job in Russia

Benjamin Rifkin brifkin at
Wed Dec 23 21:37:52 UTC 1998

I know nothing about this particular firm, but forward it to the list in the
hope that it may be of interest to SEELANGers.  Please direct inquiries to
the individual below.

Happy Holidays to All!

Ben Rifkin

>I am a director of the non-governmental Educational Centre "Mary Poppins
>Bureau". I would like to appeal to you with a request to find a teacher
>of English, either an American person or a student of a linguistic
>specialty who would speak at least some Russian.
>Our Centre has received a permission from the Federal Migration Service
>of Russia which enables us to hire an American English as a Foreign
>Language teacher. The permission is valid until the end of 1999. Due to
>the personal family circumstances our previous American EFL teacher had
>to leave for America. Therefore we have a vacancy open at the moment. We
>provide the teacher with a fully-paid apartment and a good salary by the
>Russian standards. We would also be willing to give more information to
>the people who would be interested.
>The Centre of Modern Languages "Mary Poppins Bureau" Ltd. has been in the
>market of educational service since 1994 and currently we are the biggest
>and fastest growing business in this field. The Centre is just one sector
>of a multi-purpose company offering a wide range of services from
>baby-sitting to managing personnel training as well as 28 foreign
>The English Language Department is the principal department of the Centre
>of Modern Languages and covers all possible language needs of groups and
>individuals, e.g., translation, interpretation, language competence
>training courses, testing schedules for children and adults, professional
>English language-related job orientation, etc.
>Yours faithfully, Natalia Fomina
>Director of "Mary Poppins Bureau"Ltd
>our e-mail address: marypb at
>tel: 7-8612-694972, fax: 7-8612-694772
>Mary Poppins Bureau ltd,
>Mira str. 34 office 408, P.O.Box 4812, 350063, Krasnodar, Russia

Benjamin Rifkin

Associate Professor of Slavic Languages
Coordinator of Russian-Language Instruction

Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1432 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI  53706  USA

voice:  608/262-1623
fax:  608/265-2814
e-mail:  brifkin at


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