[RNLD List] Timeframes for Dictionaries

Jane Simpson jansimps at gmail.com
Thu May 20 08:23:03 UTC 2021

Good list from Jacqui.
I'd just add
Take a word, time how long it takes you to write a definition for that word
with all the information that you want to give about it in the dictionary.
 Then multiply that  time by the number of words you think you have.
Then double that time for.. deciding that you need to make a particular
change across all the entries,
And maybe triple it for finding your software doesn't work properly,
Quadruple it for doing an English finder list   (and all the discoveries
you make along the way that mean you then change your earlier entries).
And add in extra time for writing the introductory material, getting
photographs of the people who worked on the dictionary or who provided
material, getting a good map etc.....  deciding on a cover picture...

On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 3:06 PM Jacqui Cook <linguist at irrawangga.org.au>

> Hi Harley,
> It depends on the community and on how far along you are in understanding
> the language and getting the material together. Several years for most
> cases, in my experience! A few key questions that will help you to estimate
> how much further you have to go:
>    1. Have you had community workshops to decide how you’re going to
>    write it down?
>    2. Do you have recordings or are you working off old wordlists? It’s
>    much easier to know what sounds are in the language if you have at least
>    some recordings.
>    3. Do you have all the words written out using a community approved
>    writing system? This can take a surprising amount of time!
>    4. Have you figured out what grammatical information you have and what
>    is missing? If you have a lot missing, are you going to talk to TOs of
>    related languages about borrowing some of their grammatical material?
>    5. Do you know how the grammar works or are you still analysing it?
> We have been 2 years doing just a dictionary reprint in sound for 2 of the
> languages here! So it can definitely take time...
> Good luck!
> *Jacqui Cook*
> Linguist, Bundiyarra - Irra Wangga Language Centre
> p: 08 9920 7900| e: linguist at irrawangga.org.au | w: www.bundiyarra.com
> <https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bundiyarra.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmaia.ponsonnet%40uwa.edu.au%7C07df0fc7556c48f255db08d827a571c7%7C05894af0cb2846d8871674cdb46e2226%7C1%7C0%7C637302938825906677&sdata=aqpIUkC%2FUOUozNmd1EH61ll6wHfqmJR1rQ6CAKR9E5w%3D&reserved=0>
> *From: *Harley Dunolly-Lee <harley.dunollylee123 at gmail.com>
> *Sent: *Thursday, 20 May 2021 12:58 PM
> *To: *resource-network-linguistic-diversity at listserv.linguistlist.org
> *Subject: *[RNLD List] Timeframes for Dictionaries
> Hello fellow speech crafts
> I am emailing to ask what is the average timeframe for a dictionary word
> list including grammar for languages that are sleeping??
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Jane Simpson
Private e-mail
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