Why students do not study Russian anymore

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Tue Jun 6 17:18:42 UTC 2000

>Agreed, but the ignorance flows both ways, whether it comes from blacks
>who think one has "sold out" or from white colleagues who in an effort to
>be friendly make really inane comments (unknowingly or not), such
>as, "I'm sure you give a lecture on Pushkin, right?" and others too
>numerous to mention.

That's a serious oversight on the part of those colleagues since in
American racial system Pushkin was a Black Russian poet (some of my
students completely flipped a few years ago: "So, Pushkin was Black?").

Alina Israeli
LFS, American University                phone:  (202) 885-2387
4400 Mass. Ave., NW                     fax:    (202) 885-1076
Washington, DC 20016

aisrael at american.edu

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