[RNLD List] Help with transcribing video in ELAN

Christina Ringel christinamurmann at web.de
Tue Jul 28 07:26:00 UTC 2020

Dear Amanda,

I have had problems with these file formats before and have converted
the files for use in ELAN with Adobe Premier (The user manual will tell
you which ones are acceptable. mp4 works well). I must admit that I
still work with an older version of ELAN so I do not know whether the
file formats you mention should now work.

Note also the file format info at LAC (Language Archive Cologne) below.

Best regards,

        Video Recommendations:

Video formats used in language research and archiving are in many ways
determined by the limitation of high-level consumer (“prosumer”) digital
cameras. Most modern cameras record video encoded as h.264 (sometimes
indicated as AVC or AVCHD in camera interfaces). Although propietary, we
consider this encoding currently the most suitable encoding for our
purposes because of its widespread support in software and hardware.

The most common audio encodings in video cameras are LPCM, AC3, and AAC.
From linguistic point of view, LPCM encoding (often indicated as PCM) is
highly preferable and should be chosen if possible. AAC is a lossy
compressed format and is not suitable for all kinds of analysis. It is
however the preferred option if no PCM audio can be provided. Audio
encoded as AC3 can cause issues in ELAN and Exmeralda on some platforms
and should be re-encoded as AAC before archiving.

The MP4 container specification does not allow LPCM encoded audio. If
your camera can record LPCM audio with h.264 video, _*we recommed to use
the MOV container format. MOV files can be problematic for video
annotation programs such as ELAN. *_
_*The best way to deal with this issue is to produce a working file with
AAC audio and h.264 video in a MP4 container and use this file with
ELAN*_. _*For archiving both the MOV and the MP4 file should be
submitted *_together with the ELAN file.
Having two files for one recording increases the storage requirements
for project work and archiving, but the advantage of archiving
uncompressed audion and video in one container compensates for the

If your camera can only record compressed audio, we suggest that you
also record uncompressed audion with a dedicated audio recorder. In case
you have no dedicated audio recorde available and you can only record
compressed audio with your video camera, you might want to derive a WAV
file from a lossy compressed encoded AAC audio track of a video file,
this file – despite its appearance as uncompressed LPCM data – will not
be suitable to some types of analysis. You should indicate the source
format of this file in the metadata to inform future users of the
provenance of this data.

Purpose 	File format 	Video Encoding 	encoding options 	Video Resolution
	Frame rate 	Audio Encoding 	Sampling Rate 	Bit Depth 	Bit rate
*Recording* 	— 	h.264 	profile: main, level: 4.0 	1080p 	30fps 	LPCM 	48
kHz 	16 bit
*Archiving* 	MOV 	h.264 	profile: main, level: 4.0 	1080p 	30fps 	LPCM
48 kHz 	16 bit

	MP4 	h.264 	profile: main, level: 4.0 	1080p 	30fps 	AAC (LC) 	48 kHz
	128-384 kbps

	(WAV 	48 kHz 	16 bit)
*Working* 	MP4 	h.264 	profile: main, level: 4.0 	1080p 	30fps 	AAC (LC)
	48 kHz
	128 kbps

Note: While we recommend a 30fps frame rate, we discourage any change to
the frame rate after recording. Any common frame rate besides 30 fps –
such as 24 fps (e.g. used in NTSC), 25 fps (e.g. used in PAL), as well
as higher frame rates – are acceptable.

Video file formats recommended for film archives such as uncompressed
MXF or lossless JPEG2000 are not recommended for most digital video
recordings as these recordings were originally recorded in a lossy
format (mostly h.264 encoded). If you are intending to digitize and
archive non-digital film, please contact the LAC helpdesk
<mailto:lac-helpdesk at uni-koeln.de> for further arrangements.

