Books/courses on simultaneous interpretation

Kenneth E Udut simplify3 at JUNO.COM
Fri Jun 16 03:48:45 UTC 2000

Oh!  How exciting!  The cassette course
sounds particularly fasctinating -- I hope you will
post here on SEELANGS when it becomes available!

Tonight, I ordered the 2nd edition of the
English version of your simultaneous
translation book from barnes & noble.

After I have worked with it for a while, I will
also order the Russian version of your simultaneous
translation book,.and compare.  [definately
a very valuable resource - to have a book
on a subject in both the native language
and target language!]

I look forward to receiving the English version,
and if it works out for my purposes, the
Russian book next, and finally, when Valent
publishes your audio course, I'll get that too.

Jobs specifically for simultaneous
translators seem to be limited in
the US market (and the rate of pay levels
off after a few years, at least according
to the govt statistics), but:

1) I think for one like myself still learning
to speak Russian, it is a good resource
(and will help in times that I practice
"shadowing" Russian TV or shortwave)

2) being able to simultaneously translate
in both directions is a skill that can be
of value in unrelated professions,
much as an ability to write macros
in Microsoft Excel can find usefulness
in fields other than generating automated
reports on a day-to-day basis.

Thanks for the quick response!

simplify3 at, kenneth.udut at

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 21:26:31 EDT Lvisson at AOL.COM writes:
> In answer to the question:
> There is the English edition of my book, "From Russian Into English:
>  An
> Introduction to Simultaneous Interpretation,"( Second edition, Focus
> Publishing, Newburyport, MA, 1999) available at website
>  or
> by mail:  Focus/c/o PBS,  Box 390, Jaffrey, NH 03452, or by phone:
> (EST)
> (603)) 532-7454 or (800- 848-7236.  The book is intended for native
> speakers
> of English.
>   The Russian edition, "Sinkhronnyi perevod s russkogo na
> angliiskii:
> priemy, navyki, posbiia" (Moskva:  Valent, 1999) is intended for
> native
> speakers of Russian, and is available from the website
> and from Panorama Books (mbraun at
>    My audiocourse "Praktikum po sinkhronnomu perevodu s russkogo na
> angliiskii (s audioprilozheniem)  (Moskva: Valent, 2000) with 4
> cassettes
> should soon also be available from Panorama, and later in the summer
> I may be
> able to provide other sources (lvisson at
> The audiocourse consists of 25 Russian texts with English
> translation and
> stylistic  variants., Texts are read at slow and fast speeds in
> Russian and
> English, cover a variety of subjects.
> Will be glad to provide further information-
> L. Visson

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