[RNLD List] Questionnaire on variation and transmission within linguistic communities

ELAR elar at elararchive.org
Sat May 14 12:59:18 UTC 2022

Dear ELAR depositors, friends and colleagues,

You may remember we sent out a pilot questionnaire for a study Damian Blasi
and Roberto Zariquiey are conducting - we’ve now been informed that the
final survey is available and here is the message from Damian and Roberto
the ELAR team

Dear ELDP depositors
Thanks so much for your helpful feedback on the pilot survey we shared with
you last year. We are happy to share with you our final survey on variation
and transmission within linguistic communities, which should not take more
than 3-4 minutes.

As always, participating in the survey is completely optional. Survey,
information on IRB (031-2022-CEI-CCSSHHyAA/PUCP), and contact details can
be found in the link below:

Damian and Roberto

*Have you tried our new metadata tool lameta yet? Download it from *
*lameta.org* <http://lameta.org>*!*

*Endangered Languages Archive*
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin, Germany

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