[RNLD List] Melbourne Linguistics in the Pub Wednesday 13 April 6-8pm: Naughton's hotel

Ruth Singer rsinger at unimelb.edu.au
Mon Apr 4 22:51:58 UTC 2022

Announcement: Melbourne Linguistics in the Pub (in person)

Applied Linguistics in the Top End: the role of the 'Teacher-Linguist'

In many parts of the Northern Territory the role of the Teacher-Linguist has been well established since the inception of bilingual education. In other parts of northern Australia the role is relatively new. In this session of Linguistics in the Pub we hear from a panel of three linguists who have worked in different areas of Indigenous language education in the Top End to get a sense of the diversity of the role as well as common challenges and practices.

Discussion points:
-How does the varied history of bilingual education in the Top End affect the role of Teacher-Linguists?
-Is there sufficient training available for applied linguists working in Indigenous language education?
-What is the ideal balance of 'teacher' and 'linguist' in the Teacher-Linguist role?

(all based at the University of Melbourne)
Dr Bill Forshaw - Academic Specialist - Indigenous Education

Bill spent five years at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Thamarrurr Catholic College in Wadeye where Murrinhpatha is still the first language of children in the community.

Pete Nyhuis - PhD candidate working on the phonology and morphology of Wubuy

Pete worked as the linguist for Numbulwar school and then for the NT Department of Education as the Arnhem regional linguist, a region in which languages are being taught as first languages as well as within revitalisation programs.

Kate Charlwood - PhD candidate working on a description of Tiwi

Kate worked for Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring Language and Culture Centre in Kununurra where Miriwoong is being taught in a language revitalisation context at schools


Date:      Wednesday 13h April 2022
Time:       6:00 - 8:00 pm
Venue:     Private dining room room, Naughton’s Parkville Hotel
Address: 43 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3052
Phone:   (03) 9347 2255
http://parkvillehotel.com.au/  (menu available online)

To hear about the next Linguistics in the Pub - follow our new Facebook page:

LIP is a gathering of language activists and linguists in Melbourne coordinated by a committee: Ruth Singer (Melbourne Uni), Andrew Tanner (La Trobe Uni), Chloé Diskin-Holdaway (Melbourne Uni), Jonathon Lum (Melbourne Uni), Lauren Gawne (LaTrobe Uni), Jill Vaughan (Melbourne Uni), Giovanni Ma (Melbourne Uni), Kate Charlwood (Melbourne Uni), Nicola Bezbradica (Melbourne Uni) and Will Somers (Melbourne Uni).

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