[RNLD List] Spinning a Better Yarn: decolonising linguistics study group September 27th

Ruth Singer rsinger at unimelb.edu.au
Wed Sep 13 07:28:52 UTC 2023

Spinning a Better Yarn: decolonising linguistics study group
The Nyingarn Project: Reawakening language archives.
Wednesday September  27th 2pm AEST
Join Zoom Meeting:

Gari Tudor-Smith (Baradha, Yiman, Gureng Gureng, Gangulu), Thomas Watson (Gangulu, Yiman, Garingbal, Gureng Gureng) and Paul Williams (Gamilaraay).
The University of Melbourne and The University of Queensland.

Nyingarn is a project that gives access to Indigenous language manuscripts. These manuscripts can be hard to get as they are often held in state and national institutions, some distance from the speakers of the languages. Some are written in handwriting, which is difficult to read. The Nyingarn project is converting these manuscripts to text using tools like Optical Character Recognition (OCR), dramatically reducing the workflow for communities doing language revitalisation. With appropriate permissions, manuscript images are transcribed, which makes them searchable and usable. Over time, Nyingarn will be the place to search for early Indigenous language records. Our presentation will demonstrate the key capabilities of Nyingarn and explain how we are working as a team to uncover more manuscripts.

You can view past Spinning a Better Yarn sessions on our Youtube channel:

To sign up to our email list go to: http://eepurl.com/h7uZlH<https://dynamicsoflanguage.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ab40e6e405ba2e978356b0bae&id=d01886a9c6&e=065cbf16a1>

Read about our group on the Centre of Excellence in the Dynamics of Language legacy site:

Dr Ruth Singer
ARC Future Fellow
School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne
Research Unit for Indigenous Language (RUIL): http://indiglang.arts.unimelb.edu.au/


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