Sources for Slavic books

Jeff Holdeman holdeman.2 at
Thu Dec 3 00:07:14 UTC 1998

In connection with an AATSEEL panel on curriculum development, I would like
to compile a list of bookstores in North America and the rest of the world
which sell Slavic and East European books--such as Szwede, Schoenhof,
Bohemia Books, and Victor Kamkin.

Could all you bibliophiles out there send me **OFF-LIST** the names of
bookstores and as much relevant information as you have--languages, types
of books (textbooks, dictionaries, literature, etc.), country, and contact
information (mailing address, e-mail, phone number)?  I will compile the
information and post it to the list and/or create a webpage with all
relevant information (with a link from the AATSEEL website).

Thank you in advance,

Jeff Holdeman
The Ohio State University
holdeman.2 at

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