Conference de R. Rodriguez-Vazquez le 20 novembre
aroui at TISCALI.CO.UK
aroui at TISCALI.CO.UK
Thu Nov 9 22:06:48 UTC 2006
L'UMR 7023 a le plaisir de vous convier, dans le cadre des séances de son
le lundi 20 novembre
10h00-12h00, Université Paris VIII, 2, rue de la liberté, 93200 Saint-Denis
(métro Saint-Denis Université, ligne 13), bâtiment D, salle D 143,
à une conférence de Rosalia Rodriguez-Vazquez (University of Edinburgh),
"Timing in language and music: the rhythm of speech, verse and music in English
and Spanish"
Résumé :
The study of verse and music, as well as of their interaction in song, has
contributed to widening our knowledge of what linguistic rhythm is and how
it is related to other levels of human cognition. Some years ago, metrical
phonology (Liberman 1979) devised a methodological apparatus which used tools
borrowed from music in order to analyse speech rhythm. Generative linguistics
was the basis for one of the most groundbreaking theories of tonal music
(Lerdahl and Jackendoff 1983), which in turn became a precursor to Optimality
Theory (OT). OT has recently been applied to the study of English metrics
(Hayes and MacEachern 1998), as well as to the analysis of text-setting in
English (Hayes 2006) and French (Dell and Halle 2006).
Following from all the above theories, the general theoretical frame of my
talk has to do with the study, from an interdisciplinary and cross-linguistic
point of view, of the typological dichotomy between stress-timed and syllable-timed
languages, inasmuch as this distinction is valid at all. As a preliminary
step I carry out a comparative examination of the basic prosodic characteristics
of English and Spanish, in order to then analyse the standard versification
systems of these two languages. In the central part of my talk, I explore
the most important text-setting constraints as applied to a sample corpus
of English (stress-timed) and Spanish (syllable-timed) folk songs. The original
field recordings of the songs will be played in order to illustrate this
The results that I will be presenting have to do with a correspondence between
the timing typologies of language and rhythmic typologies of music, where
(a) the delimitation of lines responds to syllable-related constraints in
Spanish, while it is linked to stress in English, (b) the agreement between
linguistic stress and musical beat is enforced in English, while this enforcement
happens only in certain positions in Spanish. Summarising, I will argue that
there is a correlation between the rhythmic characteristics of a specific
language and the ranking of constraints in text-setting.
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