> Dear**all,
> Hello!  I am trying to transcribe a video file in ELAN on a PC and am
> having problems getting it set up. Could anyone offer advice? Here’s
> what’s happening:
>  1. The video files were given to me by another researcher and are
>     available in two different formats, recorded on two different
>     devices: a Sony video recorder has produced .mts video files,
>     while a Zoom has produced .mov video files. When I try to create a
>     new transcription file with either one of these types as the media
>     file, though, I get an error message similar to the one in this
>     screenshot here:
>  2. On page 12 of version 5.9 (2020-03-20) of the ELAN manual, it
>     seems to say that if your “media framework” can handle a certain
>     file, ELAN will be able to handle it too.
>      1. I started by downloading Quicktime for Windows. The download
>         worked, and I can now play these files with Quicktime, but it
>         made no difference to ELAN’s ability to do so.
>      2. I then tried out different “media framework” preferences
>         within ELAN (Edit à Preferences à Edit Preferences à Platform/OS):
>      3. I tried both a Sony file and a Zoom file with each of the four
>         framework options, but no framework could open either type of
>         file.
> I can open an .mp4 video file in ELAN easily, so maybe some sort of
> conversion is the way to go, if that’s possible…
> Any help will be much appreciated!
> Amanda
> *PhD candidate*
> Linguistics  |  School of Languages and Cultures
> 3rd floor, Gordon Greenwood Building
> University of Queensland
> St. Lucia 4072   AUSTRALIA
> ORCiD ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0740-9752
> _______________________________________________
> Resource-network-linguistic-diversity mailing list
> Resource-network-linguistic-diversity at listserv.linguistlist.org
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Christina Ringel

Ph.D. Candidate
Applied English Linguistics
English Department I
University of Cologne

Subject Librarian
TU Dortmund


Amnesty International ist eine weltweite, von Regierungen, politischen Parteien,
Ideologien, Wirtschaftsinteressen und Religionen unabhängige Mitgliederorganisation.
Auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte wendet sich Amnesty
gegen schwer wiegende Verletzungen der Rechte eines jeden Menschen auf Meinungsfreiheit,
auf Freiheit von Diskriminierung sowie auf körperliche und geistige Unversehrtheit.

Am 28.07.2020 um 06:00 schrieb Amanda Hamilton-Hollaway:
> Dear**all,
> Hello!  I am trying to transcribe a video file in ELAN on a PC and am
> having problems getting it set up. Could anyone offer advice? Here’s
> what’s happening:
>  1. The video files were given to me by another researcher and are
>     available in two different formats, recorded on two different
>     devices: a Sony video recorder has produced .mts video files,
>     while a Zoom has produced .mov video files. When I try to create a
>     new transcription file with either one of these types as the media
>     file, though, I get an error message similar to the one in this
>     screenshot here:
>  2. On page 12 of version 5.9 (2020-03-20) of the ELAN manual, it
>     seems to say that if your “media framework” can handle a certain
>     file, ELAN will be able to handle it too.
>      1. I started by downloading Quicktime for Windows. The download
>         worked, and I can now play these files with Quicktime, but it
>         made no difference to ELAN’s ability to do so.
>      2. I then tried out different “media framework” preferences
>         within ELAN (Edit à Preferences à Edit Preferences à Platform/OS):
>      3. I tried both a Sony file and a Zoom file with each of the four
>         framework options, but no framework could open either type of
>         file.
> I can open an .mp4 video file in ELAN easily, so maybe some sort of
> conversion is the way to go, if that’s possible…
> Any help will be much appreciated!
> Amanda
> *PhD candidate*
> Linguistics  |  School of Languages and Cultures
> 3rd floor, Gordon Greenwood Building
> University of Queensland
> St. Lucia 4072   AUSTRALIA
> ORCiD ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0740-9752
> _______________________________________________
> Resource-network-linguistic-diversity mailing list
> Resource-network-linguistic-diversity at listserv.linguistlist.org
> http://listserv.linguistlist.org/mailman/listinfo/resource-network-linguistic-diversity

Christina Ringel

Ph.D. Candidate
Applied English Linguistics
English Department I
University of Cologne

Subject Librarian
TU Dortmund


Amnesty International ist eine weltweite, von Regierungen, politischen Parteien,
Ideologien, Wirtschaftsinteressen und Religionen unabhängige Mitgliederorganisation.
Auf Grundlage der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte wendet sich Amnesty
gegen schwer wiegende Verletzungen der Rechte eines jeden Menschen auf Meinungsfreiheit,
auf Freiheit von Diskriminierung sowie auf körperliche und geistige Unversehrtheit.

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