faxing Chelyabinsk

Alexander Ogden ogdenj at GWM.SC.EDU
Thu Jun 8 03:14:43 UTC 2000

Dear colleagues,
Does anyone have suggestions on getting a fax to Chelyabinsk?  I need to get a document to a professor at Chelyabinsk State University quite urgently, but she has no idea about where she might be able to receive a fax.  Any suggestions would be most appreciated.  (Suggestions on e-mail might work, too, as long as a contact in Chelyabinsk could receive a file attachment.)  Please respond offline to ogden at sc.edu.
Many thanks,
Alex Ogden

Dr. J. Alexander Ogden
Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian and Comparative Literature
Department of Germanic, Slavic & East Asian
          Languages and Literatures
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
(803) 777-4882; fax: (803) 777-0132
ogden at sc.edu

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