Syllabification issues

Yvan Rose yvan.rose at
Mon Apr 1 12:27:48 UTC 2024

Dear Abdel,
Can you please send me (in a personal note) the file(s) you have been working with that generate this error?

Thank you very much,

> On Mar 31, 2024, at 4:36 AM, mobchar at wrote:
> Dear all,
> When I attempt to: 'Project' => 'Check session' => 'Check IPA transcriptions" AND "reset syllabification' (Language set as: Berber), I get the error (Attached) otherwise when I manually reset it for individual utterances in the session editor window, it works just fine.
> I would greatly appreciate any solutions as this also impedes any analyses I run that take syllables into account.
> Best
> Abdel
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