Fw: Ideas

Eleonora Deak eldeak at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 4 07:12:55 UTC 2008

From: Terry J. Klokeid 
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 2:58 PM
To: Eleonora Deak 
Subject: Ideas

These are some ideas put forth recently. I hope you can understand at least some of them out of our specific context  here in Canada. 

Maybe you can help us with ideas or resources? And can we help you?

Fwd to friends working with established languages:

Just to show you how very different our situation is from your language teaching context, take a gander at this list I drew up at the request of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council (NTC). I imagine that mone of these are issues for you - they are either irrelevant or long since dealt with. Take the first item, for example. You have a permanent job teaching French [or other established language], and you ain't the first or the last to be so privileged. For the Nuu-chah-nulth language, there is not yet one single permanent job. 

1. Core Funding

 Core funding (on-going, permanent funding) is an urgent requirement, for existing programs, which cannot succeed on a grant-by-grant basis from year to year or a few months at a time. People are the most important resource, and they must be adequately funded.


2. Fund Raising

 Fund raising is perhaps most effective when efforts are pooled. A submission from the the NTC will often carry more weight than from one community or one individual.


3. Meetings

 The NTC can host working meetings and workshops of language champions immediately, and on an on-going basis. The language champions will benefit from the opportunities to share with each other and learn together.


4. Archiving

 We need a central archive of existing materials, with climate control and security, and cataloguing. We need a trained archivist/librarian. There is a rich foundation of existing material in danger of being lost.


5. Names And Songs

 A central registry of names that have been given and received. A central registry of rights to songs, and significance of the songs.


6. Contingency Funds for Urgent Programs

 There are some urgent needs for programs right now, as determined by the circumstances of individual communities. There will be such needs arising in the future. The NTC can expedite funding for an urgent project and arrange for sharing of resources with it.


7. Publishing

 The NTC can serve as a central publisher of language and culture materials, perhaps starting with the re-publication of some of the older materials that cannot be used because copies are scarce. This will be a revenue-generating source.


8. Broadcasting

 Within 20 years, there should be broadcasting in the Nuu-chah-nulth languages. This may be radio or tv, and may include movie-making. Public service and health promotion can be promoted in an entertaining way, using the Nuu-chah-nulth languages.


9. Training And Certification

 Training is probably most important within Nuu-chah-nulth territory: not obliging young people or elders to move away from home to get training is an important component of this program. It will use courses in Nuu-chah-nulth communities, drawing on the resources in the community, as well as distance education, online courses, and such. A form of recognition or certification for their training may be important.


10. Standards For Writing System

 The most urgent need in this category is for a standard computer font to replace the existing, obsolete one. Other standards to develop include alphabetical order, use of capitalization and hyphenation. The writing system will undoubtedly be modified in the light of use, and an NTC promulgation for these items is important.


11. Official Language Status

 In 20 years or less, the Nuu-chah-nulth languages should probably be given official status within Nuu-chah-nulth territory, and perhaps in relations with the province and federal government.


12. Language And Culture Institute

 An organization with staff and a building, that encompasses some of the other functions in this list. There may be more than one such institute within the Nuu-chah-nulth territories.


Eleonora Deak :))
0428 140 891
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