Graduate Study in Russia

Brian K. Stimmler stimmler at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Wed Dec 9 17:31:28 UTC 1998

Please reply to stimmler at

Hello Seelangers:

I am a graduate student in Slavic Linguistics and would like to study in
Moscow next fall.  I was wondering if anyone knew how to go about
taking graduate-level classes in a Russian institute or university.  All
the study-abroad programs are designed for undergraduates, and don't
offer in-depth courses on phonology, syntax, or history of Russian. I'm
not sure whether it would be better to go through the hassle and red tape
of being affiliated with a Russian university, or simply work out my plans
'one-on-one' with a few scholars out there.  Any ideas or opinions?

Thanks for your help,

Brian Stimmler
stimmler at

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