Fulbright-Hays funded program for in-service and pre-service teachers

Thu Dec 17 18:23:54 UTC 1998

American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS announces
The 1999 Summer Russian Language Teachers Program
for In-Service and Pre-Service Teachers

*       Six-week courses at Moscow State University in Russian grammar, conversation, business Russian, language pedagogy, and second language acquisition
*       Special lectures on Russian culture, mass media, politics, and linguistics
*       Round-table discussions of teaching methodologies
*       Small class size (three to five people per group)
*       Classes conducted in Russian by full-time faculty members with extensive experience teaching Russian as a foreign language
*       Russian host families
*       Full and partial scholarships for qualified applicants

*       In-service university instructors of Russian language and culture
*       In-service high school teachers of Russian language and culture
*       Graduate students who intend a teaching career in Russian language and culture
*       Preference given to applicants who have not been to Russia for a sustained period during the past three years.  

Applications can be downloaded from our website: http://www.actr.org

or contact:
Graham Hettlinger
ACTR Russia/Eurasia Outbound Programs
1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
email: hettlinger at actr.org

Approximate program dates: June 29 to August 9, 1999
Application Deadline: March 1, 1999

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