TIE 5 : Fifth European Conference on Tone and Intonation

Sophie Wauquier sophie.wauquier at ORANGE.FR
Sun Feb 12 21:32:56 UTC 2012

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	TIE 5
Date : 	Sat, 11 Feb 2012 23:21:47 +0000
De : 	Aditi Lahiri <aditi.lahiri at ling-phil.ox.ac.uk>
Pour : 	mfm at lists.ed.ac.uk <mfm at lists.ed.ac.uk>

    Fifth European Conference on Tone and Intonation

    Meeting Dates: 6-8 September 2012

    Location: University of Oxford


    Call for Papers

The TIE conference series has been bringing together researchers 
biennially since 2004. The focus has been on tone, intonation and all 
aspects of sentence prosody in a wide variety of languages, employing 
different methodologies. TIE5 - to be hosted by the Faculty of 
Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics at the University of Oxford - is 
now welcoming abstracts for papers and posters dealing with any topic 
within these areas. No more than two abstracts should be submitted per 
author, including joint abstracts.

    Invited Speakers:

Laura Downing (ZAS, Berlin)
Carlos Gussenhoven (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen & Queen Mary UL) & 
Jörg Peters (Oldenburg Universität)
Pilar Prieto (Universitat Pampeu Fabra)
Tomas Riad (Stockholms Universitet)
Elisabeth Selkirk (University of Massachusetts Amherst)


Abstract submission deadline: 11.59 (EST) 26 April 2012

Notification of abstract acceptance: 1 June 2012

    Abstract Submission:

  * The deadline for abstract submission is midnight (GMT) 26 April 2012
  * Abstract submission will be through the LinguistList’s Easy Abstract
    System (http://linguistlist.org/confcustom/TIE5)
  * Abstracts should be submitted in pdf or Word (.doc) formats
  * Abstracts should not be longer than one A4 page for text and
    examples with 2 cm or equivalent margins, single-spaced, with a font
    size no smaller than 12pt, and with normal character spacing. One
    extra page solely for references may also be submitted.
  * Your abstract should be anonymous. Please do not use your name in
    the file name of your abstract. You will be asked to submit a
    separate version with your name and affiliation if your abstract is
    selected for presentation.
  * If using phonetic fonts in your abstract, please submit a pdf file
    or use Doulous SIL font.
  * Abstracts may be submitted either for a "*talk/poster*", or as a
    "*poster only*".
  * Authors may submit a maximum of one single-authored and one
    co-authored abstract or two co-authored abstracts.

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