Russian anymore: irrelevant digression on Vonnegut

Laura Goering lgoering at CARLETON.EDU
Wed Jun 7 18:15:54 UTC 2000

>>Names like Truman Capote or even Kurt Vonnegut embarrassed most students I
>>spoke with.
>But somebody must have heard of them. K.V. was the MIT keynote graduation
>speaker a couple of years ago, and T.C. was all over Broadway.

Actually, Vonnegut was never a commencement speaker at MIT, and his
supposed speech that circulated widely on the Internet was written by Mary
Schmich of the Chicago Tribune.  See the URL below for an interesting tale
on how information morphs in cyberspace.,1438,4379-
Laura Goering
Associate Professor of Russian
Dept. of German and Russian
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057
Tel: 507-646-4125

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