GENIUS: G énéricité Séminaire- David Nicolas 21 janvier
Fabio.Del.Prete at ENS.FR
Fabio.Del.Prete at ENS.FR
Tue Jan 12 18:22:04 UTC 2010
Chers collègues,
dans le cadre du séminaire de l'ANR "GENIUS: Genericity: Interpretation and
Uses", nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à la prochaine conférence:
David Nicolas (ENS-EHESS-CNRS)
"Semantics for plurals"
qui aura lieu le
jeudi 21 janvier à 11h00
à l'ENS
29 rue d'Ulm
Pavillon Jardin
Salle de réunions - RdC
First- and higher-order logic contain singular quantifiers, like the existential
and universal quantifiers (something, everything). But many natural languages
have plurals and collective predicates, and as a result, plural sentences that
cannot be reduced to ordinary singular sentences. How can their semantics be
characterized? While most natural language semanticists are happy to use first-
or higher-order logic together with sets or sums, various philosophers and
logicians maintain that we should instead use logics enriched with plural
quantifiers. I compare these approaches, presenting and discussing several
arguments put forward by the partisans of plural logic.
Bien cordialement,
Fabio Del Prete, pour les membres du groupe "Généricité"
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