cours de Donka Farkas: Context structure and polarity particles

Carmen Sorin carmen.sorin at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Tue Mar 10 19:55:07 UTC 2009

Donka Farkas (Université de Californie à Santa Cruz), Professeur Invité à
l'Université de Paris 7, donnera une série de 4 séminaires

à partir du 20 mars, de la 14h à 17h, salle 124

Context structure and polarity particles

Brief description

In the first part of the course arguments will be presented for a
particular approach to two speech act types, assertions and polar
questions, against the background of a particular approach to context
structure.  The point of departure is the observation that reactions
to assertions and to polar questions show significant but not total
overlap and therefore we want a characterization of these speech act
types that accounts both for the similarities and the differences.
In the second part of the course we look at polarity particle systems
concentrating on Romanian, Hungarian and French, against the background
that will have been established in the first part.  Time permitting,
we will also consider issues connected to presuppositions and suppositions.

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