Association for French Language Studies, Conference in Newcastle 2012

Isabelle LEMEE izzylemee at YAHOO.FR
Thu Apr 12 07:48:03 UTC 2012

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Pourriez-vous faire passer sur vos listes le message ci-dessous concernant la Conférence à Newcastle en juin ? 

Merci d'avance,

Isabelle LEMEE

The annual conference of 
the Association of French Language Studies (AFLS) will be held at 
Newcastle University from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd June 2012. The 
conference acts as a forum to encourage and promote language teaching 
activities and research in French linguistics in higher education. The 
theme of this year's conference is 'Le français à travers le temps: 
acquisition, changement et variation'.

Plenary speakers:

Jim Coleman (Open U): The past, present and future of French in British Universities
Marie-Hélène Côté (U Ottawa): Vers une analyse des contextes de liaison
Jean-Marc Dewaele (Birkbeck, U of London): L'acquisition de la compétence sociolinguistique et sociopragmatique
Ruth King (York U): The Present Explains the Past: Variation in (Acadian) French
Sophie Prévost (CNRS/ENS Paris): Variation en français médiéval: perspectives synchronique et diachronique

The full programme is available at

Early registration rate available *until 22 April 2012*; from 23 April, full rates will apply.

More detail on the conference is available at

Dr Richard Waltereit
Newcastle University
School of Modern Languages
Old Library Building
Newcastle NE1 7RU
England, UK
Telephone 0044 191 222 3542
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