D.Nicolas "Mass nouns and non-singular logic" IJN Ven 3 nov 2006, 11-13h
dnicolas at GMX.NET
Tue Oct 31 15:37:24 UTC 2006
Program of the Jean Nicod Colloquium / Programme
du Séminaire Géneral de lInstitut Jean Nicod
Vendredi 3 novembre 2006 de 11h à 13 h
David Nicolas (CNRS - Institut Jean-Nicod)
"Mass nouns, plurals and non-singular logic"
In this paper, I propose to adopt a non-singular
logic in order to account for the semantics of
mass nouns, like "water", "gold" and "furniture".
I first expose the dilemma that has been put
forward in favor of the use of non-singular
logics for dealing with plurals (Schein 1993,
Rayo 2002). I then suggest that this dilemma does
not apply to mass nouns. However, there subsists
an important conceptual and ontological
difference between singularism and
non-singularism. A singularist treatment of mass
nouns must postulate the following. Each time a
mass noun "N" applies both to an entity x and to
an entity y, there exists another entity z,
corresponding to x and y considered together, to
which "N" also applies. No such extra entity is
required if one uses a non-singular logic. This
essential difference and the parallelisms between
plurals and mass nouns justify the adoption of a
non-singular logic to represent mass nouns.
Institut Jean Nicod - 1, bis avenue de Lowendal
75007 Paris. Métro : Ecole Militaire ou La Tour-Maubourg.
Tél : 01 53 59 32 81 / Fax : 01 53 59 32 99
Responsable : Isidora Stojanovic (CNRS, IJN)
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