Revue: DISCOURS, publication, numero 11

Nicolas HERNANDEZ nicolas.hernandez at UNIV-NANTES.FR
Mon Mar 11 11:53:43 UTC 2013

Sorry for multiple posting
(English version below)

Nous sommes très heureux d'annoncer la publication du numéro 11 de la
revue DISCOURS (, un numéro varia
coordonné par Olivier Ferret et Nicolas Hernandez et rassemblant les
articles suivants :

* Yves Bestgen
Évaluation automatique de textes et cohésion lexicale

* Christian Hardmeier
Discourse in Statistical Machine Translation
A Survey and a Case Study

* Alexis Palmer, Caroline Sporleder and Linlin Li
So to Speak: A Computational and Empirical Investigation of Lexical
Cohesion of Non-Literal and Literal Expressions in Text

* Marianne Vergez-Couret, Laurent Prévot and Myriam Bras
How Different Information Sources Interact in the Interpretation of
Interleaved Discourse: The Case of Two-Step Enumerative Structures

Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture et nous vous invitons
par ailleurs à soumettre à DISCOURS 13. Consultez l'appel à
soumissions et les modalités sur le site de la revue

Le comite de redaction.
(English version)

We are pleased to announce the publication of the 11th issue of
DISCOURS (, a varia issue coordinated by
Olivier Ferret and Nicolas Hernandez that includes the following

* Yves Bestgen
Évaluation automatique de textes et cohésion lexicale

* Christian Hardmeier
Discourse in Statistical Machine Translation
A Survey and a Case Study

* Alexis Palmer, Caroline Sporleder and Linlin Li
So to Speak: A Computational and Empirical Investigation of Lexical
Cohesion of Non-Literal and Literal Expressions in Text

* Marianne Vergez-Couret, Laurent Prévot and Myriam Bras
How Different Information Sources Interact in the Interpretation of
Interleaved Discourse: The Case of Two-Step Enumerative Structures

We hope you enjoy the issue and we are currently inviting submissions
for DISCOURS 13.
Please see call for paper and submission information on the
journal website (

The editorial board

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