[Sealang-l] preliminary announcement WLP6

David Gil gil at shh.mpg.de
Fri Sep 9 17:00:01 UTC 2022

First preliminary announcement:

The 6th Workshop on the Languages of Papua (WLP6) is now scheduled to 
take place in Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia, on the 17-21 July 2023.

WLP6 will be held in conjunction with a workshop on the culture, 
language and history of Raja Ampat.

More details, including a call for abstracts, will be made available in 
due course.

Further information: https://indoling.com/wlp/wlp-6/

David Gil

Senior Scientist (Associate)
Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6, Leipzig, 04103, Germany

Email:gil at shh.mpg.de
Mobile Phone (Israel): +972-526117713
Mobile Phone (Indonesia): +62-082113720302
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