[RNLD List] Spinning a Better Yarn: November 16th 2022 A VERNACULAR GRAMMAR OF A SPOKEN LANGUAGE (US-friendly time)

Ruth Singer rsinger at unimelb.edu.au
Mon Nov 7 06:59:22 UTC 2022

Spinning a Better Yarn: decolonising linguistics study group
Final session for 2022!
November 16th 2022, 11am AEDT (10am AEST)


Dr Alpheaus Graham Zobule, PhD Student (Linguistics), Australian National University.

In this talk, I will present how I have written a vernacular grammar for a spoken language, Luqa, in the Solomon Islands. Linguists study and then describe spoken languages using difficult metalanguages that only other linguists are able to read. The community of speakers of an object language provide linguistic data to linguists but they cannot read the highly technical grammars and studies produced about their own language. Can’t the community of speakers study their own language in their own language? I think they can. But that means their language must be described for them in their own language. I am a native speaker of Luqa in the Solomon Islands, and I have invented a Luqa metalanguage to describe the grammar of Luqa language so that the Luqa speakers could study their own language. Using that grammar described and written in the Luqa vernacular, I have established a vibrant community language movement that has been going on for more than 20 years in the Kubokota and Luqa areas of Ranonga Island in the Solomon Islands. Now I am working on a second PhD (Linguistics) to document the vernacular metalanguage. My PhD project titled Developing and documenting a system for using the Luqa vernacular as its own grammatical metalanguage, and its use by Luqa speakers to study and analyze their own language in the Solomon Islands is supervised by Prof Nick Evans.

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/82679344871?pwd=cW5aUzZLN0VlNW9PZTRPbmtWeXd2dz09<https://dynamicsoflanguage.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ab40e6e405ba2e978356b0bae&id=bd871c30a7&e=f3627acd5d> Password: 138167

You can now watch Yarn videos sooner:
They will go up on our Youtube channel more quickly before the subtitles have been edited:

The recordings of Clint Bracknell's presentation from October 12th and Jenny Davis' presentation from 22nd October are now up

You can also now view these sessions (subtitles mostly edited)
June 15th 2022: Decolonizing Education, Mujahid Torwali and Jakelin Troy

August 24th 2022: How would you say that in the lingo? Jesse Hope-Hodgetts

Website: https://www.dynamicsoflanguage.edu.au/ialr/decolonising-linguistics-spinning-a-better-yarn/2022-meetings/<https://dynamicsoflanguage.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ab40e6e405ba2e978356b0bae&id=3771cd79af&e=f3627acd5d>

Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAPSm4ftmOW7FfxhvMN5OL<https://dynamicsoflanguage.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ab40e6e405ba2e978356b0bae&id=868d9d0160&e=f3627acd5d>

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