Serbian Summer Programme

Natasa Milicevic-Dobromirov azb at EUnet.yu
Thu Dec 3 00:09:25 UTC 1998

Dear Ms.Mills,
I am a director of the Centre for Serbian Language and Culture, AZBUKUM,
which was founded in 1995. Since then we had over 300 students learning the
language during our summer programmes or upon their individual request.
They were from various countries of  Europe, North America, Asia and
Africa. The 1998 Summer Programme was followed by 95 students from 16
countries (USA, Canada, Japan, Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Danmark, Holland,
Great Britain, France, Italy, Norway, Greece, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania).
As the interest in Serbo-Croatian language is getting bigger, we have
planned 1999 winter language programme as well.
More on our work, stuff and curriculum structure you could find on our web
Hoping that our programmes can satisfy your standards, I am looking forward
to your response.
Sincerely yours,

Natasa Milicevic-Dobromirov

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