[RNLD List] language mapping

John Mansfield jbmansfield at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 01:07:06 UTC 2022

Thanks Piers this is very helpful.

I have contracted language cartography jobs to Brenda Thorley <
brenda.th8 at gmail.com>, who has been very efficient and easy to work with.


On Wed, 2 Feb 2022 at 08:14, Piers Kelly <piers.kelly at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just posting this because people regularly ask me for advice about
> language mapping.
> There's of course a great deal you can do yourself by learning how to use
> QGIS (free and open source) or ArcGIS (proprietary), but sometimes I just
> need a professional carto/designer to swoop in and get it done.
> To this end I've had great experience working with Jason Sankovic who has
> recently relocated back to Australia and is keen for more freelance work.
> He's used to collaborating with linguists, researchers and small
> organisations, and has produced beautiful language maps for me. Just BYO
> data of course.
> His contact details are here: https://cerphive.com/
> I don't want to be just plugging my person, so if anyone else has
> freelancers that they have good experiences with, please reply-all and
> share!
> Piers
> --
> ᜉᜒᜌᜐ᜔ᜃᜒᜎᜒ
> DFG Fellow, University of New England, Armidale
> Research: https://bravenewwords.info/all-about-message-sticks/
> Book (Jan 2022):
> https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-last-language-on-earth
> <https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-last-language-on-earth-9780197509920?cc=au&lang=en&>
> @perezkelly
> Mob: +61 (0) 415 401 079
> Zoom meeting room: here
> <https://une-au.zoom.us/j/9921636011?pwd=UUl3QlVxTnV3cmZzODlkZENDVmN1dz09>
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