
allan reid russky at UNB.CA
Mon Jun 12 15:06:10 UTC 2000

>Persons hitting a ball with a stick and persons throwing a ball into a
>basket earn hundreds and even thousands times more than  persons who teach
>at school or university (Nobel Prize winners including).
This may be true, and obscene, but it is hardly restricted or peculiar to
America.  It is equally true in most other countries, although the
individuals in questions may be more likely to be kicking a ball or driving
a fast car instead.

Allan Reid
Chair, Dep't of Culture and Language Studies
Associate Professor of Russian

University of New Brunswick     tel: (506) 458-7714
P.O. Box 4400                   fax: (506) 447-3166
Fredericton, N.B.               http://www.unb.ca/web/arts
Canada   E3B 5A3

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