(Dernière! correction de dates ) Conférences de Danny Fox à l'ens

Département d'Etudes Cognitives de l'ENS decltf at YAHOO.FR
Fri May 12 14:38:46 UTC 2006

Merci aux collègues ayant remarqué que le premier 
jour prévu à l'origine était le jour de l'Ascension.
Ce nouveau calendrier change le premier jour des 
conferences du Jeudi 25 Mai au Lundi 29 Mai


Le département d''études cognitives de l'école 
normale supérieure a le plaisir d'annoncer

Danny Fox
Topics in the theory of Scalar Implicatures

Ces conférences ouvertes à tous auront lieu à l'école normale supérieure les:
Lundi 29 Mai       de 15h30 à 17h30     Salle 
Lapie, 29 rue d'Ulm, 1er étage droite
Mercredi 31 mai     de 12h30 à 14h30    Salle Weil, 45 rue d'Ulm
Jeudi 1er Juin        de 12h à 14h              Salle Weil, 45 rue d'Ulm
à , 45 rue d'Ulm,  en


In this series of lectures, we attempt to deal 
with four empirical puzzles related to the theory of Scalar Implicatures:

    * Scalar Implicatures can be computed in 
embedded positions (Chierchia, Cohen, Horn, Hurford, Recanati, passim)
    * The ordering on alternatives relevant for 
the computation of Scalar Implicatures is that of 
logical strength rather than pragmatic informativity (Fox and Hackl, Magri)
    * Disjunctive sentences receive a conjunctive 
interpretation when embedded in certain 
existential contexts, a phenomena which should be 
derived as a Scalar Implicature (Kratzer and 
Shimoyama), but is not predicted within neo-Gricean systems.
    *  The cumulative interpretation of 3 boys 
ate 6 apples has the Scalar Implicature that it’s 
false that 4 boys ate 7 apples, a fact not 
predicted within neo-Gricean systems (Landman, Krifka).

We will use these puzzles to motivate theories in 
which scalar implicatures are derived within the 
linguistic system by virtue of a covert operator 
with meaning akin to that of only.
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