,  and learn from other disciplines. 
>> Preference will be given to  submissions which emphasize 
>> interdisciplinarity, the interaction  between culture, mind and language, 
>> and/or multi-methodological  approaches in language sciences.
>> Topics include but are not limited to the relation between language  and:
>> - biological and cultural co-evolution
>> - comparative study of communication systems, whether animal or 
>> artificial
>> - cognitive and cultural schematization
>> - emergence in ontogeny and phylogeny
>> - multi-modal communication
>> - normativity
>> - thought, emotion and consciousness
>> - perception and categorization
>> - empathy and intersubjectivity
>> - imitation and mimesis
>> - symbolic activity
>> - discourse genres in language evolution and ontogeny
>> - sign, text and literacy
>> Plenary speakers
>> Pierre Cadiot (Linguistics, University of Orléans, France)
>> Merlin Donald (Cognitive Science Department, Case Western Reserve 
>> University, USA)
>> Shaun Gallagher (Department of Philosophy & Cognitive Science  Program, 
>> University of Central Florida, USA)
>> Webb Keane (Anthropology Department, University of Michigan, USA)
>> Sandra Laugier (Philosophy, University of Amiens, France)
>> John A. Lucy (Department of Comparative Human Development &  Department 
>> of Psychology, University of Chicago, USA)
>> Further information about LCM 2 will be presented at http:// 
>> www.lcm2006.net.
>>  Caroline David (Université de Montpellier)
>>  Jean-Louis Dessalles (École Nationale Supérieure des 
>> Télécommunications, Paris)
>> Jean Lassègue (CNRS, Paris)
>> Victor Rosenthal (Inserm-EHESS, Paris)
>> Chris Sinha (University of Portsmouth)
>>  Yves-Marie Visetti (CNRS, Paris)
>> Joerg Zinken (University of Portsmouth)
>> Jordan Zlatev (Lund University)
>> Iraide Ibarretxe Antunano (University of Zaragoza)
>>  Jocelyn Benoist (Université de Paris 1)
>>  Enrique Bernárdez, (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
>>  Raphael Berthele (Université de Fribourg, Switzerland)
>> Per Aage Brandt, (Case Western Reserve University)
>> Peer F. Bundgård (Aarhus Universitet)
>> Seana Coulson, (Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD)
>> Jules Davidoff (Goldsmith’s, University of London)
>> Jean-Pierre Durafour (University of Tubingen)
>>  Michel de Fornel (EHESS, Paris)
>> Vyvyan Evans, (University of Sussex, Grande-Bretagne)
>> Dirk Geeraerts, (Department of Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit 
>> Leuven, Belgique)
>>  Clarisse Herrenschmidt (CNRS-Laboratoire Anthropologie Sociale,  Paris)
>> Chris Knight (University of East London)
>>  Bernard Laks (Université de Paris 10-Nanterre)
>>  Maarten Lemmens, (Université Lille III)
>>  Lorenza Mondada (Université Lyon II)
>>  François Nemo (Université Orléans)
>>  Domenico Parisi (CNR, Roma)
>>  David Piotrowski (CREA, Paris)
>>  Stéphane Robert (CNRS, Paris)
>>  François Rastier (CNRS, Paris)
>>  Lucien Scubla (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
>>  Göran Sonesson (Lund, Semiotics)
>>  John Stewart (Université de Technologie de Compiègne)
>> Frederik Stjernfelt (University of Copenhagen)
>> Wolfgang Wildgen (University of Bremen)
>> Submissions are solicited either for oral presentations or for  poster 
>> sessions. They will be reviewed by members of the  International 
>> Scientific Committee. Oral presentations should last  20 minutes (plus 10 
>> minutes discussion). All submissions should  follow the abstract 
>> guidelines below.
>> Submissions should be in English. Abstracts should not exceed 1200  words 
>> (about two A4 pages), single-spaced, font size 12 pt or  larger, with 2.5 
>> cm margins on all sides. Any diagrams and  references must fit on this 
>> two page submission.
>> Head material (at the top of the first page):
>> - Title of the paper,
>> - Author name(s),
>> - Author affiliation(s) in brief (1 line),
>> - Email address of principal author
>> - Type of submission (oral presentation, poster) PLEASE don’t  forget to 
>> specify.
>> Abstracts should be emailed to submission at lcm2006.net as an  ATTACHMENT 
>> (i.e. not included in the message) preferably as a MS  Word document, but 
>> in PDF or postscript format if it is necessary  to include a diagram or 
>> figure.
>> Abstracts should be submitted by January 30, 2006. Notification of 
>> acceptance by March 30, 2006. All abstracts will be reviewed by  members 
>> of the International Scientific Committee.
>> -------
>> Message redirigé par le relais d'information sur les sciences de la 
>> cognition (RISC) sans virus
>> http://www.risc.cnrs.fr


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