[RNLD List] Melbourne Linguistics in the pub February 2021 (in person): Dictionaries 6-8pm Wednesday 24th Feb

Ruth Singer ruth.singer at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 00:51:15 UTC 2021

ANNOUNCEMENT: Melbourne Linguistics in the Pub

NOTE: this is an in person event at Naughton's hotel (not online)

*Dictionaries and why we still make them*
Discussion led by: Ruth Singer (Melbourne Uni)

More than anything else that linguists do, dictionaries represent a
language, to both speakers of a language and the general public.
Dictionaries have great symbolic weight and are also put to many practical
uses. This dual value is common to both traditional print dictionaries and
those that take digital form. While the final product has an accessible,
tangible feel about it, the process of making dictionaries is lengthy and
largely unknown. In this Linguistics in the Pub we bring together
experienced dictionary makers and dictionary users to explore their
experiences of making and using dictionaries with a range of communities.
We will also discuss the enduring significance of print dictionaries as
well as our dreams for future dictionaries and the forms they might take.

Date:      Wednesday 24th February 2021
Time:       6:00 - 8:00 pm
Venue:     Function room, Naughton’s Parkville Hotel
Address: 43 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3052
Phone:   (03) 9347 2255
http://parkvillehotel.com.au/  (menu available online)

LIP is a gathering of language activists and linguists in Melbourne
coordinated by a committee: Ruth Singer (Melbourne Uni), Andrew Tanner
(RNLD), Lauren Gawne (LaTrobe Uni), Jill Vaughan (Melbourne Uni), Chloé
Diskin (Melbourne Uni) and Jonathon Lum (Melbourne Uni).


Dr Ruth Singer
ARC Future Fellow
School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne
Research Unit for Indigenous Language (RUIL):
ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (CoEDL):

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