Help with Russian translation

Julia Trubikhina jvt8902 at
Wed Dec 9 15:33:59 UTC 1998

Sounds like Zhukovskii (either "Pevets vo stane russkikh voinov" or "Pevets
v Kremle"), but I am not sure.

Julia Trubikhina
New York University

>Dear Seelangers,
>In our glass collection we have a number of pieces made in the first half
>of the
>nineteenth century in honor of Russian victories in the Napoleonic wars.
> Several
>objects are marked with the phrase "Likui Moskva v parizhe Ross vziat 19 marta
>1814."  A Russian woman who recently saw one of these objects observed that
>the phrase was very familiar and thought that it was a line from a poem.  Does
>this ring a bell for anyone else?  Also, can someone suggest how this could be
>rendered in English?
>Thanks in advance,
>Karen Kettering
>Karen L. Kettering
>Associate Curator of Russian Art
>Hillwood Museum
>4155 Linnean Avenue, NW
>Washington, D.C.  20008 USA
>TEL: 202/686-8500 x8533
>FAX: 202/966-7846
>E-mail: hwdkettering at

Julia Trubikhina

212 995-1473 (home)
jvt8902 at
New York University

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