Millionare game

Alexandre Bougakov bougakov at MAIL.RU
Fri Jun 16 06:48:56 UTC 2000

Hello, List,

As far as I remember, someone asked about computer version of 'Who wants to
be a millionaire' couple of weeks ago. Sorry, I do not remember, who - my
mailer erases all messages older than one week.

Online version of this game is available at

If you have MS Excel 97 or 2000 you can download a macro from This game is available for free,
its size is only 480Kb.

Sorry that I am a little bit (ha-ha-ha) late - I have found this game
accidentally just yesterday.

Enjoy playing it!

Sincerely yours,
Alexandre Bougakov <mailto:bougakov at>
Student of the sociological faculty of the Higher School of Economics
(, Moscow, Russian
My website is (thousands of sociology related
links on the Web
- in Russian, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or higher is required)
My PGP key ID is 0x97F20C99, Key Fingerprint is C83C 5998 F43A BEB7 70DF
 B8FC CC5E 960E 97F2 0C99 (PGP version is 6.0.2i)

P.S. Thanks God, it's Friday!!! Good weekend to all of you and your

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