[RNLD List] Help with transcribing video in ELAN

Alexander Rice ax.h.rice at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 14:20:00 UTC 2020

I would use FFMPEG and convert them to mp4's. Or you could try something
something like Handbrake:  https://handbrake.fr/

Setup for FFMPEG is a little bit tricky but worth the effort, especially if
you're going to do this often, here are some helpful links:



FFMPEG presets guide: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.264

Once you have FFMEPG installed you use it in your command prompt. You then
have to point your command prompt to the location of your video files, then
enter a command to run the conversion with some presets. This is the
command I usually use when converting mov to mp4 (in windows).

for %i in (*.mov) do ffmpeg -i "%i" -crf 23 -preset medium -movflags
> +faststart -c:a aac "%~ni.mp4"

This should give you something to work with, hope it helps.

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 10:00 PM Amanda Hamilton-Hollaway <
amanda.hamilton2 at uq.net.au> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Hello!  I am trying to transcribe a video file in ELAN on a PC and am
> having problems getting it set up. Could anyone offer advice? Here’s what’s
> happening:
>    1. The video files were given to me by another researcher and are
>    available in two different formats, recorded on two different devices: a
>    Sony video recorder has produced .mts video files, while a Zoom has
>    produced .mov video files. When I try to create a new transcription file
>    with either one of these types as the media file, though, I get an error
>    message similar to the one in this screenshot here:
>    1. On page 12 of version 5.9 (2020-03-20) of the ELAN manual, it seems
>    to say that if your “media framework” can handle a certain file, ELAN will
>    be able to handle it too.
>       1. I started by downloading Quicktime for Windows. The download
>       worked, and I can now play these files with Quicktime, but it made no
>       difference to ELAN’s ability to do so.
>       2. I then tried out different “media framework” preferences within
>       ELAN (Edit à Preferences à Edit Preferences à Platform/OS):
>    1. I tried both a Sony file and a Zoom file with each of the four
>       framework options, but no framework could open either type of file.
> I can open an .mp4 video file in ELAN easily, so maybe some sort of
> conversion is the way to go, if that’s possible…
> Any help will be much appreciated!
> Amanda
> *PhD candidate*
> Linguistics  |  School of Languages and Cultures
> 3rd floor, Gordon Greenwood Building
> University of Queensland
> St. Lucia 4072   AUSTRALIA
> ORCiD ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0740-9752
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